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The results of several studies indicate that consumption of trans fatty acids increases plasma LDL-cholesterol and plasma lipoprotein (a) levels, two independent biochemical risk factors for the development of coronary heart disease. With regard to the harmful effect of trans fatty acids on human health and the lack of randomized studies in Poland on their content in food, the monitoring study was started. The fatty acid composition of 107 randomly selected products from 7 food groups in the whole country was analyzed by high-resolution capillary gas chromatography. The highest content of trans fatty acids was detected in the group of dry soups and sauces (18.86%) followed by confectionery (10.14%) and chocolate products (7.86%), than snacks and potato chips, fast foods and hard and soft margarines in decreasing order.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- National Food and Nutrition Institute in Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
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