Tytuł artykułu
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Double-layer repair of a hard palate defect in a dog
Języki publikacji
Based on the review of literature and their own clinical experience, the authors presented the merits of local flap repair of posttraumatic hard palate defects in dogs. In the case described, the dog underwent surgery due to a posttraumatic defect of the hard palate. The defect resulted from damage to the facial skeleton and caused food and fluid penetration to the nasal cavity as well as choking and coughing while eating. The palatal defect was repaired with the neighbouring flaps, creating the first layer with two rotated palatal flaps and an external one with the flap from the oral vestibule. The fistula was entirely covered and the oral cavity separated from the nasal cavity.
Opis fizyczny
- Wojewodzki Szpital Specjalistyczny, ul.Chopina 2, 35-055 Rzeszow
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