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Cambio- and xylophagous insects infesting European fir [Abies alba Mill.] cut off tree tops and branches left in the forest after cuttings
Języki publikacji
Field studies were carried out on 12 sample plots established in selected pure European fir stands, or stands with predominance of this tree species, in Lesko Forest District (Krosno Forest Region) and Krynica Experimental Forests. In total 200 fir tree-tops (100 in Lesko and 100 in Krynica) were analyzed. All tree-tops were infested by cambio- and xylophagous insects (Cerambycidae - 4 species, Curculionidae - 4, Melandryidae - 1, Siricidae - 1). The mean number of brood galleries per single tree-top was 76 (minimum 5, maximum 245). Cryphalus piceae and Pityphthorus pityographus were characterized by the highest mean indexes of dominance, frequency, and dominance structure. In Lesko Forest District 15 different insect associations (composed of 2-4 species) were found on tree-tops analyzed during this study. The association composed of Cryphalus piceae and Pityophthorus pityographus occurred most frequently (61.5%). It was found that the occurrence of brood galleries of some species depended on the diameter of a tree-top 0.5 m section, and the bark thickness.
Słowa kluczowe
entomologia lesna
jodla pospolita
Abies alba
ciecie drzew
ciecia odslaniajace
ciecia rebne
trzebiez pozna
pozostalosci zrebowe
galezie sciete
wierzcholki sciete
szkodniki wtorne
zgrupowania zwierzat
sklad gatunkowy
struktura zgrupowan
znaczenie gospodarcze
Opis fizyczny
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