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Celem pracy była analiza profilu drobnoustrojów izolowanych od biorców nerki. Ogółem pobrano 140 próbek od 53 pacjentów i 40 próbek płynu konserwującego Euro-Colins. Obecność drobnoustrojów wykazano w 125 (69,4%) próbkach. Bakterie Gram-dodatnie stanowiły 58,4%, Gram-ujemne - 34,2%, a grzyby – 7,4%.
One of the most important reasons of complications after organ transplantation may be the infections. The aim of the present work was to analyse of microorganisms isolated from patients, which were the recipients for kidney transplantation in 2001 year. The diagnostic material contained 140 samples from 53 patients, 40 (22,2%) samples from Euro-Collins fluid used for kidney storage before the transplantation and 3 end-pieces of catheter. The positive cultures were found in 125 (69,4%) samples. Gram-positive bacteria constituted 58,4%, Gram-negative bacteria - 34,2%, fungi - 7,4%. 140 strains of microorganisms were isolated from pharyngeal swabs and 55 strains of bacteria were isolated from palm swabs. Most of them were considered as a physiological flora. It was found 4-time significant bac- teriuria among positive cultures from urine samples. In the cultures of fluid used for kidney storage 12 (30,0%) positive samples were obtained, out of which 16 strains of microorganisms were isolated. Among the strains of Staphylococcus 35,3% were MR. Among 18 strains of Gram-negative rods one strain was multiresistant to antibiotics. None of analyzed strains was ESßL-producing. A high percentage of positive cultures from fluid used for kidney storage suggests the possibility of contamination of the organ with bacteria coming from kidney donor or during the storage, transport and actions connected with taking the organ to the transplantation.
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Medyczna, Bydgoszcz
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