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Both sewage sludge and fly ash are wastes. Their granulation can decrease their adverse effect. Due to the contents of biogens in the sewage sludge the granulates will have fertilizing and soil-forming properties. The aim of this study was to find such proportion of components used for production of ash-sludge granulates that would decrease the volume of extracted contaminants to meet the requirements of regulation [36] preserving their fertilizing properties. In our study two types of fly ash were mixed in various proportions with municipal stabilized sewage sludge. The obtained granulates were subjected to one- and three-stage elution tests. In the eluates the concentration of nitrogen compounds, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and heavy metals was determined. The mixture with the same share of sewage sludge and fly ash proved to be of high fertilizing value at the same time.
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- Polish Academy of Sciences, 34 M.Curie-Sklodowskiej St., 41-819 Zabrze, Poland
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- 37. Polska Norma PN-Z-15009:1997. Odpady stałe. Przygotowanie wyciągu wodnego.
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