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Digestive processes and absorption of lysine in the small intestine of a pig were characterized. The influence of high er temperature on lysine availability in processed or dried feedstuffs was elucidated. The influence of genotype on lysine requirement, ideal protein concept and digestibility of lysine in various feedstuffs were described. Recent dietary recommendations concerning total lysine, apparent digestible lysine and their ratios to dietary energy were given, including the results of own experiments. On the basis of nitrogen balance experiment, the optimum ratios of apparent ileal digestible lysine (ID Lys) to metabolizable energy (ME) for pigs of 15, 20 and 25 kg of body weight were found to be 0.85, 0.81 and 0.77 g · MJ⁻¹ respectively at dietary energy concentration of 14.5 MJ ME · kg⁻¹. Growth performance results were maximized at the ratio of 0.82 g ID Lys · MJ⁻¹ ME, especially for pigs from 13 to 20 kg of body weight.
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- Degussa AG, Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce, ul.Plocka 15, 01-231 Warszawa
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