Warianty tytułu
Stadia rozwojowe pierwotniakow Trichodina kupermani Arthur et Lom, 1984 [Ciliophora, Peritrichia] pasozyta rozpiora Abramis ballerus [L.]
Języki publikacji
Studied specimens of the blue bream, Abramis ballerus (L.) originated from Dąbie Lake-a component of the Odra River estuary (northwestern Poland). The gills of the host fish yielded a number of adult specimens and different developmental stages of Trichodina kupermani Arthur et Lom, 1984. Among the developmental stages there were post-cleavage and post-conjugation individuals. There were distinct morphological differences observed between these two developmental forms. They both differed also form the adult specimens.
Badane rozpióry pochodziły z jeziora Dąbie położonego w pobliżu Szczecina i mającego połączenie z ujściowym odcinkiem rzeki Odry. Na skrzełach tego żywiciela znaleziono osobniki dorosłe i różne stadia rozwojowe Trichodina kupermani. Były to formy potomne po podziale i po procesie koniugacji. Stadia po podziale wykazywały wyraźne różnice morfologiczne w porównaniu do form po koniugacji. Różniły się one także od osobników całkowicie dorosłych. Występowanie makrokoniugantów w analizowanym materiale świadczy o rozmnażaniu płciowym T. kupermani, rzadko notowanym u przedstawicieli rodziny Trichodinidae.
Opis fizyczny
s.43-47, fot.,bibliogr.
- Akademia Rolnicza, Kazimierza Krolewicza 4, 71-550 Szczecin
- Albaladejo J.D., J.R. Arthur, 1989: Some trichodinids (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Peritrichida) from freshwater fishes imported into the Philippines. Asian Fisheries Science, 3: 1-25.
- Arthur J.R., J. Lom. 1984: Trichodinid Protozoa (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) from freshwater fishes of Rybinsk Reservoir, USSR. J. Protozool., 31, 1: 82-91.
- Arthur J.R.. L. Margolis, 1984: Trichodina truttae Mueller, 1937 (Ciliophora: Peritrichida),a commnon pathogenic ectoparasite of cultured juvenile salmonid fishes in British Columbia:redescription and examination by scanning electron microscopy. Can. J. Zool., 62: 1842-1848.
- Basson L.,J.G. Van As, 1989: Differential diagnosis of the genera in the family Trichodinidae (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) with the description of a new genus ectoparasitic on freshwater fish from southern Africa Systematic Parasitol., 13: 153-160.
- Feng Shujuan, 1985: A biological investigation of asexual reproduction of Trichodina nobilis Chen. Acta Hydrobiol. Sinica, 9, 4: 331-342. (In Chinese, English Summary).
- Kazubski S.L., 1967: Study on the growth of skeletal elements in Trichodina pediculus Ehrbg.Acta Protozool., 5, 2: 37-48.
- Lom J., 1995: Trichodinidae and other ciliates (Phylum Ciliophora). In: Fish diseases and disorders. l. Protozoan and metazoan infections [P.T.K. Woo (ed.)]. Univ. Press, Cambridge: 229-262.
- Lom J., L. Dykova, 1992: Protozoan parasites of fishes. Elsevier. Amsterdam-London-New York-Tokyo: 237-288.
- Lom J., G.L. Hoffman. 1964: Geographic distribution of some species of trichodinids (Ciliata: Peritricha) parasitic on fishes. J. Parasitol, 50, 1: 30-35.
- Stein G.A.. 1967: Parazitičeskie infuzorii (Peritricha, Urceolariidae) nekotoryh ryb Kamčatki [Parasitic ciliates (Peritricha. Urceolariidae) of some fishes of the Kamchatka]. Acta Protozool.. 4, 28: 291-306. (In Russian, English summary).
- Wierzbicka J., 1997: Ciliates (Ciliophora) parasitic on the gills of the blue bream, Abramis ballerus (L.) from Dąbie lake (Poland). Acta Ichth, Piscat., 27. 2: 135-144.
- Albalndejo J.D., J.R. Arthur, 1989: Some trichodinids (Protozoa: Ciliophora: Peritrichida) from freshwater fishes imported into the Philippines. Asian Fisheries Science, 3: 1-25.
- Arthur J.R., J. Lom. 1984: Trichodinid Protozoa (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) from freshwater fishes of Rybinsk Reservoir, USSR. J. Protozool., 31, 1: 82-91.
- Arthur J.R.. L. Margolis, 1984: Trichodina truttae Mueller, 1937 (Ciliophora: Peritrichida),a commnon pathogenic ectoparasite of cultured juvenile salmonid fishes in British Columbia:redescription and examination by scanning electron microscopy. Can. J. Zool., 62: 1842-1848.
- Basson L.,J.G. Van As, 1989: Differential diagnosis of the genera in the family Trichodinidae (Ciliophora: Peritrichida) with the description of a new genus ectoparasitic on freshwater fish from southern Africa Systematic Parasitol., 13: 153-160.
- Feng Shujuan, 1985: A biological investigation of asexual reproduction of Trichodina nobilis Chen. Acta Hydrobiol. Sinica, 9, 4: 331-342. (In Chinese, English Summary).
- Kazubski S.L., 1967: Study on the growth of skeletal elements in Trichodina pediculus Ehrbg.Acta Protozool., 5, 2: 37-48.
- Lom J., 1995: Trichodinidae and other ciliates (Phylum Ciliophora). In: Fish diseases and disorders. l. Protozoan and metazoan infections [P.T.K. Woo (ed.)]. Univ. Press, Cambridge: 229-262.
- Lom J., L. Dykova, 1992: Protozoan parasites of fishes. Elsevier. Amsterdam-London-New York-Tokyo: 237-288.
- Lom J., G.L. Hoffman. 1964: Geographic distribution of some species of trichodinids (Ciliata: Peritricha) parasitic on fishes. J. Parasitol, 50, 1: 30-35.
- Stein G.A.. 1967: Parazitičeskie infuzorii (Peritricha, Urceolariidae) nekotoryh ryb Kamčatki [Parasitic ciliates (Peritricha. Urceolariidae) of some fishes of the Kamchatka]. Acta Protozool.. 4, 28: 291-306. (In Russian, English summary).
- Wierzbicka J., 1997: Ciliates (Ciliophora) parasitic on the gills of the blue bream, Abramis ballerus (L.) from Dąbie lake (Poland). Acta Ichth, Piscat., 27. 2: 135-144.
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