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The impact of bark stripping caused by red deer on height and volume increment of silver fir [Abies alba Mill.]
Języki publikacji
The paper presents the results of studies carried out in the Forest Experimental Station in Krynica (Beskid Sądecki Mts,, Southern Poland), where the influence of bark-stripping on height and volume increment of silver fir was analyzed on the sample plots established in stands with fir share. On the basis on measurements done in the field and on discs cut from wounded and uninjured trees, stem analyses of firs were performed. Average decrease of height and volume increment of all studied damaged trees amounted respectively 12% and 6% of the last increment before bark stripping. The comparison of height and volume increment of wounded and unwounded fir trees pointed at existence of statistically significant differences. The decrease of height and volume increment in the first year after injury, which was determined respectively on 62% and 58% wounded trees, was not affected by the dimensions of wounds and their locations on tree trunks. Only the average value of volume increment in the first three and five years after injury depended significantly on the length of wound and its location on tree trunk.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Akademia Rolnicza, Al.29 Listopada 46, 31-425 Krakow
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