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2000 | 46 | 69-86
Tytuł artykułu

Zastosowanie roznych zrodel wapnia dla kur niosek

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Języki publikacji
Najkorzystniejsze, chociaż nie potwierdzone statystycznie, wyniki produkcyjne, analizowane za okres 90 dni uzyskały kury z grupy III (nieśność 82,6%; łączna masa jaj 4,45 kg). Najniższe zużycie paszy odnotowano u niosek otrzymujących preparat B, jednak w tej grupie oraz w grupie II zarejestrowano najwyższy udział stłuczek. W technologicznych parametrach jakości jaj występowały istotne, lecz nieukierunkowane różnice międzygrupowe. Wytrzymałość skorupy jaja, jej masa i grubość były ogółem najkorzystniejsze przy podawaniu kurom preparatu B. Udział skorupy w masie jaj był ogółem bardzo wysoki i wynosił powyżej 13%, lecz wytrzymałość skorupy na zgniatanie była w sumie niska. Znajduje to wyjaśnienie w znacznym wydalaniu wapnia i fosforu u kur, wskazującym na zbyt niskie pobieranie wapnia przez ptaki i zaburzenia w gospodarce wapniowofosforowej. Najwyższe odkładanie wapnia w skorupie jaj wystąpiło jednak u kur z II grupy doświadczalnej.
Experiment was carried out on layers of Hisex Brown breed during the 42-54 weeks of their laying period. Hens were allocated according to analogue method into 3 groups, each consisted of 12 replications (cages), 3 animals per cage. After 8 days of introductory period, in that the experimental mixtures diversified in the kind of mineral additives, that is to say limestone (I) and calcium preparations A (II) or B (III) were given, the basal laying performance evaluation was launched. Mentioned mineral supplements were characterized by a different particle-size of calcium compounds and 4,5% of limestone of each mixture was replaced with them, respectively. The number and weight of eggs, quantity of feed intake, share of cracked-eggs in total eggs production as well as Ca level in blood serum were estimated. In two series of measurements, 60 eggs from each feeding group was evaluated according to technological standards. Nitrogen and phosphorus balances were carried out during 45-46 as well as during 51-52 weeks of laying. Also, the solubility degree ofused calcium chemicals in 0,1; 0,2; 0,3 and 3 nHCl as well as their particle-size using sieveanalysis were estimated. Calcium preparation A has contained 36 and preparation B has had 77% of particles > 2 mm. Preparation B was characterized by a worse solubility. Most profitable, however statisticaly not proved productive results, analysed for 90 days, in the hens from III group were obtained (laying rate 82,6%, total egg weight 4,45 kg). Lowest feed utilization was observed in the hens given B preparation (III) but in this and II group highest share of cracked-eggs were noted. In technological parameters of eggs quality, there were significant but without clear tendency differences between groups. The strength of egg-shell, its weight and thickness were totally most profitable when the hens were fed calcium preparation B. The share of shell in total egg mass was totally very high and amounted over 13% but the anti-crushing shell strength was in all low. It found the explanation in a great calcium and phosphorus excretion, pointed on too low calcium intake and disturbances in calcium-phosphorus status. Highest shell-Ca storage in hens from II experimental group was observed.
Opis fizyczny
  • Akademia Rolnicza, Wroclaw
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