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The work aimed at the determination of the species composition as well as the intensity and prevalence of the nematode infection of the stomach of wild ducks (subfamily Anatinae) from NW Poland. The birds acquired for the study (143 specimens) represented three tribes of varied biology and ecology: Anatini, Aythyini and Mergini. The nematodes (1504 specimens, average 10.5 in one duck) were found in the stomachs of 123 wild ducks (86.0% examined birds). The parasitic nematode fauna of the wild duck stomachs was noted to be quite abundant at the level of the host population (6 species: Eustrongylides mergorum, Hystrichis tricolor, Amidostomum acutum, Tetrameres fissispina, Streptocara crassicauda, Echinuria uncinata), though it was considerably plentiful in Anatini (5 species), and scarce in Aythyini (2 species).
- Agricultural University, 20 Doktora Judyma Street, 71-450 Szczecin, Poland
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