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According to some prognoses the renewable energy sources (including biomass from agricultural land) will play an important role on energy market in the second decade of 21st century. On the basis of achievements in other countries it may be concluded that also in Warmia and Mazury region some activities should be undertaken to introduce new agricultural policy oriented towards promotion of growing of non-food crops i.e. for industrial or energy production purposes which could be considered as the supplementary crops. Results of preliminary studies carried out at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn are very promising because some selected willow clones at application of intensive growing methods gave the yield ranging from 11.0 to 26.0 t · ha⁻¹ • year⁻¹ of wood dry matter. It was found that the efficiency of willow growing in terms of energy output might be 10 times high er as comparing to growing of winter oil rape. Some studies concentrated on gasifying of willow biomass were carried out. Thermo-generator of 2.5 MW was constructed, where low caloric gas supplies the set of bumers which are capable to heat 100 family houses. It is predicted that in 2010 this low caloric gas generated from willow biomass (with high content of carbon oxide) will be utilized on industrial scale to methanol synthesis and in ceramic cells to production of electricity and heat. Join efforts of local authorities, scientists and mass media are necessary to implement the new solution of biomass utilization for energy purposes and other market products what finally should generate substantial progress in agriculture, environmental protection and enable to help in solving important social problem on rural areas.
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- Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski, Pl. Lodzki 3, 10-727 Olsztyn
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