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The fatty acid composition of principally conjugated linoleic isomers and cholesterol content of some Pakistani dairy products (butter, cheese, yoghurt and cream) are reported. The most abundant saturated fatty acids within the dairy products studied were palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) and myristic acid (C14:0), contributing 50-55 g/100 g of total fatty acids. The oleic acid (C18:1) content was considerably higher (21.20-24.12 g/100 g of total fatty acids) than the other unsaturated fatty acids in all dairy products examined. The mean cholesterol content ranged between 91-200 mg/100 g in total fat. A positive correlation between cholesterol and fat content (r=0.6288) of dairy products was found for pooled data. Among dairy products investigated, cheese contains higher mean values (p<0.05) of CLA (9.00 mg/g) as compared to butter (8.18 mg/g), yoghurt (8.27 mg/g) and cream (8.52 mg/g) samples. In order to understand the factors that affect the CLA levels in dairy products the whole production system needs to be carefully checked, with special attention to animal feeding patterns, characteristics of milk used and different stages in processing.
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- University of Sindh, Jamshoro-76080, Pakistan
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