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Comparison of routine serological investigations performed in three different laboratories in Poland for the diagnosis of pertussis
Języki publikacji
Przeanalizowano 2653 wyniki rutynowo wykonywanych badań serologicznych w kierunku krztuśca, przeprowadzonych w trzech różnych laboratoriach na terenie kraju. Wykazano dość istotne różnice w uzyskanych wynikach badań, zwłaszcza przy poszukiwaniu przeciwciał klasy IgA i IgM. Stwierdzono znamiennie częstsze występowanie przeciwciał dla antygenów pałeczek B. pertussis u pacjentów ambulatoryjnych w porównaniu do pacjentów hospitalizowanych.
We compared the 2.653 results of routine serological investigations performed in three different laboratories in Poland for the diagnosis of pertussis. One of the laboratories used the NovaLisa Bordetella pertussis kit produced by NovaTec GmbH and the two others used Bordetella pertussis ELISA kit produced by Genzyme Virotech GmbH. In first laboratory the diagnostic level of IgA antibodies to the pertussis toxin was observed in 11,0%, IgG in 52,7% and IgM in 27,4% serum samples. In the second and third laboratory the diagnostic level of IgA antibodies were found respectively in 22,2% and 40,1%, IgG in 46,8% and 66,4% and IgM only in 8,7% and 4,8% serum samples. In total, IgA antibodies were found in 28,0%, IgG antibodies in 56,0% and IgM antibodies in 14,3% serum samples obtained from patients suspected in clinical investigation for pertussis. We have observed that the frequency of detection of the antibodies in children and adolescents increased with age reaching its peak among individuals with age range between 11-20 years. We also found statistical significant higher frequency of IgA, IgG and IgM antibodies to B. pertussis in outpatients than in hospital patients.
Opis fizyczny
- Zaklad Bakteriologii, Narodowy Instytut Zdrowia Publicznego - Panstwowy Zaklad Higieny, ul.Chocimska 24, 00-791 Warszawa
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