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Monitoring of selected natural habitat types and species in Poland in 2006-2008
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W latach 2006–2008 Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN koordynował projekt, zlecony przez Główny Inspektorat Ochrony Środowiska, p.t. Monitoring gatunków i siedlisk przyrodniczych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem specjalnych obszarów ochrony siedlisk Natura 2000. Głównym celem tego zadania było wypracowanie podstaw organizacyjnych i metodycznych systemu monitoringu przyrodniczego, zgodnego z wymogami prawa unijnego i potrzebami krajowej ochrony przyrody. W artykule omówiono założenia i sposób prowadzenia prac oraz ich wyniki, pozwalające na ocenę stanu ochrony wybranych siedlisk przyrodniczych i gatunków na poziomie badanych stanowisk, obszarów Natura 2000 i regionów biogeograficznych
According to the Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (Habitats Directive), the Member States of the European Community are obliged to undertake the surveillance of the conservation status of the natural habitat types and species covered by the Annexes I, II, IV and V of this Directive and report on the results of this surveillance each 6 years. To meet these requirements the project entitled Monitoring of species and natural habitats, with particular reference to the special areas of conservation of the Natura 2000 network – phase I and II was carried out in Poland in the years 2006–2008. The project was supervised by the Chief Inspectorate of Environmental Protection, financed by the National Fund of Environmental Protection, and coordinated by the Institute of Nature Conservation PAS in Kraków. The main goals of the project were to develop and implement monitoring schemes for selected habitat types and species, especially those defined as “priority” ones, and assess their conservation status on the basis of monitoring results. Studies were carried out in localities situated mostly in the proposed sites of Community importance of the Natura 2000 network but also outside the network. The scope of data collected at a locality level was based on guidelines for reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive. Conservation status of a habitat type at a monitoring locality was determined on the basis of three parameters: habitat area, structure and functions and future prospects, while conservation status of species, on such parameters as population, habitat of species and future prospects. Selected indices were used do assess the current status of “habitat structure and functions”, “population of species” and “habitat of species”. Future prospects were judged by experts on the basis of e.g. identified main pressures and threats, current conservation status, already applied conservation measures etc. Indices and parameters of conservation status were valuated in a three-level scale: FV – favorable, U1 – unfavorable/inadequate, U2 – unfavorable/bad. The 2006–2008 monitoring was the first monitoring of habitat types in Poland. It covered 20 habitat types, including grey dunes, raised bogs, various types of grasslands and forests. These were both rare habitat types occurring locally at isolated sites and widely spread habitat types. Generally, the conservation status has been assessed as favorable only at 30% of the investigated localities situated within the Natura 2000 area and at mere 20% of the localities situated outside the Natura 2000 sites. In addition, future prospects have been assessed as inadequate (U1) or bad (U2) at 60% of the localities within the Natura 2000 sites, which suggests that many negative pressures and threats have been identified. Unfavorable (U1 or U2) conservation status was often assessed for semi-natural habitats, whose maintenance requires extensive mowing or grazing. Unfavorable conservation status was also determined for habitat types vulnerable to changes in water conditions (drainage, lowering of groundwater level, lack of regular flooding). The 16 plant species, included in the 2006–2008 monitorning, represented various types of environments. Most of them are extremely rare. The monitoring results showed that almost 40% of the priority species, including some considered as threatened in the country, were in favorable conservation status (FV). Yet, it should be stressed that some of the investigated priority species are connected with relatively well preserved, mountain habitats. Generally, at most localities the status of plant species was assessed as inadequate (35%) or bad (18%). Most often, it was the status of habitat of species that decided about the overall unfavorable conservation status of the species. The data collected allow to indicate these localties, which require special attention and urgent conservation measures. The 2006–2008 monitoring studies contributed much to the knowledge about the occurrence of some species (i.e. Serratula lycopifolia, Galium sudeticum, Cochlearia tatrae, Campanula serrata, Erysimum pieninicum, Liparis loeselii). 180 Chrońmy Przyr. Ojcz. rocznik 65, zeszyt 3, 2009. The 2006–2008 monitoring programme was focused on 20 animal species, including the widely distributed species, still abundant and known from numerous localities (Ophiogomphus cecilia, Triturus cristatus), as well as rare species of very restricted distribution (Phryganophilus ruficollis, Pseudogaurotina excellens), and even species of uncertain occurrence in Poland (Xylomoia strix). The results of the monitoring revwealed the inadequate (U1) conservation status of most species at most localities, which was an effect of inadequate status of both population and habitat of species. For some invertebrates of elusive, cryptic lifestyle (Callimorpha quadripunctaria, Osmoderma eremita, Rosalia alpina) it was impossible to assess unambiguously their population status at certain localities. In the case of 13 animal species, the selection of monitoring localities allowed to draw conclusions on their conservation status at a biogeographical region level. Four of these species (Ophiogomphus cecilia, Phryganophilus ruficollis, Callimorpha quadripunctaria, Marmota marmota) were found to be in favourable conservation status (FV), eight species – in inadequate (U1) and one species (Spermophilus suslicus) in bad (U2). One of the significant results of the 2006–2008 monitoring programme was an improvement of the knowledge of the occurrence of some species (Pseudogurotina excellens, Rosalia alpina, Callimorpha quadripunctaria, Triturus cristatus). The results of the 2006–2008 monitoring will be used for elaboration of the report on the conservation status of habitat types and species of Community interest in 2013. Foremost, these results should be used for planning and implementing conservation measures aimed to improve the conservation status of habitats and species at these localities where it is unfavorable. In view of the limited financial resources for nature conservation, monitoring results could be a useful tool for the optimisation of conservation actions regarding both the subject and place of the planned activity.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, al.Mickiewicza 33, 31-120 Krakow
- Cierlik G., Makomaska-Juchiewicz M., Mróz W, Perzanowska J., Król W, Zięcik A. 2008. Raport końcowy z zadania zrealizowanego w ramach umowy nr 48/2006/F z dnia 15 grudnia 2006 r. GIOŚ, Warszawa (msc.).
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- Explanatory Notes & Guidelines for Assessment, monitoring and reporting under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive. Final draft - October 2006. 2006 [ documents/themen/natura2000/ec_guidance_ 2006_art17.pdf].
- Monitoring gatunków i siedlisk przyrodniczych ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem specjalnych obszarów ochrony siedlisk Natura 2000 - faza pierwsza. Raport z zadania zrealizowanego w ramach umowy nr 8/2006/B z dnia 10 sierpnia 2006 r. GIOŚ, Warszawa, listopad 2006 (msc.).
- Opracowanie części raportu dla Komisji Europejskiej z wdrażania Dyrektywy Siedliskowej w zakresie dot. monitoringu (tj. stanu zachowania, zwanego zamiennie stanem ochrony, siedlisk przyrodniczych i gatunków z załączników Dyrektywy Siedliskowej) dla regionu biogeograficznego kontynentalnego i bałtyckiego. Raport z zadania zrealizowanego w ramach umowy nr 48/2006/F z dnia 15 grudnia 2006 r. GIOŚ, Warszawa, maj 2007 (msc.).
- Opracowanie tekstów przewodników metodologicznych dla gatunków i siedlisk przyrodniczych. Raport z zadania zrealizowanego w ramach umowy nr 48/2006/F z dnia 15 grudnia 2006 r. GIOŚ, Warszawa, wrzesień 2008 (msc.).
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