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2005 | 53 | 2 |
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Changes of forest flora composition in vicinity of dens of red fox and setts of Euroasian badger

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Denning and sett construction made by the red fox and Eurasian badger may cause changes in forest vegetation. These changes relate to both the cover and the species composition of forest-floor vegetation, with some plant species being eliminated and some promoted in the vicinity of dens and setts. In general, there is a reduction in the number and coverage of acidophilous, oligotrophic and skiophilous species, and a promotion of basophilous, eutrophic and heliophilous ones. There is also a decline in the abundance and cover of geophytes, chamephytes and phanerophytes, and an increase in the role of bryophytes (as well as therophytes and hemicryptophytes in the case of badger setts). Where dens are concerned, species characteristic for the Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. 1939 and QuercoFagetea Br.-Bl. et Vlieg. 1937 classes are less significant, and those typical for Artemisietea vulgaris Lohm., Prsg et R.Tx1971950moresignificant. On badger setts, species characteristic of the class Epilobietea angustifoliae R.Tx. et Prsg 1950 are also more significant. The disturbanes brought about by the activity of badgers are more evident than those induced by foxes, but they do not differ in terms of their ecological nature.
Opis fizyczny
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