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The aim of our study was to evaluate the physiological and pathological variations of plural renal arteries in individuals of various constitutional types. Data about sixty-six renal angiographies obtained post-mortem from 35 traffic accident victims were compared with 68 aortonephrograms of 35 randomly selected patients of the Medical Department. During the autopsy of the traffic casualties no major pathological traces were observed. Out of 35 medical patients, 19 were presented with no signs of renal artery diseases, 14 were diagnosed for stenosis of renal arteries and 2 for diabetes mellitus. Abdominal aortography with following selective angiography was performed. Out of the total of 35 patients examined by method of abdominal aortography with following selective angiography, plural renal arteries (PRA) were observed in 9 cases (25.7%), two of these having a double-sided PRA. Among 19 patients without angiography, signs of renal artery pathologies PRA were present in 5 cases (26.3%). This was also observed in 2 out of 14 patients with RA stenosis (14.2%), and in both diabetic patients. Among 35 examined patients, PRA were found in 25.7% (9 cases), in two of them PRA were revealed on both sides (5.7%). A total of 68 nephrograms was obtained in 35 patients (2 patients had one kidney only). PRA were present in 16.2% (11) of nephrograms. Six (25%) out of a total of 24 men had PRA. Among 11 examined women, PRA were observed in 3 cases (27.2%). Right-sided PRA were revealed in 6 out of a total of 35 right kidneys (17.1%) and left-sided PRA in 5 (15.2%) out of 33 left kidneys. Among 35 renal preparations taken from corpses of people who died from injures and had no renal or any other pathology, PRA were present in 9 cases (25.7%). PRA were counted in 9 cases (34.6%) of 26 preparations from corpses with advanced arteriosclerosis. Plural kidney arteries were met in 3 cases from 5 preparations taken from diabetic cadavers (60%). PRA were found in 21 (31.8%) cases out of 66 preparations examined by method of post vital angiography. PRA were noticed in 9 (28.1%) cases of 32 right side preparations, and in 12 cases (35.3%) of 34 left side preparations. PRA were observed in 11 cases (30.6%) of 36 male preparations, and in 10 cases (33.3%) of 30 female preparations. Due to the constitutional types of body: in picnic type cadavers and patients PRA were described in 12 cases (36.4%) of a total of 33, in mesomorphic type — in 8 cases (29.6%) of a total of 27, and in asthenic type cadavers — in 1 case out of 10 (10%). Total statistics showed that most often lower pole (50%) and upper pole (16.5%) accessory arteries were observed. Upper pole perforating arteries were described in nearly 22%, but lower pole arteries only in 4.4%. Double renal arteries occurred in 18.7%, and upper pole accessory arteries in 16.5%. Triple renal arteries were found very seldom (nearly 3%).
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Danilo Galitsky Lviv Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine
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