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The biological value of lupin seed proteins
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Paper presents a review of recent literature concerning the biological value of seed proteins of yellow, narrow-leaved and white lupin. The lupin seeds are known for highest among leguminous plants protein content (29-52% d.m) which is qualitatively and quantitatively comparable with soy protein. The protein content and its quality described as amino acids composition are not constant for the species or for the cultivar. The main proteins of lupin seeds are globulins (60-80%) and albumins (ca 20%). The globulins consist of three fractions: conglutins α, conglutins ß and conglutins γ. Good quality of proteins is determined by the presence of exogenous amino acids. Sulphur amino acids are considered as limiting amino acids, particularly methionin. The intrest in cultivated lupin species is connected to European tendencies in agrotechnique aiming at propagating of ecological and sustainable agriculture. Moreover, lupin might be employed as protein source in human and animal feeding and as an organic fertilizer.
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- Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski, ul.Prawochenskiego 17, 10-722 Olsztyn
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