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The importance of glycosylation in biological events and the role it plays in glycoprotein function and structure is an area in which there is growing interest. In order to understand how glycosylation affects the shape or function of a protein it is however important to have suitable techniques available to obtain structural information on the oligosaccharides attached to the protein. For many years the complexity of the structures required sophisticated analytical techniques only available to a few specialist laboratories. In many cases these techniques were not available or required a large amount of material and therefore the number of glycoproteins which were fully characterised were relatively few. In recent years there have been substantial developments in the analysis of glycosylation which has significantly changed the capability to fully characterise molecules of biological interest. A number of different techniques are available which differ in terms of their complexity, the amount of information which is available from them, the skill needed to perform them and their cost. It is now possible for many laboratories who do not specialise in glycosylation analysis to obtain some information although this may be incomplete. These developments do, however, also make complete characterisation of a glycoprotein a much less daunting task and in many cases this can be performed more easily and with less starting material than was previously required. In this review a summary will be given of current techniques and their suitability for different types of analysis will be considered.
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- BioMed Laboratories, 28 Eastern Way, Ponteland, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE 20 9PF, U.K., e-mail: tony@merryone.demon.co.uk
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