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Eighteen species of birds of prey in the Netherlands were examined for helminth parasites: Accipitriformes - Accipiter gentilis (15 birds), A. nisus (9), Aquila pomarina (1), Buteo buteo (56), B. lagopus (4), Circaetus gallicus (2), Circus aeruginosa B (2), C. cyaneus (3), Pernis apivorus (5); Falconiformes - Falco coluinbarius (2), F. peregrinus (2), F. subbuteo (6), F. tinnunculus (31); Strigiformes — Asio flammeus (3), A. otus (35), Athene noctua (12), Strix aluco (19) and Tyto alba (15). Sixteen nematode species were found: Baruscapillaria falconis, Capillaria tenuissima, Eucoleus dispar, Pterothominx caudinflata, Cyathostoma americana, Porrocaecum angusticolle, P. depressum, P. spiralae, Physaloptera alata, P. apivori, Procyrnea leptoptera, P. seurati, P. spinosa, Spirocerca lupi, Synhimantus laticeps and Diplotriaena henryi. All species of birds were infected with nematodes with the exception of F. peregrinus. Eleven trematode species were present: Brachylaeme fuscatus, Echinostoma revolutum, Echinoparyphium agnatum, Strigea falconis, S. strigis, Parastrigea flexilis, Neodiplostomim spathoides, N. attenuation, Ichthyocotylurus platycephalus and Prosthogonimus cuneatus. Trematode infections were found in all birds except A. nisus, C. cyaneus, P. apivorus, F. columbarius, F peregrinus and A. flammeus. Centrorhynchus aluconis was the only identifiable acanthocephalan. Acanthocephalan infections were seen in A. nisus, B. buteo, C. gallicus, C. aeruginosus and S. aluco. Cestode infections were seen in 8 bird species. The cestodes could not be identified to the genus, because they were poorly preserved. Most findings are new host records for the Netherlands.
- Institute for Animal Science and Health, P.O.Box 65, 8200 AB Lelystad, The Netherlands
- Department of Parasitology, Institute of Genetics and Microbiology, Wrocław University, 63 Przybyszewskiego Street, 51-148 Wrocław, Poland
- Central Institute for Animal Disease Control (CIDC), P.O. Box 2004, 8203 AA Lelystad, the Netherlands
- Department of Biology and Medical Parasitology, University of Medicine, 9 Mikulicza-Radeckiego Street, 50-368 Wrocław, Poland
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