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2007 | 55 | 3 |
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Density, distribution and nest-sites of woodpeckers Picidae, in a managed forest of Western Poland

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Abundance, distribution and nest-site characteristics of woodpecker species (family Picidae), i.e., Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major L.), Middle Spotted Woodpecker (D. medius L.), Lesser Spotted Woodpecker (D. minor L.), Black Woodpecker (Dryocopus martius L.), Grey-faced Woodpecker (Picus canus Gmel.) and Wryneck (Jynx torquilla L.), coexisting in managed forest are described. All species preferred old deciduous forest stands (≥81 years old) as nest-sites, however, they differed in most aspects of nest site selection. Great- and Middle Spotted Woodpeckers excavated nest-holes most commonly in oaks (78 and 86% of nests, respectively), but Black- and Grey-faced Woodpeckers in beeches (71 and 100% of nests). However, placement of nest-holes within the same tree species differed among woodpecker species. Great Spotted- and Grey-faced Woodpeckers nested three meters lower (9 m) compared to Middle Spotted and Black Woodpeckers (12 m). Lesser Spotted- Woodpeckers excavated breeding holes relatively the highest in respect to tree height. With the exception of Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, all specie used live trees as nest sites. Weaker excavators such as Middle Spotted- and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers, nested more frequently in limbs and branches (31 and 25% of nests, respectively) compared to strong excavators, i.e., Great Spotted-, Black- and Greyfaced Woodpeckers (<8% of nests in limbs or branches). Weaker excavators more frequently selected dead tree fragments compared to strong excavators.
Opis fizyczny
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