Warianty tytułu
Characteristic of soil and plant life conditions in selected residential areas of Warsaw
Języki publikacji
Ogólna charakterystyka osiedli mieszkaniowych. Tereny zieleni na tle zabudowy technicznej osiedli. Ogólna klasyfikacja i charakterystyka gleb terenów zurbanizowanych. Opis gleb osiedlowych. Zakres oceny stanu zieleni osiedlowej. Dobór drzew i krzewów do warunków miejskich.
The condition for a rational organization of greenery in urban areas consists of the adaptation of the species composition to the existing soil. This requirement is not duly understood and practiced in areas of urban greenery as compared to agriculture and forestry. During the years 1988-1990 studies were conducted in four selected residential areas of Warsaw for the purpose of, among others, the preparation of a method for the evaluation of the degree of degradation of the soil in residential areas and for the evaluation of the possibility and scope of reorganization of the plant life so as to adapt to the existing soil conditions. The performed studies and observations enabled the specification and definition of soil units with an evaluation of the degree of their degradation (transformation). An inventory was taken and an evaluation was performed of the health (condition) of the existing trees and bushes. The characteristic of the plant life was submitted to a comparative analysis within the grounds of the residential compounds. The classification of urban soils by prof. Z Czerwiński served as the basis for the identification of soil units. The basis for the selection of species adapted to the urban areas consisted of the list of trees and bushes prepared on the basis of work performed by many authors. The existing information base on the status of greenery in residential areas stimulated the undertaking of comparative research after twenty years' time within the scope of an original thesis: „Evaluation of changes in the spatial structure of plant resources and in the method of managing selected residential compound interiors throughout the years 1988-2007. Comparative research". The collected data related to the status of the plant life shall enable its natural, functional and spatial valorization and shall, furthermore, allow for comparative studies in relation to the plant life's condition from the past period. Moreover, the trees and bushes in the residential compounds shall also be used for tests of the „Method of evaluating the value of trees in urban areas" prepared by the Institute, in the scope of selected elements of tree evaluation such as their condition and location.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Mieszkalnictwa w Warszawie ul.Targowa 45, 03-728 Warszawa
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- Lipińska A. i in., 1980, Zasady zagospodarowania (kształtowania i funkcjonowania) terenów zieleni w zespołach mieszkaniowych. Instytut Kształtowania Środowiska, Warszawa
- Lipińska A. i in., 1985, Badania sposobu zagospodarowania i stanu utrzymania terenów zieleni w zespołach mieszkaniowych (obserwacje ciągłe wybranych osiedli). Etap 5. (maszynopis). IKŚ, Warszawa
- Kabata-Pendias A., Pendias H„ 1979, Pierwiastki śladowe w środowisku biologicznym. Wyd. Geologiczne, Warszawa
- Ostrowska M., Sitarski M., 1990, Metoda oceny degradacji gleb osiedli mieszkaniowych oraz określenie zasad przebudowy istniejącej szaty roślinnej w dostosowaniu do warunków glebowych (maszynopis). IGPiK, Warszawa
- Sitarski M., Tarchalska E., Bida Z., 2007, Ocena zmian w strukturze przestrzennej zasobów zieleni i sposobie zagospodarowania wybranych wnętrz osiedlowych w okresie 1988-2007. Badania porównawcze (maszynopis). Program badań. IGPiM, Warszawa
- Szczepanowska H.B., 2007, Wycena wartości drzew na terenach zurbanizowanych. IGPiM, Warszawa
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA