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1997 | 42 | 2 |
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Airborne and substrate-borne communications of Microtus [Terricola] gerbei and M. [T.] duodecimcostatus

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The repertoire of airborne and substrate-borne communications is described for two species of mote-voles: Microtus (Terrícola) gerbei {de Séiys-Longchamps, 1847) and M. (T.) duodecimcostatus (de Sélys-Longchamps, 1839). The behavioural significance of the different types of sounds emitted was analysed from observations of intraspecific interactions in captive environments. Substrate-borne signals were used more often by dominant individuals, and were predominantly recorded in the more aggressive species, M. duodecimcostatus. The use of substrate-borne signals is much more prevalent in the more aggressive M. duodecimcostatus, while the less aggressive M. gerbei has a larger acoustical repertoire.
Opis fizyczny
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