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Cone- and seed entomofauna of Norway spruce Picea abies [L.] Karst. in the selected stands of the Gorce National Park. Part I. Characterization of the coenotic groups
Języki publikacji
A study of the insects inhabiting of cones of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) Karst. in the Gorce National Park was conducted during 1998-2000. As a result of breeding and analyses of the cones from 180 trees at various altitudes above sea level, 17,803 specimens of cono- and seminiphagous insects and their parasitoids were collected. The insects belonging to 34 species from 5 orders. Coenotic groups of insects were distinguished, which were characterized with use of ecological indicators. Damage to cones and the losses of spruce seeds caused by pests were measured, with regard both to a variable cone crop abundance and to different altitudes above sea level.
Słowa kluczowe
tereny gorskie
parki narodowe
Gorczanski Park Narodowy
drzewa lesne
swierk pospolity
Picea abies
owady sezonowe
sklad gatunkowy
wskaznik dominacji
wskaznik stalosci wystepowania
wskaznik zroznicowania gatunkowego
mountain area
Gorce Mountains
national park
Gorce National Park
forest tree
Norway spruce
Picea abies
conophagous insect
seminiphagous insect
coprophagous insect
species composition
insect number
dominance index
occurrence stability index
species diversity indicator
Opis fizyczny
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