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Przestrzenne zagospodarowanie obszarów wsi charakteryzuje wysoki stopień zróżnicowania struktury agrarnej oraz intensywności zainwestowania i zaludnienia, a także jakości zabudowy i wyposażenia w infrastrukturę społeczną i techniczną. Zmiany ustrojowe w kraju ujawniły głębokie nieprzystosowanie rolnictwa do nowych warunków i wymogów rynkowych. Niezbędne jest podjęcie całościowej restrukturyzacji rolnictwa z odpowiednim dostosowaniem zagospodarowania przestrzennego.
1. A characteristic feature of the physical development of rural areas in Poland from the point of view of its intensity and quality is a high degree of differentiation. In the direction from the North to the South, there is observed an increase in splitting up of the agrarian structure, as well as in both intensity of investments and density of population. In the direction East-West there arise changes in the quality of houses and in the equipment with social and technical infrastructure. 2.The political changes in Poland have brought to light a profound inadaptation of Polish agriculture to the new market conditions and requirements, as a consequence of structural faults of peasants agriculture and of difficulties in the functioning of state agriculture. There arose some phenomena characteristic for the depression by which both the agriculture and economy of rural areas are affected. An indispensable condition for iprovement of this unsatisfactory situation is the restructuring of the relations in agriculture, taken as a whole, with a proper adaptation of physical development of rural areas. A basis for determination of the restructuring trendsare the economic needs of agriculture and rural areas, as well as conditions resulting from regional and local differentiation of the present stale and of arising processes. 3.The processes of restructuring the countryside and agriculture require a creative and organizational support to be given by the state. For that purpose, it is indispensable to determine the trends of stabile and longterm policy of the state and to establish a governmental and self-governmental organization disposed towards realization of this policy.
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej, 02-078 Warszawa, ul.Krzywickiego 9
Typ dokumentu
Identyfikator YADDA