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- West Pomeranian University of Technology, Kazimierza Krolewicza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland
- 1 Arlati G., Hernando J.A., Poliakova-Belysceva L.A., 1997. Statistical analysis of some meristical characters from AL hybrids (Acipenser naccarii x Acipenser baerii. In: Bronzi P., McKenzie D.J., DeCati G., Rossi R. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Sturgeon, 8-11 July, 1997, Piacenza, Italy. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag. Berlin. Germany.
- 2 Birstein V.J., 1993. Is Acipenser medirostris one or two species? Sturgeon Quarterly, Vol. 1-2, 8.
- 3 Birstein V.J., Bemis W.E., Waldman J.R., 1997. The threatened status of acipenseriform species: a summary. Environmental Biol. Fishes 48, 427-435.
- 4 Castelnaud G., Rochard E., Jatteau P., Lepage M., 1991. Donnes Actuelles sur la Biologie D' Acipenser sturio Dans L'Estuaire De La Gironde in: Williot P. (ed.). 1991: Acipenser. Actes du premier colloque international sur l'esturgeon. Bordeaux 3-6 Octobre 1989, 251-275.
- 5 Egorov A.D., 1961. Baikal'skij osetr - Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus natio baikalensis A. Nikolski [Baikal sturgeon Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus natio baikalensis A. Nikolski]. Izd.sibirskogo otdelena Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ulan-Ude [in Russian].
- 6 Elvira B., Almodovar A., 1997. A morphological study of the native sturgeon Acipenser sturio from Spain, and recent records of the exotic Siberian sturgeon A. baerii. In: Booklet of abstracts. 3rdInternational Symposium on Sturgeon, Piacenza, Italy, July 8-11, 1997.
- 7 Elvira B., Gessner J., 1996. The Society to Save the Sturgeon Acipenser sturio. The Sturgeon Quarterly, Vol. 4(1-2), 7.
- 8 Filipiak J., 1996. Occurrence of sturgeon fish in the Odra River estuary. In: Polish-German Symposium: „Present problems of fish stock management in Polish and German parts of Pomeranian Bay and Szczecin Lagoon". Publishing Division of the Sea Fisheries Institute, Paper abstracts, 19-20 November 1996, Świnoujście, 17-18.
- 9 Filipiak J., Sadowski J. Trzebiatowski R., 1997. Feeding of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri) with different commercial feeds in cooling water. Zesz. Nauk., Ryb. Mor. Technol. Żywn. Akad. Rol. Szczec.179, 23, 5-13.
- 10 Filipiak J., Trzebiatowski R., 1995. Preliminary results of rearing some Acipenserid fish in cages in cooling water. In: Experience papers and poster abstracts. International Conference New Fish Species in Aquaculture. Szczecin 23-24 October 1995, 81-82.
- 11 Gessner J., Debus L., Filipiak J., Spratte S., 1997a. Records of non-endigenous sturgeon species in German and adhering waters since 1980. In: Booklet of abstracts. 3rdInternational Symposium on Sturgeon, Piacenza, Italy, July 8-11, 1997.
- 12 Gessner J., Debus L., Filipiak J., Spratte S., Skóra K.E., Arndt G.M., 1999. Development of sturgeon catches in German and adjacent waters since 1980. J. Appl. Ichthyol. 15, 136-141.
- 13 Gessner J., Hochleithner M., Anders E., Arndt G.M., Spratte S., Rosenthal H., 1997b. European-Wide coordination trial for Programmes to save the Common sturgeon (Acipenser sturio L.). In: Booklet of abstracts. 3rdInternational Symposium on Sturgeon, Piacenza, Italy, July 8-11, 1997.
- 14 Gross M.R., 1998. One species with two biologies: Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the wild and in aquaculture. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 55 (Suppl. 1), 131-144.
- 15 Hernando J.A., Arlati G., Domezain A., Soriguer M.C., Poliakova-Belysceva L.A., Domezain J., Vallespin C., Bravo R., 1997. Morphometric study of Acipenser naccarii (Bonaparte, 1836) in fish farm individuals. In: Bronzi P., McKenzie D.J., DeCati G., Rossi R. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Sturgeon, 8-11 July, Piacenza, Italy. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag. Berlin. Germany.
- 16 Holcik J. (ed.), 1989. The freshwater fishes of Europe. General Introduction to fishes, Acipenseriformes. Aula- Verlag. Wiesbaden, V.1/II, 469.
- 17 Keszka S., Heese T., 2003. Occurrence of exotic Russian sturgeons, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt et Ratzeburg, 1833 (Actinopterygii: Acipenseridae) in the Baltic Sea. Acta Ichthyol. Piscat. 33 (2), 178-183.
- 18 Keszka S., Stepanowska K., 1997. Pojawienie się jesiotrów (Acipenseridae) w estuarium Odry [The occurrence of acipenserids (Acipenseridae) in the river Odra estuary]. Kom. Ryb. 2, 11-12 [in Polish].
- 19 Keszka S., Krzykawski S., 2008. Morphometry of juvenile Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii Brandt et Ratzeburg, 1833) from fish farms. Acta Sci. Pol., Piscaria 7 (1-4), 21-36.
- 20 Kolman R. (ed.), 2007. Restytucja jesiotra bałtyckiego [Baltic sturgeon restitution]. IRS, 53. [in Polish].
- 21 Kraczkiewicz W., 1967. Występowanie jesiotra Acipenser sturio L. w rejonie ujścia Odry [The occurrence of Acipenser sturio L. in the river Odra mouth]. Prz. Zool. XI, 2, 149-151 [in Polish].
- 22 Krylova V.D., 1997. On the problem of universal methodology of morphological analysis of sturgeons (Acipenseridae). In: Bronzi P., McKenzie D.J., DeCati G., Rossi R. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Sturgeon, 8-11 July, 1997, Piacenza, Italy. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag. Berlin. Germany.
- 23 Krzykawski S., Keszka S., 1996. Morphometry of juveniles of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri Brandt, 1869 from the river Lena appropriated for culture. Polish-German Symposium: „Present problems of fish stock management in Polish and German parts of Pomeranian Bay and Szczecin Lagoon". Publishing Division of the Sea Fisheries Institute, Paper abstracts, 19-20 November 1996, Świnoujście, 18-19.
- 24 Leary R.B., Allendorf F. W., Knudsen K.L., 1992. Genetic, environmental, and developmental causes of meristic variation in rainbow trout. Acta Zool. Fenn. 19, 81-95.
- 25 Loy A., Molteni S., Bronzi P., 1997. Geometric morphometry in the characterisation of the cranial growth pattern of Acipenser naccari. In: Bronzi P., McKenzie D.J., DeCati G., Rossi R. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Sturgeon,8-11 July, 1997, Piacenza, Italy. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag. Berlin. Germany.
- 26 Matile L., Tassy P. Goujet D., 1993. Wstęp do systematyki zoologicznej: koncepcje, zasady, metody [Introduction to the zoological systematics: conceptions, rules, methods]. PWN. Warszawa, 107 [in Polish].
- 27 Mensikov M.I., 1947. O geograficeskoj izmencivosti sibirskogo osetra Acipenser baeri Brandt [On the geographic variability of the Siberian sturgeon Brandt]. Doklady Akad. Nauk SSSR 55, 371-374 [in Russian].
- 28 Nabiałek J., 1974. Jesiotry w Wiśle [Sturgeons in the Vistula river]. Gosp. Ryb., 1, 10 [in Polish].
- 29 Nagięć M., 1996. Potencjalna i rzeczywista długowieczność ryb [Potential and real longevity of fish]. Biul. Mor. Inst. Ryb. 3(139), 49-62 [in Polish].
- 30 Norton S.F., Luckovic J.J., Motta P.J., 1995. The role of ecomorphological studies in the comparative biology of fishes. Environ. Biol. Fish. 44, 287-304.
- 31 Paaver T., 1997. Distribution of native and introduced species of sturgeons in Estonia. In: Booklet of abstracts. 3rdInternational Symposium on Sturgeon, Piacenza, Italy, July 8-11, 1997.
- 32 Pecnikova N.V., 1970. Izmenene morfologii sipa Acipenser nudiventris Aralskogo mora i ozera Balhas v svazi s aklimatizacej i kormovyh zivotnyh [Changes in morphology of ship Acipenser nudiventris from the Aral Sea and Balkash Lake due to the acclimatization and feeding of animals]. Zool. Zurnal. XLIX, 1, 96-105.
- 33 Petkevic A.N., Basmakov V.N., Basmakova A.A., 1950. Osetr Srednej i Verhnej Obi [Sturgeon in Middle and Upper Ob river]. Trudy Barabinskogo otdelena VNIORH 4, 3-54. [in Russian].
- 34 Podlesnyj A.V., 1955. Osetr (Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus A.Nikolski) r. Enisea. Sturgeon (Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus A.Nikolski) from Enisey river]. Vopr. Ihtiol. 3, 140-185 [in Russian].
- 35 Prokes M., Barus V., Peńaz M., 1997a. Meristic and plastic characters of juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) imported to the Czech Republic in 1995. Folia Zool. 46 (1), 49-60.
- 36 Prokes M., Barus V., Peńaz M., 1997b. Priznaki vozmoznogo odomasnenia sibirskogo osetra v akvakulture. Pervyj Kongress Ichtiologov Rossii. Tezisy Dokladov (Astrahan', 10-12 . Sentabr' 1997 g.), Izdatel'stvo VNIRO. Moskva, 295 [in Russian].
- 37 Ruban G.I., 1992. Plasticity of development in natural and experimental populations of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri Brandt. Acta Zool. Fenn. 19, 43-46.
- 38 Ruban G.I., Panaiotidi A.I., 1994. Sravnitelnyj analiz podvidov sibirskovo osetra Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus i A.baeri chatys (Acipenseridae) rek Jenisej i Lena [Comparative analysis of subspecies of the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri stenorrhynchus and A. baeri chatys (Acipenseridae) from Yenisey and Lena rivers]. Vopr. Ihtiol., 34, 4, 469-478 [in Russian].
- 39 Ruban G.I., Sokolov L.I., 1986. Morfologiceskaä izmencivost sibirskogo osetra Acipenser baeri Brandt reki Lena v svazi s vyrasivaniem ego na teplyh vodah [Morphological variability of the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri Brandt from Lena river cultured in the heated waters]. Vopr. Ihtiol., 26, 3, 470-475 [in Russian] .
- 40 Rudziński E., 1961. Vergleichende Untersuchungen ueber den Wildkarpfen der Donau und den Teichkarpfen. Zeitschrift für Fischerei, 10 (1/2): 105-135.
- 41 Snyder D. E., 1988. Description and Identification of Shortnose and Atlantic Sturgeon Larvae. Am. Fish. Soc., Symposium 5, 7-30.
- 42 Sokolov L.I., Novikov A.S., 1965. Materäly po biologii sibirskogo osetra (Acipenser baeri Brandt) vodoemov Jakutii [Biological analysis of the Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri Brandt from the Yakutia river systems]. Biologiceske nauki, 4, 36-38 [in Russian].
- 43 Sokolov L.I., Koselev B.V., Kalatän O.V., Ruban G.I., Akimova N.V., Sokolova E.L., 1986. Ecomorphological characteristics of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baeri from Aldan River. J. Ichthyol., 6, 55-64.
- 44 Sokolov L.I., Vasil'ev V.P., 1989. Acipenser baeri Brandt, 1869 In: J. Holcik (ed.) The freshwater fishes of Europe. General Introduction to Fishes, Acipenseriformes. Aula -Verlag. Wiesbaden. V.1/ II, 263-284.
- 45 Spratte S., Rosenthal H., 1996. Meldungen ueber Stoerfaenge im Einzugsbereich der Deutschen Nordseekueste (1981-1995). Fischer & Teichwirt, 3, 78-82.
- 46 Steffens W., 1964. Vergleichende anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen an Wild - und Teichkarpfen (Cyprinus carpio L.). Ein Beitrag zur Beurteilung der Zuchtleistungen beim deutschen Teichkarpfen. Zeitschrift für Fischerei12 (8, 9, 10), 725-800.
- 47 Turoboyski K., 1968. Jesiotr zachodni, Acipenser sturio L., w Zatoce Gdańskiej [Common sturgeon Acipenser sturio L., in the Gulf of Gdańsk]. Prz. Zool., XII, 3, 291-292 [in Polish].
- 48 Vasil'eva E.D., 1997. Morphological characters and modern problems of acipenserid systematics: their variability and taxonomic value. In: Bronzi P., McKenzie D.J., DeCati G., Rossi R. (eds.). Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Sturgeon, 8-11 July, 1997, Piacenza, Italy. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag. Berlin. Germany.
- 49 Wankowski J.W.J., 1979. Morphological limitations, prey size selectivity, and growth response of juvenile Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar. J. Fish Biol. 14, 89-100.
- 50 Wołk K., 1967. Zbiory Muzeum Morskiego w Darłowie [Collections of the Marine Museum in Darłowo]. Prz. Zool. XI, 2, 175-177. [in Polish].
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