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230 bird bones representing at least 36 taxa were found among the 129 300 remains accumulated in the fishing camp Dudka between the years BP 11,200 and 3,800. Most of the birds belonged to water-and-marsh species. Mergus albellus, Tadorna tadorna and cf. Nycticorax nycticorax are species new to the subfossil fauna of Poland. Most of the bird bones are dated to the Paraneolithic Zedmar culture and the Neolithic of the late Atlantic and the early Subboreal period (5,600 – 3,800 BP). Bones of the pectoral girdle made up 76% of the identified remains. The archaeological context indicates that the birds were hunted by people inhabiting the island; most of the species belong to game. The absence of Lagopus remains is noteworthy. Ten bones were recovered from graves and two were found as polished beads, this indicating that birds were used not only for food.
Opis fizyczny
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