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Validating control measures in food safety management systems
Języki publikacji
This paper reviews some fundamental aspects of validating food safety control measures. Validating the HACCP plan, including control measures, is a part of verification activities carried out within food safety management systems based on HACCP rules. Despite validation being recommended by many authorities (CAC, ICMSF, ILSI, USFDA) the majority of enterprises never validate their HACCP plans. The new ISO22000 standard seems to be a tool which may induce the food industry to validate their HACCP plans. Validation should be conducted both before the HACCP plan is implemented as well as during its working time. There are a number of approaches to validating control measures including scientific publications, historical knowledge, regulatory documents, scientifically valid experimental trials, statistically designed surveys and mathematical modeling. The approaches should demonstrate that the selected control measures are capable of achieving the intended level of food safety hazard control such as PC or FSO connected with public health goals such as ALOP. Thus, the validation process is a challenge not only for the industry but also for competent food safety management authorities.
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- Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, ul.Oczapowskiego 7, 10-950 Olsztyn
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