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Background. Sturgeons have long been extinct in Polish inland waters. A substantial effort has recently been put into their restitution, covering the drainage areas of two major Polish rivers, the Oder and the Vistula. The stocked fishes are clinically healthy, but very little is known about their potential to transmit viral diseases including koi herpes virus (KHV) to healthy fishes of other species, which may pose a threat to the disease-free zones. This study was intended to determine if sturgeons could be asymptomatic carriers of KHV. Materials and Methods. A total of 29 sturgeons (two species; length 8–37 cm) originating from fish farms in northern Poland with a known KHV history in common carp or koi in the area were examined: 15 Russian sturgeons, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, with clinical signs of a disease and 14 asymptomatic Atlantic sturgeons, A. oxyrinchus. The former were sent to the laboratory alive while the latter were sent fixed in ethanol. As it is required for detection of a latent KHV infection in acipenserids, two independent procedures were applied. The preliminary results were obtained using PCR. Those findings were subsequently confirmation by nested PCR. The latter procedure consists of sequence analysis of PCR products and direct detection of KHV infected cells in tissue materials by in-situ hybridization on nucleic acid level or indirect immunofluorescence on KHV protein level. Results. KHV genome parts were found in nine Russian sturgeons and four Atlantic sturgeons. Comparison of PCR results obtained from three primer pairs used for KHV diagnostic in sturgeon showed that those designed by Bercovier et al. were most sensitive and robust for this purpose. In order to confirm the presence of viral particles the most useful method was in-situ hybridization (ISH), allowing the detection of KHV in gill samples obtained from live sturgeons. Conclusion. This preliminary study shows that sturgeons can be carriers of KHV. Therefore a viral diagnostics is highly recommended not only for sturgeons obtained from the environment but also for fertilized eggs, fry, and fish intended for re-stocking measurements of inland waters.
Opis fizyczny
- West Pomeranian University of Technology, Kazimierza Krolewicza 4, 71-550 Szczecin, Poland
- Anonymous 2009. Fishery Statistical Collections; Global Production. Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations (FAO)
- Aoki T., Hirono I., Kurokawa K., Fukuda H., Nahary R., Eldar A., Davison A.J., Waltzek T.B., Bercovier H., Hedrick R.P. 2007. Genome sequences of three koi herpesvirus isolates representing the expanding distribution of an emerging disease threatening koi and common carp worldwide. Journal of Virology 81: 5058–5065. DOI: 10.1128/JVI.00146-07.
- Bercovier H., Fishman Y., Nahary R., Sinai S., Zlotkin A., Eyngor M., Gilad O., Eldar A., Hedrick R. 2005. Cloning of the koi herpesvirus (KHV) gene encoding thymidine kinase and its use for a highly sensitive PCR based diagnosis. BMC Microbiology 5 (13): [without pagination.] DOI: 10.1186/1471-2180-5-13.
- Bergmann S.M., Kempter J., Sadowski J., Fichtner D. 2006. First detection, confirmation and isolation of koi herpesvirus (KHV) in cultured common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) in Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 26: 97–104.
- Gilad O., Yun S., Andree K.B., Adkinson M.A., Zlotkin A., Bercovier H., Eldar A., Hedrick R.P. 2002. Initial characteristics of koi herpesvirus and development of a polymerase chain reaction assay to detect the virus in koi, Cyprinus carpio koi. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 48: 101–108.
- Gilad O., Yun S., Zagmutt-Vergara F.J., Leutenegger C.M., Bercovier H., Hedrick R.P., 2004. Concentrations of a Koi herpesvirus (KHV) in tissues of experimentally infected Cyprinus carpio koi as assessed by real-time TaqMan PCR. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 60: 179–187.
- Haenen O., Engelsma M.Y. 2004. Global distribution of KHV with particular reference to Europe. Pp. 13–15. In: International workshop on koi herpesvirus. London, 12–13 February 2004. Fisheries Resource Management Limited, Perthshire, Scotland.
- Haenen O., Hedrick R. 2006. Koi herpesvirus workshop. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 26: 26–37.
- Kempter J., Kiełpiński M., Panicz R., Sadowski J. 2008a. Określenie nosicielstwa i podatności na infekcję koi-herpesvirusem wybranych gatunków ryb karpiowatych i ich krzyżówek pochodzących z wód otwartych i obiektów hodowlanych położonych w zlewni Odry [Determination of the carrier species and the infection susceptibility for Koi-Herpes-Virus infections among selected cyprinid fish species and their hybrids acquired from open waters and culture sites of the Odra River drainage.] Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej, Szczecin. [In Polish with English summary.]
- Kempter J., Sadowski J., Kiełpiński M., Panicz R., Bartłomiejczyk M. 2008b. Ocena zagrożenia wód naturalnych zlewni Odry wirusem „KHV” oraz wybranych gospodarstw karpiowych. (SPO RYBY projekt OR16-61535-OR1600009/07). [Evaluation of the KHV threat to the Odra River drainage and selected fish farms.] Pp. 153–157. In: Szkolenie producentów ryb. Materiały szkoleniowe. [Workshop for Fish Farmers. Handouts.] 31 January–1 February 2008; Słok near Bełchatów, Poland. Polskie Towarzystwo Rybackie. [Polish Fisheries Society.] ISBN 83-60272-05-0. [In Polish.]
- Kempter J., Sadowski J., Riecherdt M., Fichtner D., Bergmann S.M. 2007. First detection of koi herpesvirus (KHV) in Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) and Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrinchus). O15. Abstracts and program. 7th International symposium on viruses of lower vertebrates. Oslo, 22–25 April 2007. [Without pagination.]
- Kolman R. (ed.) 2007. Restytucja jesiotra bałtyckiego. [Restitution of Baltic sturgeon.] Wydawnictwo Instytutu Rybactwa Śródlądowego, Olsztyn. [In Polish.]
- Kolman R. 2008. Przeszłość, status gatunkowy i przyszłość jesiotra bałtyckiego Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus Mitchill. [The past, species status, and the future of the Baltic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus Mitchill). P. 17. In: Actual [sic] status and active protection of sturgeon fish populations endangered by extinction. Aktualny stan i aktywna ochrona naturalnych populacji ryb jesiotrowatych zagrożonych wyginięciem. Scientific Conference; Program and abstracts; 5–7 March 2008; Przysiek near Toruń, Poland. Wydawnictwo Instytutu Rybactwa Śródlądowego, Olsztyn.
- Kolman R., Szczepkowski M., Jankowska B., Kwiatkowska A., Sidorov N. 2005. The impact of Vitaton on the rearing parameters and meat quality of sturgeon hybrids. Archives of Polish Fisheries 13: 259–266.
- Sadowski J., Kempter J. 2004. Nowa choroba wirusowa – dużym zagrożeniem dla chowu karpia w Polsce. [A new viral disease—a serious threat to carp farming in Poland.] Komunikaty Rybackie 2004 (3): 35–38. [In Polish.]
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