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In the period of a system transformation in Poland agri-food export has not developed in a steady way. Since 1992 its importance in the Polish global export, and in the export to the European Union member countries has clearly been declining. This can be justified by many various reasons (mostly dependent on Poland), including among the others many shortcomings of the foreign trade policies. However, some positive changes of these policies can be seen (e.g. gradual broadening of the pro export development set of instruments). They are still falling into line - as the other sector policies -with the implementation of the stabilization program which focuses mainly on fighting the inflation. Difficulties with making the agri-food export more dynamic are to great extent those of structural nature. Partly it is due to moving a certain part of this export from the markets in so called Eastern countries to the weil economically developed, countries markets, but first of all it is about its obsolete structure; clearly sales of commodities like livestock for slaughtering or breeding (i.e. live animals), and for direct consumption (e.g. meats and fish) as weil as commodities assigned to further processing (e.g. apple concentrate, strawberries, mushrooms) which also after some time having been refined in a proper way come back to our domestic market. The structure of the comparative advantages of Poland does not change with this considerably. This refers also to the trade with European Union countries.
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- Szkola Glowna Handlowa, Warszwa
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