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Influence of fodder irrigated with utility refuses from potato industry on cooper and malondialdehyde concentration in the blood of cows
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Prooxidant and antioxidant processes and diseases of cattle resulting from decreased bioavailability, or redundant copper in animal feed are often connected to biogeochemical and antropogenical factors. Therefore, it is very important to include biogeochemical and antropogenical zones in which animals were raised while analysing the bioavalibility of trace elements in feeds and the disturbances in their metabolism. The goal of the study was to evaluate the nutrition of dairy cows with feeding matter originating from the region irrigated with utility refuses from the potato industry through prooxidant and antioxidant activity in blood of cows. The experiment comprised 120 cows of the Black-White breed, at 5 to 7-years-of-age. Cows were chosen from 3 districts. Cows from A and B, the experimental groups, inhabited areas irrigated with utility refuses from a potato processing company. The area inhibited with cows from A group was irrigated with utility refuses by using a flow method. The area inhabited with cows from B group was irrigated with utility refuses by using a sprinkle method. Cows from C group (control) inhabited an area where utility refuse irrigation was not used. Mineral analysis of utility refuses had been made before experiment started. The cow blood parameters determined were copper and malondialdehyde. The average value of particular parameters for cows from group A was, respectively: 10.33 and 1.82 µmol/dm3; for cows from group B it was, respectively: 8.88 and 2.47 µmol/dm3; and for cows from control group C it was, respectively: 11.41 and 1.49 µmol/dm3. The analysis of results showed that nutrition of dairy cows with fodder from the region irrigated with utility refuses from the potato industry produced an intensification of prooxidant process and decreased copper concentration in the blood of cows.
Opis fizyczny
- Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, ul.Nowoursynowska 159 C, 02-776 Warszawa
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