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The studies were carried out on 98 carcasses obtained from pure-bred Polish Landrace (PL) hogs, from crosses of (PL x Polish Large White) sows with Pietrain boars, as well as from crossbreds of Dutch breeds (Landrace x Large White) x Large White. The pigs were slaughtered as soon as they reached 103 kg of body weight, and during the slaughter blood samples were collected for DNA analysis in order to identify individuals carrying the stress-sensitivity gene (RYR1). The carcasses were dissected immediately after cooling. Samples of LD muscle from the right carcass, at the area of the 1st to 4th lumbar vertebra, were collected for pork quality evaluation, i.e. sensory analysis of raw meat, as well as pH1, pHk, and electric conductivity measurements. Moreover, drip loss, water-binding and meat plasticity were determined, and drip index as well as colour parameters were obtained.
Opis fizyczny
- Agricultural University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland
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