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W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące częstotliwości występowania na strzałach l'mus nigra raków drzewnych, których powstawanie przypisano Crumenulopsis sororia. Podano wymiary drzew porażonych w porównaniu z drzewami nie porażonymi oraz przeprowadzono wielostronny analizę miejsc rozwoju raków na strzałach.
The study was carried out in 1990 in the experimental area in Pniowiec, situated in the Świerklaniec forest management unit. The area was established in 1973 in 90-year-old Scotch pine stand growing in fresh coniferous forest site in zone of moderate pollution with industrial emissions. The purpose of establishing this area was to study I he growth, development and survival of trees planted under the various variants of convert inn of old stand. The results оf the analysis of Hie occurrence of tree cancers caused by Crumenulopsis sororia on stems of" living trees of Pinus nigra (2315 trees on 24 experimental plots) are presented in this paper. The cancers were found on 1267 (54,7%) trees. Most often they were present on trees planted on the streep clear cut area. On a single stem there were one to eight places where the cancer has developed. Out of 2161 cancers found most (65,0%) were in the initial stage of development. Taking all experimental plots into consideration 76,5% of cancers developed on stems in vicinity of whorls. The cancers were situated on all sides of the stem, but most often they were formed on northern side Above all they were formed in the basal part of a tree. Trees taller and of higher diameter were attacked a little more frequently
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
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