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Wszelkie wizje przyszłości można sprowadzić do dwóch aspektów: społecznego i przestrzennego, ponieważ określają one jakieś składniki ludzkiego szczęścia oraz odpowiednie ku temu miejsce. W rozważaniach nad istotą planowania przestrzennego nie można zatem pominąć aspektów społecznych. Planowanie przestrzenne jest płaszczyzną społecznego współdziałania, procesem kształtowania środowiska, tworzeniem koncepcji opartych na ogólnych wizjach przyszłości, dobra wspólnego, ładu przestrzennego i wreszcie stanowieniem aktu normatywnego zapewniającego ludziom prawa czynne i bierne.
As compared to the developed countries, Poland is characterized by a certain backwardness as to the level of wealth and also education or labour efficiency. The growing poverty is not only a result but also a factor limiting the development (e.g. there are fewer chances for enterprise and initiative expressed by people). The period of rapid changes in the state system has brought about for Poland both endangerement and chances. Any visions for future may be reduced to the two aspects, i.e. social and physical ones, as thGy determine some elements of human happiness and its proper place. Considerations concerning the surrounding space created by man may be found already in the work of Greek philosophers (Plato and Aristotle), where the principles for creating and functioning of social community were always superior in relation to spatial solutions. These postulates are not out of date, as the contemporary physical planning should be, first of all, a process of realization of social aims and of a well considered creation of frames for future socio-economic life in a given area. These aims are formulated and based on a certain vision of future, on the principles for physical harmony, on the conception of freedom and on the comprehension of common good for people. The process of making planistic and realization decisions is accompanied by many processes of interactions among various subjects. Their participants are not the abstract organs or institutions but concrete persons who have their own aims with various motivations. Physical planning is thus a field of battle of various interests. In a previous centralized state system, the possibilities to express their own interests by various social groups were limited and almost each conflict disclosed led the authorities to take part either of one or of the other side, as each decision of the centralizxd authorities was justified by so called social interest and thus, almost all the real aspirations of people had to be involved in a lost conflict. Nowadays, when it is possible to create conditions for social subjectivity (among other things, by effective decentralization), the changes in the physical planning are indispensable. Transformations in the conscience of people, the growing rank of any ownership and the subjectivity of communities have led to the situation that it is no more possible to negate the necessity of social cooperation or at least, of support for realization of any development programmes or management. Physical planning may become a process of permanent creation of the environment, according to the generally recognized basic values, like family, and a factor of effective subjectivization of territorial collectivity and its members, being a field of manifesting different interests but also a field of negotiations, agreement and protection of both active and passive rights.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej i Komunalnej, 02-078 Warszawa, ul. Krzywickiego 9
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