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Rats were exposed to a total dose of 0.75 Gy of γ radiation from a 60Co source, receiving three doses of 0.25 Gy at weekly intervals. During two days before each irradiation, the animals received daily intragastric doses of 26 mg pantothenol or 15 mg β-carotene per kg body mass. The animals were killed after the third irradiation session, and their blood and livers were analyzed. As found previously (Slyshenkov, V.S., Omelyanchik, S.N., Moiseenok, A.G., Trebukhina, R.V. & Wojtczak, L. (1998) Free Radical Biol. Med. 24, 894-899), in livers of animals not supplied with either pantothenol or β-carotene and killed one hour after the irradiation, a large accumulation of lipid peroxidation products, as conjugated dienes, ketotrienes and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, could be observed. The contents of CoA, pantothenic acid, total phospholipids, total glutathione and GSH/GSSG ratio were considerably decreased, whereas the NAD/NADH ratio was increased. All these effects were alleviated in animals supplied with β-carotene and were completely abolished in animals supplied with pantothenol. In the present paper, we extended our observations of irradiation effects over a period of up to 7 days after the last irradiation session. We found that most of these changes, with the exception of GSH/GSSG ratio, disappeared spontaneously, whereas supplementation with β-carotene shortened the time required for the normalization of biochemical parameters. In addition, we found that the activities of glutathione reductase, glutathione peroxidase, catalase and NADP-dependent malate (decarboxylating) dehydrogenase ('malic enzyme') in liver were also significantly decreased one hour after irradiation but returned to the normal level within 7 days. Little or no decrease in these activities, already 1 h after the irradiation, could be seen in animals supplemented with either β-carotene or pantothenol. It is concluded that pantothenol is an excellent radioprotective agent against low-dose γ radiation.
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- National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Grodno, Belarus
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