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From a global perspective, we can observe a growing interest in environmental protection, also in the banking sector. Through the green banking sector, we can combine two essential benefits – for the economy and nature. The main objective of the paper is to characterise green banking in Poland. Moreover, the paper aims at analysing the representatives of this “green” trend, the motives of financial institutions and the environmental potential for the development of the sector. The presented study compares the involvement of two green banking representatives in the environmental protection (using descriptive and comparative methods and case study). Furthermore, the study predicts the development of this sector (using standardised expert interview). It should be emphasized that the business uses its “green” potential in the area. Ecological aspects are obviously being included in each institution’s strategy and banks make profits from the implementation. Pro-ecological activity of banks can be cost-effective in a long-term perspective. The competition in the domain of green banking is constantly growing. It will be increasingly expansive because experts predict the continuation of ecological development of Polish banks.
Słowa kluczowe
- Departament of Financial Management, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Gagarina 13a St., 87-100 Torun, Poland
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