Warianty tytułu
Sistema podderzhki prinjatija reshenij dlja diagnostiki mostovykh kranov na osnove precedentov
Języki publikacji
Opis fizyczny
- 1. Vachtsevanos G., Lewis F.L., Roemer M., Hess A., Wu B., 2006.: Intelligent Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis for Engineering Systems. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: 434.
- 2. Olsson E., Funk P., Xiong N., 2004.: Fault diagnosis in industry using sensor reading and case based reasoning II Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 15, Issue 1: 41-46.
- 3. Aamodt A., Plaza E., 1994: Case-based reasoning: Foundational issues, methodological variations, and system approaches II AI Communications, Vol. 7, Issue 1: 39-59.
- 4. Anguel F., Sellami M., 2009.: Knowledge Management for Fault Diagnosis of Gas Turbines Using Case Based Reasoning II Communications of the IBIMA, Vol. 10, number 24: 186-190.
- 5. Pal S., Shiu S., 2004.: Foundations of soft case-based reasoning. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: 274.
- 6. Acorn T.L., Walden S.H., 1992.: Smart: Support management automated reasoning technology for Compaq customer service II The Fourth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-92), Menlo Park, California, AAAI Press: 3-18.
- 7. Auriol E., Manago M., Guiot-Dorel J., 1996.: Cassiopée: Fehlerdiagnose von CFM 56-3 Triebwerken fur Boeing 737 Flugzeuge II KI, Vol. 10, Issue 1: 47-53.
- 8. Bergmann R., Althoff K., Breen S., Göker M.H., Manago M., Traphöner R., Wess S., 2003.: Developing Industrial Case-Based Reasoning Applications, The INRECA Methodology, 2nd ed., Springer, Berlin: 236.
- 9. Göker M.H., Roth-Berghofer T., 1999.: The development and utilization of the case-based help-desk support system in a corporate environment II Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 12, Issue 6: 665-680.
- 10.Heider R., 1996. Troubleshooting CFM56-3 engines for the Boeing 737 using CBR and data-mining II Advances in Case-Based Reasoning, Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Case-Based Reasoning (EWCBR-96), Springer: Berlin: 512-518.
- 11.L'opez B., Plaza E., 1997.: Case-based learning of plans and goal states in medical diagnosis II Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 9, Issue 1: 29-60.
- 12.Eremeev A., Varshavsky P., 2007.: Application of Case-based reasoning for Intelligent Decision Support Systems II Proceedings of the XIII-th International Conference “Knowledge-Dialogue-Solution” - Varna, Vol. 1: 163-169.
- 13.Li M., Chen X., Li X., Ma B., Vitanyi P., 2003.: The similarity metric II In Procs. of the 14th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Baltimore, Maryland: 863-872.
- 14.Mantaras R.L., McSherry D., Bridge D., Leake D. and others, 2005.: Retrieval, reuse, revision and retention in case-based reasoning II The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 20, Issue 3: 215-240.
- 15.Stahl A., 2003.: Learning of Knowledge-Intensive Similarity Measures in Case-Based Reasoning II PhD thesis, University of Kaiserslautern: 237.
- 16.Recio-Garcia J.A., 2008.: jCOLIBRI: A multi-level platform for building and generating CBR systems II Phd Thesis, Complutense University of Madrid: 335.
- 17.Göker M.H., Howlett R.J., Price J.E., 2005.: Case-based reasoning for diagnosis applications II The Knowledge Engineering Review, Vol. 20: 277-281.
- 18.Recio-Garcia J.A., Diaz-Agudo B., Sanchez A., Gonzalez-Calero P.A., 2006.: Lessons leamt in the development of a CBR framework II Proceedings of the 11th UK Workshop on Case Based Reasoning: 60-71.
- 19.Eremeev A., Varshavsky P., 2008.: Case-based Reasoning Method for Real-time Expert Diagnostics Systems II International Journal Information Theories & Applications, Vol. 15, Issue 2: 119-125.
- 20.Eremeev A., Varshavsky P., 2007.: Methods and Tools for Reasoning by Analogy in Intelligent Decision Support Systems II Proc. of the International Conference on Dependability of Computer Systems. Szklarska Poreba, Poland, 14-16 June, IEEE: 161-168.
- 21.Ulshin V.A., Klimchuk S.A., 2009.: The diagnosis model of bridge cranes II Praci Lugansk Branch of International Informatization Academy, N°2(20) part 2: 61-71 (Russian).
- 22.Stahl A., Roth-Berghofer T., 2008.: Rapid Prototyping of CBR Applications with the Open Source Tool myCBR II Proc. of the 9th European Conference on CBR (ECCBR 2008). Trier (Germany), Springer: 615-629.
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