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Własności energetyczne zielonych zrębek topoli Populus deltoides typ Cifra z upraw plantacyjnych
Języki publikacji
In this contribution, there are presented the results of determination of energetic characteristics of green chips of wood species Populus Deltoides clone Cifra such as: share of bark in chips, elementary chemical composition of chip combustible, volume of ashes in dry mass of bio-fuel and lower heating value of bio-fuel in dry state. Green chips made of branches of wood species grown on plantations: Populus Deltoides clone Cifra consists of juvenile wood and juvenile bark. The share of juvenile bark in analysed green chips XB = 43,41 ± 3,76 %. The chemical composition of the combustible of green chips consists of: Cdaf = 49,69 %, Hdaf = 5,82 %, Odaf = 43,96 % and Ndaf = 0,53 %. The combustible of green chips does not differ from the chemical composition of combustible of fuel wood except for nitrogen, whose value is 3 times higher, than the amount of nitrogen in fuel wood. The share of ashes from green chips produced from branches of trees of fast growing wood species: Populus Deltoides clone Cifra, determined by form of weighted mean of the content of ash in juvenile wood, juvenile bark and the share of bark in chips is Ad = 2,49 %, which is 3,5 to 5,0 times higher value, than the value of share of ash from broad-leaved wood species. The lower heating value of subjected chips in dry state is Qn = 17 507 kJ.kg-1. This value is, in comparison with the lower heating value of wood of broad-leaved wood species shown in EN 14 961 Solid bio-fuels – Specification and classes of fuels, lower by 4,5 % .
Własności energetyczne zielonych zrębek z gałęzi topoli Populus deltoides typ Cifra z upraw plantacyjnych. Praca dotyczy określenia własności energetycznych zielonych zrębek z gałęzi drewna topoli , takich jak zawartość kory, podstawowyc skład chemiczny, masa popiołu oraz kaloryczności.
Opis fizyczny
- Faculty of Wood Science and Technology, Technical University in Zwolen, T.G.Masaryka 24, 96-053 Zwolen, Slovak Republic
- Faculty of Wood Science and Technology, Technical University in Zwolen, T.G.Masaryka 24, 96-053 Zwolen, Slovak Republic
- Faculty of Wood Science and Technology, Technical University in Zwolen, T.G.Masaryka 24, 96-053 Zwolen, Slovak Republic
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