Zawartość wolumenu
artykuł: Long-lasting effects of trans-spinal direct current stimulation on motoneuron firing properties in rats (Krutki P., Drzymala-Celichowska H., Mrowczynski W., Baczyk M.)
artykuł: Circulating micrornas as biomarkers of epileptogenesis/epilepsy (Szydlowska K.)
artykuł: Emission of 50‑kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in dopamine-denervated rats treated with amphetamine: relevance to neurocircuitries involved in drug-mediated reward (Costa G., Marongiu J., Morelli M., Simola N.)
artykuł: Lamotrigine affects theta oscillations in the hippocampus of rats (Caban B., Sowa J. E., Siwiec M., Bocian R., Kowalczyk T., Kazmierska-Grebowska P.)
artykuł: Effects of ovariectomy and sex hormone replacement on the number of neurokinin B-immunoreactive neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus of obese and diabetic female rats (Ziarniak K., Kolodziejski P. A., Pruszynska-Oszmalek E., Sassak M., Dudek M., Sliwowska J. H.)
artykuł: Prenatal exposure to valproic acid leads to behavioral alterations and defects of synaptic proteins in the hippocampus of adolescent rats (Adamczyk A., Gassowska-Dobrowolska M., Cieslik M., Czapski G. A., Jesko H., Gewartowska M., Frontczak-Baniewicz M.)
artykuł: The ability of BDNF to decrease caspase-3 level depends on body temperature under anoxic conditions (Kletkiewicz H., Siejka A., Klimek A., Rogalska J.)
artykuł: Characteristics of rat ventral tegmental area GABAergic-like neuronal responses to an aversive stimulus (Drwiega G., Walczak M., Pradel K., Izowit G., Solecki W. B., Blasiak T.)
artykuł: Ketogenic diets based on fat of either animal or plant origin have different effects on the abundance of autophagic vesicles in mouse brain (Liskiewicz D., Liskiewicz A., Nowacka-Chmielewska M., Jablonska K., Grabowski M., Student S., Slugocka A., Przybyla M., Barski J. J., Malecki A.)
artykuł: Brain energy metabolism in neurodegeneration of dopaminergic neurons in animal model of early Parkinson's disease: role of astrocytes (Kuter K., Olech L., Glowacka U., Paleczna M., Kosmowska B., Jurga A.)
artykuł: Let genes talk: transcriptomic changes in the PFC induced by L-DOPA in hemiparkinsonian rats (Radlicka A., Kaminska K., Piechota M., Korostynski M., Lorenc-Koci E., Pera J., Parkitna J. R.)
artykuł: Plasticity of the primate visual pathway following lesions in early and mature life (Rosa M.)
artykuł: Effect of a 4-week mental training on decrease in grasping force in young healthy people (Kisiel-Sajewicz K., Siemiatycka M., Mencel J., Kaminski L., Marusiak J., Jaskolski A., Jaskolska A.)
artykuł: The response of main subclasses of GABAergic interneurons to plasticity induction and aging: changes in mRNA levels (Rozycka A., Zakrzewska R., Liguz-Lecznar M.)
artykuł: PyEcoHAB: a Python library for analysis of rodent behavioral data recorded with Eco-HAB (Jedrzejewska-Szmek J., Maka J., Leski S., Winiarski M., Wojcik D. K., Knapska E.)
artykuł: Methyl‑CpG binding domain 3 promoter activity in a rat model of seizure evoked by intraperitional injection of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) (Nizinska K., Stepniak A., Lukasiuk K.)
artykuł: Striatal GABA transporter activity governs dopamine transmission and shows maladaptive downregulation in a mouse model of Parkinsonism (Roberts B., Doig N., Brimblecombe K., Wade-Martins R., Magill P., Cragg S.)
artykuł: Global proteomic analysis of brain changes induced by 'lifestyle' modifications (Nowacka-Chmielewska M., Liskiewicz D., Liskiewicz A., Marczak L., Wojakowska A., Przybyla M., Grabowski M., Jablonska K., Barski J. J., Malecki A.)
artykuł: Acute normobaric hypoxia lowers executive functions despite an increase in BDNF levels (Chroboczek M.)
artykuł: Modulation of hippocampal theta activity by transcutaneous stimulation of trigeminal nerve in anesthetized rats (Bocian R., Broncel A., Klos-Wojtczak P., Konopacki J.)
artykuł: The role of Arc/Arg3.1 protein in the regulation of alcohol seeking (Radwanska K.)
artykuł: Experience-dependent acquisition of visuomotor behavioral representation in primary visual cortex (Puscian A., Benisty H., Tang L., Higley M. J.)
artykuł: Pathological synchronization: biomarkers and networks in human epilepsy (Malinowska U.)
artykuł: Behavioral, ultrasonic, and cardiovascular responses of male wistar rats in different social and emotional contexts after ultrasonic playback (Filipkowski R. K.)
artykuł: Identification of a novel mechanism controlling neural stem cell plasticity in Alzheimer's disease model of adult zebrafish using single cell transcriptomics (Kizil C.)
artykuł: Using computational models to understand endogenous and exogenous control over Dopamine cell activity: when inhibition leads to bursting (Gutkin B.)
artykuł: ELAV proteins and neurodegeneration: which role in Alzheimer's desease? (Amadio M.)
artykuł: Maternal immune activation during pregnancy alters the expression of mitochondrial dynamics markers in the brain of rat offspring (Zawadzka A., Cieslik M., Gewartowska M., Frontczak-Baniewicz M., Adamczyk A.)
artykuł: Up-regulation of PI3K‑Akt‑mTOR signaling pathway in neurons affects cognitive functions and social interactions in a mouse model (Chwin N., Kiryk A., Bijoch L., Hamed A., Konopka W.)
artykuł: Fingolimod (FTY720 - modulator of sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors) alters genes expression of selected NADplus-dependent enzymes in an animal model of Alzheimer’s disease (Wencel P., Jesko H., Strosznajder R. P.)
artykuł: Investigation of Ca2plus homeostasis and behavioral changes in transgenic mice overexpressing key store-operated calcium entry proteins (Maciag F., Majewski L., Boguszewski P. M., Kuznicki J.)
artykuł: Impact of ketogenic diet on gait in Purkinje cell specific transgenic mouse model of tuberous sclerosis complex (Slugocka A., Grabowska M., Barski J. J.)
artykuł: Comparison of dopaminergic neurons generated from iPS cells from healthy volunteers and patients with the idiopathic form Parkinson's disease (Chlebanowska P., Tejchman A., Sulkowski M., Majka M.)
artykuł: Increased anxiety-related behavior in a zebrafish model of Tuberous sclerosis complex recapitulated human symptoms of the disease (Kedra M.)
artykuł: GABAergic hippocampal plasticity critically depends on matrix metalloproteinase 3 (Mozrzymas J. W., Brzdak P., Lebida K., Lech A., Wiera G.)
artykuł: Expression of cannabinoid receptor type-1 in different subpopulations of kisspeptin neurons in the mouse brain (Kallo I., Mahendravarman M., Nagy K., Ziarniak K., Sliwowska J. K., Wilheim T.)
artykuł: Social interaction and acoustic communication in adult mice: markers for healthy and pathological behaviors (Granon S., Chauveau F., Nosjean A., Faure A.)
artykuł: Whole-brain mapping of neuroplasticity in different experimental paradigms in mice - a computational perspective (Bednarek S., Jermakow N., Stefaniuk M., Pawlowska M., Wojcik D. K., Majka P.)
artykuł: Hypothermia induced changes in contractile properties of motor units in rat medial gastrocnemius (Malak B., Celichowski J., Drzymala-Celichowska H.)
artykuł: Kcnb1 plays a role in the development and function of the ear in zebrafish (Jedrychowska J., Gasanov E., Kuznicki J., Korzh V.)
artykuł: The temporal dynamics of Arc expression regulate cognitive flexibility (Correa S.)
artykuł: The role of Amot and Yap1 in the regulation of dendritic tree morphogenesis and cerebellar functions (Rojek K., Krzemien J., Dolezyczek H., Rylski M., Kaczmarek L., Jaworski J., Proszynski T. J.)
artykuł: Intracellular recording of mouse spinal motoneurons in vivo (Jankowiak T., Cholewinski M., Baczyk M.)
artykuł: Phase-amplitude cross-frequency coupling in rats olfactory bulb after injection of ketamine (Jurkiewicz G., Hunt M. J., Zygierewicz J.)
artykuł: Micrornas in experimental post-traumatic epilepsy: biomarker and therapeutic potential (Puhakka N.)
artykuł: Role of Arc phosphorylation in structural plasticity (Gozdz A., Nikolaienko O., Urbanska M., Cymerman I., Sitkiewicz E., Blazejczyk M., Dadlez M., Bramham C., Jaworski J.)
artykuł: Effect of aerobic and resistance interval exercises on peripheral concentration of neuroprotective proteins and human cognitive abilities (Kujach S., Olek R., Chroboczek M., Figula T., Laskowski R.)
artykuł: Impaired commissural tract fasciculation is related to increased epileptogenesis and anxiety in the zebrafish model of tuberous sclerosis complex (Zmorzynska J.)
artykuł: Inverse synaptic tagging of Arc and cognitive refinement processes (Okuno H.)
artykuł: Prenatal exposure to valproic acid leads to deregulation of purinergic signaling in the brain of adolescent rats (Babiec L., Wilkaniec A., Matuszewska M., Hilgier W., Adamczyk A.)
artykuł: The association between maternal immune activation and mitochondrial failure in adulthood: relevance to neurodevelopmental disorders (Cieslik M., Adamczyk A.)
artykuł: Western diet - from metabolic disturbances to acceleration of glia activation and development of Alzheimer’s disease (Wieckowska A., Mietelska-Porowska A., Wydrych M., Dlugosz J., Chutoranski D., Wojda U.)
artykuł: Neuroprotective effects of metabotropic glutamate receptors group II (mGluR2/3) agonists in an animal model of brith asphyxia (Bratek E., Ziembowicz A., Salinska E.)
artykuł: Impairment of synaptic plasticity at immature GABAergic mossy fiber-CA3 synapses in animal models of autism (Cherubini E.)
artykuł: Matrix metalloproteinase 3 critically affects postsynaptic long-term potentiation at GABAergic synapses in the mouse hippocampal CA1 region (Brzdak P., Lebida K., Mozrzymas J. W.)
artykuł: Inhibition and activation of the central amygdala circuits involved in social interaction suppresses motivation for sucrose reward (Rojek-Sito K., Knapska E.)
artykuł: Creation of the neocortical layers and their connections in the brain of Monodelphis domestica (Sobolewska P.)
artykuł: The influence of fatty-acid amide hydrolase inhibitors on memory-related behaviors provoked by cholinergic receptor ligands in mice (Kruk-Slomka M., Dzik A., Slomka T., Biala G.)
artykuł: Micrornas in experimental and human temporal lobe epilepsy: biomarker and therapeutic potential (van Vliet E.)
artykuł: Study of neuropeptide functions using zebrafish as a model organism (Podlasz P.)
artykuł: The transition to seizure is characterized by the progressive loss of the brain's resilience (Jiruska P., Kudlacek J., Chvojka J., Cook M. J., Freestone D. R., Karoly P. J., Maturana M. I., Jefferys J. G. R., Otahal J., Chang W.-C.)
artykuł: Stim2 role in response to oxidative stress (Wasilewska I., Palchevska O., Gupta R. K., Kuznicki J.)
artykuł: Anxiety-like behavior of laboratory animals on a ketogenic diet (Przybyla M., Liskiewicz D., Nowacka-Chmielewska M., Liskiewicz A., Grajoszek A., Grabowski M., Jablonska K., Barski J. J.)
artykuł: Mitochondrial integrity and function in model systems of CNS diseases (Culmsee C.)
artykuł: Hyperoside isolated from Impatiens glandulifera Royle alleviates depressive and anxiety-like responses in a mouse model of posttraumatic stress disorder (Orzelska-Gorka J., Szewczyk K., Kedzierska E., Glowacka E., Kruk-Slomka M., Biala G.)
artykuł: Posterior hypothalamic "timing cell" activity and kainite-induced local theta rhythm in both in vitro and in vivo preparations (Kowalczyk T., Staszelis A., Kazmierska-Grebowska P., Sowa J. E., Siwiec M., Caban B.)
artykuł: UV light detection by the rat olivary pretectal nucleus (Alwani A., Orlowska-Feuer P., Lewandowski M. H.)
artykuł: Chemogenetic inhibition of somatostain interneurons alters plasticity induced by sensory deprivation in the barrel cortex of mice (Dobrzanski G., Lukomska A., Zakrzewska R., Kossut M.)
artykuł: Learning-evoked modulation of GABAergic interneurons intrinsic excitability in the neocortex (Urban-Ciecko J., Kanigowski D.)
artykuł: Adult neurogenesis in opossums and hippocampal-dependent learning (Tepper B., Aniszewska A., Bartkowska K., Grochocka L., Turlejski K., Djavadian R.)
artykuł: Motor information increases visual awareness ratings: a TMS-MEP study (Habot J., Koculak M., Sandberg K., Wierzchon M.)
artykuł: Lipopolysaccharide accelerates neuroinflammation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease (Dlugosz J., Wieckowska A., Koperski M., Mietelska-Porowska A., Wojda U.)
artykuł: Effect of motor imagery training of reaching-to-grasp on cortical activity related to motor imagery and motor execution of grasping by dominant hand in healthy people (Mancel J., Kaminski L., Marusiak J., Jaskolska A., Jaskolski A., Kisiel-Sajewicz K.)
artykuł: Implication of GABA-ergic system on GnRH and GnRHR biosynthesis and LH secretion in the hypothalamic-pituitary unit of follicular-phase ewes (Lapot M., Brytan M., Kowalczyk M., Przekop F., Ciechanowska M.)
artykuł: Mechanobiology of the brain in health and disease (Sheridan G. K.)
artykuł: Assessment of biomarkers of attention in modified delay match-to-sample test (Waligora M., Malinowska U., Wrobel A., Wojciechowski J., Rogala J.)
artykuł: The influence of various compositions of the ketogenic diet on the behavior of selected mouse strains (Grajoszek A., Jablonska K., Jablonska K., Grabowski M., Barski J. J.)
artykuł: NMDA-induced posterior hypothalamic theta rhythm recorded in vitro (Staszelis A., Caban B., Kazmierska-Grebowska P., Sowa J. E., Siwiec M., Kowalczyk T.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological effects of CX3CL1 on rat amygdala neurons (Sowa J. E., Solarz A., Chocyk A., Hess G., Tokarski K.)
artykuł: Novel mechanisms of neurogenesis and neural repair (Gotz M.)
artykuł: Identification of potential Keap1 inhibitors through database analysis based on the designated pharmacophore and QSAR models (Duszkiewicz R., Gacek J.)
artykuł: Mice with a deletion of the mammal-specific microRNA 379‑410 cluster display altered ultrasonic communication (Sungur A. O., Lackinger M., Stemmler L., Grosse R., Schwarting R., Schratt G., Wohr M.)
artykuł: The influence of ketogenic diets on the amount of Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli in faeces of the 129SV mice (Jablonska K., Grabowski M.)
artykuł: GABAergic plasticity in hippocampus depends on the activity of matrix metalloprotease‑3 (Lech A., Buszka A., Mozrzymas J. W., Wiera G.)
artykuł: A link between glutamine metabolism and selective neuronal vulnerability in the hippocampus (Bochomulski P., Krupska O., Klimczak P., Hilgier W., Zablocka B., Beresewicz M.)
artykuł: Does an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) have a permanent effect on the stress-related behaviour in rats? (Klimek A., Siejka A., Kletkiewicz H., Maliszewska J., Wyszkowska J., Stankiewicz M., Rogalska J.)
artykuł: Superior colliculi control activity of the rostromedial tegmental nucleus in a lateralized manner - an optogenetic study in the rat (Pradel K., Blasiak T.)
artykuł: Subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation influence on erythrocyte number and hemoglobin levels in a rat model of early Parkinson's disease (Grembecka B., Koriat P., Podlacha M., Majkutewicz I., Ptaszek K., Plucinska K., Wrona D.)
artykuł: Mechanism of MMP‑9‑1562C/T single nucleotide polymorphism-dependent regulation of MMP-9 (matrix metaloproteinase-9) expression in human neurons (Pabian-Jewula S., Ambrozek-Latecka M., Bragiel-Pieczonka A., Grabiec M., Rylski M.)
artykuł: Diet as a prevention strategy for neurodegeneration during ageing (McEvoy C. T.)
artykuł: Nasal respiration is critical for ketamine induced high frequency oscillations and hyperactivity (Wrobel J. J., Sredniawa W., Wojcik D. K., Hunt M. J.)
artykuł: Loop G of the GABAA receptor orthosteric binding site is involved in the final stages of channel gating (Brodzki M., Michalowski M. A., Gos M., Mozrzymas J. W.)
artykuł: Guided tour of proteins into mitochondria (Chacinska A.)
artykuł: NMDA receptor modulation of the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus decreases the number of tyrosine hydroxylase positive cells in the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra pars compacta in rats (Plucinska K., Piwka A., Ptaszek K., Podlacha M., Orzel-Gryglewska J., Jerzemowska G.)
artykuł: Time-related discriminatory stimulus following LSD administration in rats (Kuziak A., Krawczyk M., Nikiforuk A., Popik P.)
artykuł: Somatostatin receptors on parvalbumin interneurons in mouse somatosensory cortex (Lukomska A., Dobrzanski G., Liguz-Lecznar M., Kossut M.)
artykuł: Impact of ketogenic diet on Enterococcus faecalis in the gut flora of Long Evans and Wistar rat strains (Grabowski M., Jablonska K.)
artykuł: Kernel electrical source imaging (kESI) method for reconstruction of sources of brain electric activity in realistic brain geometries (Kowalska M., Dzik J. M., Chintaluri C., Wojcik D. K.)
artykuł: Sag in motor unit unfused tetanus: extra force production at the beginning of activity (Drzymala-Celichowska H.)
artykuł: Maternal separation modifies dendritic spine density in ventral tegmental area neurons in a sub-region-specific manner: study in female rats (Celary A., Gugula A., Tylko G., Hess G., Blasiak A.)
artykuł: Organotypic retinal explants model for evaluation of neurotoxicity and neuroprotection - the impact of metallothionein treatment on HuR protein content (Pietrucha-Dutczak M.)
artykuł: The effect of transcutaneous stimulation of the vagus nerve on hippocampal formation theta rhythm in anaesthetized rats (Konopacki J., Broncel A., Bocian R., Klos-Wojtczak P.)
artykuł: Location, location, location: the role of brain atlases and spatial integration of multimodal imaging data in whole brain mapping projects (Majka P.)
artykuł: The mechanomyogram - a valuable tool to analyse mechanical activity of the muscle (Kaczmarek P., Drzymala-Celichowska H., Orizio C., Celichowski J.)
artykuł: Neuroprotective properties of cystamine in MPTP-induced murine model of Parkinson’s disease (Wawer A., Joniec-Maciejak I., Sznejder-Pacholek A., Wojnar E., Mirowska-Guzel D.)
artykuł: CacyBP/SIP and Beta-catenin homeostasis in the YAC128 mice model of Huntington’s disease (Czeredys M., Latoszek E., Ludwiczak J., Dunin-Horkawicz S., Kuznicki J.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological characterization of the rat nucleus incertus neurons in relation to hippocampal theta oscillations (Trenk A., Walczak M., Blasiak T.)
artykuł: The effect of low frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) on noradrenaline levels in the hypothalamus in rats (Siejka A., Klimek A., Kletkiewicz H., Maliszewska J., Wyszkowska J., Stankiewicz M., Wieczorek M., Rogalska J.)
artykuł: The role of drebrin in the neuromuscular junction (Alvarez-Suarez P., Gawor M., Proszynski T. J.)
artykuł: Decoding the spontaneous in vivo Ca2plus oscillations in zebrafish brain neurons (Gupta R. K., Wasilewska I., Palkchevska O., Kuznicki J.)
artykuł: An open access tool for analysis of connections in the primate cortex (Rosa M.)
artykuł: DAT1 gene, ADHD, and the development of attentional functions (Cybulska-Klosowicz A., Kuc K., Bielecki M., Racicka-Pawlukiewicz E., Czerwinski M. B.)
artykuł: Cerebral administration of alpha synuclein modulates inflammatory reaction in the nigro striatal system: A comparison of males and females (Sznejder-Pacholek A., Joniec-Maciejak I., Wawer A., Wojnar E., Mirowska-Guzel D.)
artykuł: EB12 knock-out mice show greater loss of brain lipids followed by earlier attempts at remyelination in the cuprizone model of demyelination (Klimaszewska-Lata J., Shimshek D. R., Szutowicz A., Rutkowska A.)
artykuł: HFO under ketamine xylazine anesthesia are coupled to large current sources and nasal respiration: a proposed mechanism for the generation of HFO after NMDAR blockade (Sredniawa W., Wrobel J. J., Whittington M., Wojcik D. K., Hunt M. J.)
artykuł: Novel insights of brain insulin action on metabolism and behavior (Kleinridders A.)
artykuł: Exploratory and classical ANOVA analysis of response-locked event-related potentials (Duda-Golawska J., Imbir K. K., Zygierewicz J.)
artykuł: Presence of a companion alleviates fear response but does not equal fear extinction (Gorkiewicz T., Rokosz-Andraka K., Kondrakiewicz K., Meyza K., Knapska E.)
artykuł: Brain-wide mapping of oxytocin receptor neurons in the developing postnatal mouse brain (Kim Y.)
artykuł: Neurochemical correlates of 50‑kHz ultrasonic vocalizations in context induced response, reward processing, and appetitive social interactions (Hamed A., Kursa M.)
artykuł: Network activities at the start of a focal seizure (de Curtis M.)
artykuł: Diet-derived changes in insulin metabolism in brain accelerate the development of Alzheimer's disease neuropathological features (Mietelska-Porowska A., Wieckowska A., Dlugosz J., Koperski M., Wojda U.)
artykuł: What planning interactions with tools can tell us about bimanuality: an fMRI study (Buchwald M., Nowik A., Kroliczak G.)
artykuł: The effect of a sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors modulator on the transcriptional profile of genes linked to glutamate homeostasis in the sporadic and genetic animal models of Alzheimer’s disease (Wencel P., Sulkowski G., Dabrowska-Bouta B., Strosznajder R. P., Struzynska L.)
artykuł: Modification of monosynaptic Ia EPSP by externally induced electrical fields in SOD1 G93A mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Baczyk M., Jankowiak T., Cholewinski M.)
artykuł: Social play behavior of rats in the model of autism induced by prenatal exposure to polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid (Gzielo K., Holuj M., Popik P., Nikiforuk A.)
artykuł: Addicted brain mapping and imaging using light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (Stefaniuk M.)
artykuł: Amotl1: a novel synaptic protein important for mice social behavior and brain organization (Krzemien J., Rojek K., Winiarski M., Boguszewski P. M., Knapska E., Proszynski T. J.)
artykuł: Fear conditioning affects reaction to ultrasonic signals in SHR and wistar rats (Wardak A., Polowy R., Grymanowska A., Filipkowski R. K., Olszynski K. H.)
artykuł: Anxiolytic effect of physical activity and cerebral accumulation of saturated fatty acids (Liskiewicz A., Przybyla M., Wojakowska A., Marczak L., Bogus K., Nowacka-Chmielewska M., Liskiewicz D., Malecki A., Barski J. J., Lewin-Kowalik J., Toborek M.)
artykuł: Maternal separation stress alters excitability and stress induced c-fos expression in ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons of adult female rats (Gugula A., Spyrka J., Cizio K., Hess G., Blasiak A.)
artykuł: Effects of diet-induced obesity and diabetes type 2 on neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive neurons in the hypothalamus of male and female rats (Matuszewska J.)
artykuł: How zebrafish research is reshaping today;s neuroscience and biological psychiatry (Kalueff A.)
artykuł: Prenatal stress induced sex differences in the incidence and the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in adult rats: offspring of mothers with different sensitivity to EAE (Utevska S., Geyko V., Berchenko O.)
artykuł: The role of cortisol and kisspeptin in suppression of the GnRH/LH secretion in follicular-phase ewes subjected to prolonged stress (Ciechanowska M., Lapot M., Kowalczyk M., Brytan M., Przekop F.)
artykuł: Intra ventral tegmental area noradrenergic receptor signalling regulates CUE-induced fear memory retrieval (Zajda K., Drwiega G., Wira P., Szklarczyk K., Solecki W. B.)
artykuł: Evaluation of transgenic mice with progressive degeneration of noradrenergic system towards the study of presymtomatic phase of Parkinson's disease (Barut J., Chmielarz P., Jurga A., Baginska M., Parlato R., Domanskyi A., Nalepa I., Kreiner G.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological properties of functionally identified adult mouse motoneurons (Manuel M.)
artykuł: Neuronal and ionic mechanisms of focal seizure - insight from in silico study (Suffczynski P.)
artykuł: Investigation into the effects of chronic antidepressant and acute ketamine treatment on ultrasonic vocalisations in Wistar-Kyoto and Sprague-Dawley rats (Dunphy-Doherty F., Prenderville J., Bianchi M., Sokolowska E.)
artykuł: Microelectronic system for low-artifact electrical stimulation and recording of brain activity at up to 512 electrodes (Szypulska M., Wiacek P., Skoczen A., Ahmed I., Futowski T., Jurgielewicz P., Kolodziej K., Czerwinski M. B., Wojcik D. K., Mindur B., Kublik E., Dabrowski W., Hottowy P.)
artykuł: Why and what do we eat or brain-body metabolic games (Konopka W.)
artykuł: Increase of intrinsic excitability of neocortical somatostatin-expressing cells in layer IV of the mouse primary somatosensory cortex as a result of associative learning (Kanigowski D., Urban-Ciecko J.)
artykuł: Multiple sclerosis: formation of a brain autoimmune disease (Wekerle H.)
artykuł: Traumatic brain injury-induced changes in electrophysiological properties of granule cells and adult hippocampal neurogenesis (Danielewicz J., Dura I., Encinas J. M.)
artykuł: Social interactions and ultrasonic vocalisation in serotonin trasporter knockout rats (Golebiowska J., Holuj M., Piotrowska D., Nikiforuk A., Popik P., Homberg J.)
artykuł: Impact of environmental enrichment on anxiety and learning in the rat model of epilepsy induced by electrical stimulation of the amygdala (Stepniak A., Nizinska K., Szydlowska K., Lukasiuk K.)
artykuł: The influance of endurance, strength, and vibration training on sag in unfused tetanic contractions of fast motor units (Krysciak K., Drzymala-Celichowska H., Smith I. C., Celichowski J.)
artykuł: Molecular mechanisms of proton modulation in the GABAA receptor as compared to low pH activation scheme in the GLIC ion (Michalowski M. A., Mozrzymas J. W.)
artykuł: Time increase the odds of repeating a previous choice (Parkitna J. R., Szumiec L., Jablonska J.)
artykuł: Gabaergic neurones - the cellular substrate for local and long-range synchrony (Monyer H.)
artykuł: 5‑HT7 receptors on GABAergic neurons modulate the inhibitory tone to principal cells in the mouse basal amygdala (Ciurej I., Kusek M., Siwiec M., Sowa J. E., Bilecki W., Mackowiak M., Tokarski K.)
artykuł: Ketogenic diet and sexual motivation in male rats (Bogacki-Rychlik W., Bialy M., Grajoszek A., Przybyla M., Slugocka A., Barski J. J.)
artykuł: Role of alpha2-adrenergic receptors in ventral tegmental area in the phasic dopamine release into basolateral amygdala in stressed and non stressed rats (Bernacka J., Kielbinska M., Solecki W. B.)
artykuł: Molecular biomarkers of epileptogenesis in a genetic model of epilepsy - tuberus sclerosis complex (Jozwiak S.)
artykuł: Fish and animal models in biomedical research (Chojnacka D., Barski J. J.)
artykuł: The number and motor innervation of muscle spindles in the medial gastrocnemius of male and female rats (Celichowski J., Gartych M., Mierzejewska-Krzyzowska B., Bukowska D.)
artykuł: UV light detection by the rat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (Kustron A., Jeczmien-Lazur J., Oelowska-Feuer P., Lewandowski M. H.)
artykuł: Location of HuR protein in a model photothrombotic ischemic stroke in rat - method development (Pawletko K., Jedrzejjowska-Szypulska H.)
artykuł: Pups' altered ultrasonic vocalisation in the poly I:C rat model of autism spectrum disorder: results from the mother isolation test (Piotrowska D., Sopel J., Potasiewicz A., Popik P., Nikiforuk A.)
artykuł: Evaluation of spatial generalization in house cricket (Acheta domesticus) (Baran B., Krzyzowski M., Francikowski J., Hohol M.)
artykuł: Long-lasting effects of trans-spinal direct current stimulation on motoneuron firing properties in rats (Krutki P., Drzymala-Celichowska H., Mrowczynski W., Baczyk M.)
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