Warianty tytułu
Konkurentosposobnost' predprijatija i metody ee ocenki
Języki publikacji
Opis fizyczny
- Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University, Lugansk, Ukraine
- 1. Azoev G.L.: Competitive edges of firm / G.L Azoev, A.P. Chelenkov. - M. : ОАО «Tipographia «Novosti», 2000. - 256 p.
- 2. Market academy: marketing / [A. Daian, F. Bukerel, А. Оlіv’е, R. Urse & others]; [translate from fr.] - M. : Economica, 1993. - 571 p.
- 3. Borisenko Z.M.: Bases of competition policy / Z.M. Borisenko. - K. : Takson, 2004. - 704 p.
- 4. Brutman A.B.: Industrial enterprise as object of measuring of competitiveness: methodological aspect / A.B. Brutman // Announcer of the Khmel'nickogo national university. Economic Sciences. - 2009. - T. 2. -№ 4. -p. 154-161.
- 5. Bulah I.V.: Математична модель оцінки стратегічноі конкурентоспроможності підприемства / І.V. Bulah. И Announcer of the National university of water economy and nature using. - 2007. — №. 3 (39). - p. 24-31.
- 6. Gerchikova I.N.: Menegement/ I.N. Gerchikova - M. : Banks & Funds, UNITI, 1995. - 480 p.
- 7. Nadtochiy I.I.: Essence and value of competitiveness is in development of enterprises [electronic resource] / I.I. Nadtochiy // Announcer of the National university of shipbuilding.- 2010. - № 2. - Access mode: www.ev.nuos.edu.ua
- 8. Oberemchuk V.F.: Providing of the competitiveness of enterprise: strategic aspects: Abstract of thesis of dis. on the receipt of Sciences, degree of d.e.n. Special. 08.06.01./ V.F. Oberemchuk; Kiev national. un. Kyiv, 1999. - 19 p.
- 9. Pavlova V.A.: Competitivness of enterprises: estimation and strategy of providing [monograph], / V.A. Pavlova. - D. : Vid-vo of DUEP, 2006. - 276 p.
- 10. Savchenko S.M.: Generals of estimation of competitiveness of enterprise [electronic resource] / S.M. Savchenko of // Problem of approach ofthe systems in an economy. - 2008. - №4.- Access mode: http://www.nbuv. gov.ua
- 11. Simekh Yu.A.: Determination of concept of competitiveness of enterprise. / Yu.A. Simekh // Announcer of International Slavonic University. Seria «Economic Sciences». - T. X, 2007. -№ 1. - p. 12-16.
- 12. Ulanchuk V.S.: Competition and methods of determination of competitiveness [electronic resource] / V.S. Ulanchuk, N.O. Lysenko // Collection of scientific labours of the Uman state agrarian university. - 2008. - № 70. - Part 2. Economic - Access mode: http://udau.edu.ua
- 13. Bojar E.: Bezpośredni inwestycje zagraniczne w Irlandii - najlepsze praktyki / E. Bojar, T. Zminda, J. Bis // Collection of scientific labours. Lutsk national technical university. Economic Sciences. «Regional economy». - № 5(17). - Part 4. - 2008. - p. 350-369.
- 14. Kastens M.: Long-Range Plannung for Your Business. / M. Kastens. - N.Y. - 1976. - p. 52-53.
- 15. Palay N.: The Managers Guide to Competitive Marketing Stratagies./ N. Palay. - N.Y. - 1989.-p. 81-82.
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