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Effect of feed enzyme additives in pig diets on some enzymatic activity in blood plasma
Języki publikacji
The research objective was to determine the effect of supplemental enzymes that break down phytates or hydrolyze non-starch polysaccharide fractions in the diets of pigs under the complete production cycle (sows at gestation and lactation, growers and fatteners) on the activity of blood ALT, AST, AP and LDH. Also analyzed were the interaction between some feed additives (formic acid and its potassium salt, calcitriol) and microbial phytase or a multienzymatic preparation and their impact on the activity of these enzymes. In each of the three experiments, two control groups were formed: positive (PC) with a dicalcium phosphate (10 g kg⁻¹) supplement and negative (NC) with plant feedstuffs as a phosphorus source. Nutrient content (excluding phosphorus and calcium) at each feeding period was consistent with the Standards for Pig Feeding, 1993. In Experiment I, the NC mixture was supplemented with the following: microbial phytase (500 PU kg⁻¹) for group F, enzymes hydrolyzing non-starch polysaccharide fractions for group E, microbial phytase and enzymes hydrolyzing non-starch polysaccharide fractions for group FE, while group W received a multienzymatic preparation which comprised both microbial phytase and enzymes contributing into the non-starch polysaccharide hydrolysis (xylanase, beta-glucanase, cellulase). In Experiment II, the pig groups FM, WM, FK and WK were supplied with a mixture like in group NC with the addition of microbial phytase and a preparation including formic acid and its potassium salt for group FM, a multienzymatic preparation and a preparation with formic acid and salt for group WM, microbial phytase and calcitriol for group FK, as well as a multienzymatic preparation and calcitriol for group WK. In Experiment III, the animals from group FKM and WKM were fed the NC diet supplemented with microbial phytase, calcitriol and a preparation comprising formic acid and its potassium salt for group FKM, with a multienzymatic preparation, calcitriol and a preparation with formic acid and its potassium salt for group WKM. Blood was collected from 8 gilts from each group at 84 days of gestation and 21 days of lactation, from 8 growing pigs from each group at the starter period (56 raising day), the grower period (91 days of age) and finisher period (154 days of age). Blood was examined to establish the activity of ALT, AST, AP and LDH using the colorimetric assay with Cormay monotests. The results of the present research conducted on the pigs at the complete production cycle, fed diets deprived of a calcium phosphate content but supplemented with microbial phytase, enzymes hydrolyzing non-starch polysaccharide fractions, calcitriol or a preparation comprising formic acid and its potassium salt have given evidence of a stimulating effect of the employed additives on the activity of enzymes from the transferase enzyme group, AP and LDH. The animals from group W showed a significant increase in AST, AP and LDH activity, primarily in the fatteners. The activity of AST and LDH in the blood of pigs from the groups FKM, WKM proved to be significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) during the whole cycle as compared to the animals from the NC group. In none of the groups under study were deviations noted from the reference values for the activity of enzymes analyzed in the present research.
Słowa kluczowe
trzoda chlewna
zywienie zwierzat
dodatki paszowe
enzymy paszowe
fitaza mikrobiologiczna
kwas mrowkowy
sol potasowa kwasu mrowkowego
preparaty wieloenzymatyczne
badania krwi
aminotransferaza alaninowa
aminotransferaza asparaginianowa
fosfataza zasadowa
dehydrogenaza mleczanowa
aktywnosc enzymatyczna
Opis fizyczny
- Katedra Biochemii i Toksykologii, Wydział Biologii i Hodowli Zwierząt, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie ,ul.Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin
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