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This paper describes an efficient in vitro micropropagation of Artemisia vulgaris using shoot tip and nodal explants. Among the various growth regulators tested, MS medium and B₅ vitamins supplemented with BA (4.44 µM) and KN (2.32 µM) combination was found to yield a better response than BA (4.44–13.32 µM) or KN (0.46–13.92 µM) alone in the medium. BA and KN combinations produced a maximum of 23.3 shoots per explant with 99.8% shooting frequency. Multiple shoots raised were elongated on MS medium containing 0.44 µM BA and 1.44 µM GA₃. Rooting was highest (98.2%) on MS medium containing 8.56 µM IAA. Rooted plantlets were successfully transferred to plastic cups containing autoclaved garden soil, farmyard soil and sand (2:1:1) for hardening. After 65 days, the plantlets were transferred to Botanical Evaluation Garden and maintained. The survival rate of plantlets varied under acclimatization. Plants looked healthy with no visually detectable phenotypic variations. This is the first report on plant regeneration via organogenesis of A. vulgaris.
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- Stress Biology and Medicinal Plant Biotechnology Division, Department of Plant Science, School of Life Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, 620 024 Tamil Nadu, India
- Stress Biology and Medicinal Plant Biotechnology Division, Department of Plant Science, School of Life Sciences, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, 620 024 Tamil Nadu, India
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