Zawartość wolumenu
artykuł: Are there any differences in the actiyity of 5-HT cells of the rat MRN depending on the zeitgeber time? (Werhun K., Lewandowski M. H.)
artykuł: Naloxone (NX) antagonizes the enhancemenł of plasma beta-endorphin (B-END) level under immobilization (TMB) stress in pigs (Stojek W., Ciepielewski Z., Komarowska I., Borman A., Hirsz A., Tokarski J.)
artykuł: Comparison of rat and cat motor unit properties in the medial gastrocnemius muscle (Krutki P., Celichowski J., Lochynski D., Pogrzebna M., Mrowczynski W.)
artykuł: Toxicity of tetrahydroisoquinolines (TIQs) in the HEK293 cell lines expressing dopamine and organic cation transporters (Lenda T., Schulze G., Rommelspacher H., Bonish H., Bojarski A., Lorenc-Koci E.)
artykuł: Interactions between depression and anxiety-effects of depression-inducing treatment on behavioral and nearochemical measures of anxiety (Wieczorek M., Sliwa A., Juszczak G. R., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Development of food preferences in mammals:a behavioural view (Stasiak M., Walasek G.)
artykuł: Involvement of the endogenous opioid system in drug addition (Maldonado R.)
artykuł: Synaptic integration in cortical neurons under natural and artificial high-conductance states (Piwkowska Z., Badoual M., Rudolph M., Destexhe A., McCormick D. A., Bal T.)
artykuł: Influence of MPEP on certain behaviors in rats subjected to experimental episodes of hvpoxia (Nadlewska A., Car H., Wisniewska R. J.)
artykuł: Serotoninergic impairment and aggressive behavior in Alzheimers diseaseplanar lipid bilayer (Zarros A. C., Kalopita K. S., Tsakiris S. T.)
artykuł: Memory impairment as a possible effect of rapamycin therapy (Gawrys L., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Role of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors in memory reconsolidation (Sulinska E.)
artykuł: Topography in the inferior olive projections to the uvula and paramedian lobule in the rabbit (Bukowska D., Zguczynski L., Mierzejewska-Krzyzowska B.)
artykuł: Influence of buspirone on neurogenesis in the aged gray short-tailed opossum, Monodelphis domestica (Grabiec M., Djavadian R., Turlejski K.)
artykuł: Antinociceptive effects of morphine in neonatal 5,7-dihydrotryptamine lesioned rats:the role of nitric oxide (Krzascik P., Kolomanska P., Zajda M., Papasz A.)
artykuł: Behavioural characterisation of non competitive mGluR1 and mGluR5 antagonists (Danysz W., Dekundy A., Gravius A., Pietraszek M., Sevostianova N.)
artykuł: The effects of antidepressant treatments on glutamatergic transmission in rat frontal cortex (Bobula B., Hess G.)
artykuł: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene expression in rats following repeated treatment with mirtazapine (Rogoz Z., Skuza G., Dudys D., Ciszek M., Legutko B.)
artykuł: Se!ective breeding of mice for swim analgesia:coinheritance of unseleeted behavioral traits (Sadowski B.)
artykuł: Ligands of metabotropic glutamate receptors are neuroprotective in rat model of perinatal asphyxia (Makarewicz D., Wroblewski J. T., Danysz W., Lazarewicz J. W.)
artykuł: Cocaine-induced AP-itranscription factor is regulated by ERK (Radwanska K., Valjent E., Coboche J., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: The comparison of morphometric analysis of cerebellum nuclei (nucleus dentatus and nuclei fastigii and nucleus interpositus lateralis and medialis) in the fetal life of cattle (Krakowska L., Matysek M., Boratynski Z.)
artykuł: Modeling human neurodegenerative diseases in Drosophila (Michno K., Boulianne G. L.)
artykuł: Motor unit action potentials in the medial gastrocnemius muscle of young and old rats (Ciechanowicz I., Krutki P., Lochynski D., Celichowski J.)
artykuł: Involvement of FosB protein in various behavior (Solecki W., Krowka T., Kubik J., Osikowicz M., Mika J., Wozniak G., Kaczmarek L., Przewlocka B., Przewlocki R.)
artykuł: Cyclie expression of the alpha subunit of the Na/K- ATPase in the brain of Drosophila melanogaster (Gorska-Andrzejak J., Wszolek A., Gorlich A., Semik D., Pyza E.)
artykuł: Rat brainstera mao after morphine administration (Tsydik V., Lelevich V., Zimatkin S.)
artykuł: Some aspects of (minus)-2'-thionicotine behavioral activity in rats-preliminary report (Mikolajczak P. L., Boczon W., Okulicz-Kozaryn I., Wojciechowska M., Kaminska E., Szulc M.)
artykuł: Pattern of e-Fos expression in the neocortical parts ol the limbie system during deve!opment and maturadon (Morys J., Ludkiewicz B., Bodowska-Szalewska E., Klejbor I., Domaradzka-Pytel B.)
artykuł: The relationship between synaptic plasticity and experi- ence-dependent plasticity studied in the barrel cortex (Fox K., Hardingham N., Wright N.)
artykuł: Motor cortex excitability threshold and silent period evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation in spinocerebellar ataxia (Rakowicz M., Rola R., Derejko M., Zdzieniecka E., Poniatowska R., Sulek A., Szirkowiec W., Inglot E., Niewiadomska M.)
artykuł: Recoming a neuron:molecular mechanisms underlying neurogenesis (Miller F.)
artykuł: Allelic variation of serotonin receptor 1A function and complex traits (Lesch K. P.)
artykuł: Herbal drugs used to prevent neurodegenerative diseases-risk of interactions (Ozarowski M., Mrozikiewicz P. M.)
artykuł: Toward understanding the meclianisms of Im ma o motor learning (Classen T.)
artykuł: The involvement of NOS inhibitors in effects of morphine and endomorphine-1 in neuropathic pain (Makuch W., Sieja A., Przewlocka B.)
artykuł: Developmental pattern of PSD-95 expression in the barrel cortex of mice (Nowicka D.)
artykuł: Midbrain dopaminergic cells after unilateral lesion and contralateral stimulation of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) (Cecot T., Jerzemowska G., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: The influence of adenosine receptor agonists on the development of sensitization to diazepani withdrawal signs (Listos J.)
artykuł: Participation of bone marrow stromal cells in repair of cerebral cortex injury (Pasiut S., Opydo M.)
artykuł: Sensitivity to cbemical toxins after esposure to non-chemical stressors (Dyzma M., Lutz P., Gralewicz S.)
artykuł: The role of nitric oxide in maturation of the cholinergic system in rat brain (Domek-Lopacinska K., Kaminska M., Kopczuk D., Strosznajder J. B.)
artykuł: MTEP-a new, selective antagonist of the metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5)-produces antiparkinsonian-Iike effects in rats (Pile A., Ossowska K., Konieczny J., Wolfarth S.)
artykuł: 1-Methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline attenuates ethanol, cocaine and morphine addiction in behavioral models: neurochemical correlates (Antkiewicz-Michaluk L., Filip M., Kostowski W., Patsenka A., Popik P., Przegalinski E., Wrobel M.)
artykuł: Exploratory behavior as a function of enwironmental novelty and complexity in małe and femaie rats (Pisula W.)
artykuł: The effect of age and gender on the perception of teniporal order (Szymaszek A., Szelag E., Siwowska M.)
artykuł: Spatio-temporal receptive field structure and direction preference of neurons in eat's superior colliculus (Wypych M., Ghazaryan A., Borkowski W., Wrobel A., Waleszczyk W. J.)
artykuł: Does callosal maturation affect the crossed minus uncrossed reaction time difference (CUD) in children? Yes, but not in the expected way (Wolski P.)
artykuł: Studies on genetic etiology of depression using selected mouse iines (Sacharczuk M.)
artykuł: Dilferential effect of photothrombotic stroke on D1 dopamine and beta-1 adrenergic receptors in rat cerebral cortex (Rogozinska K., Skangiel-Kramska J.)
artykuł: Antiapoptotic effects of memantine on staurosporine-induced cell damage in neocortical cultured neurons (Jantas-Skotniczna D., Kajta M., Lason W.)
artykuł: Involvement of OCTN2 and B0,plus in the transport of carnitine through an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier (Berezowski V., Miecz D., Marszalek M., Broer A., Broer S., Cecchelli R., Nalecz K. A.)
artykuł: Modulation of GABAergie currents:a ciose look at the time scale of synaptic transmission (Mozrzymas J. W.)
artykuł: Graft-induced restoration of hindlimb functions is mediated by 5HT2 receptors (Maleszak K., Cabaj A., Majczynski H., Slawinska U.)
artykuł: A Drosophila model to study the role of Presenilins in Alzheimer's disease (Bouliantie G. L.)
artykuł: The effecfs of socialization on intermale behavior in o!d rats (Boguszewski P., Meyza K., Zagrodzka J.)
artykuł: c-Fos and TrkA-immunoreactivity after open field stress in the raf hypothalamus (Badowska-Szalewska E., Klejbor I., Ludkiewicz B., Domaradzka-Pytel B., Morys J.)
artykuł: Functional integration of grafted embryonic neurones into the circuitry of the host spinał cord (Slowianska U.)
artykuł: Age-related effects of inidbrain 5-HT1A receptors stimulation in rats (Krotewicz M., Koprowska M., Strzelczuk M.)
artykuł: Role of group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptors in homocysteine neurotoxicity (Zieminska E., Stafiej A., Kozlowska H., Lazarewicz J. W.)
artykuł: Genetically determined susceptibility to stress and long-lasting changes in plasma beta-endorphin (B-END) in pigs (Ciepielewski Z., Stojek W., Borman A., Tokarski J.)
artykuł: Membrane proteins, a key challenge in today's proteomics research (Bierczynska-Krzysik A., Kang S. U., Silberring J., Lubec G.)
artykuł: Rodent models of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia:what do they tell us? (Cenci-Nilsson M. A.)
artykuł: Axotomy does not induce apoptosis in some sympathetic neurons innervating the porcine aterus (Wasowicz K., Podlasz P., Bukowski R.)
artykuł: Effect of time of prenatal mild or severe hypoxia on behavior in rats (Vataeva L. A., Tjulkova E. J.)
artykuł: Electrophysiology of optic nerve input to the intergeniculate leaflet neurons in rats-in vitro studies (Blasiak A., Lewandowski M. H.)
artykuł: The influence of kindling and hippocampal group I mGluR's on fear conditioning (Maciejak P., Lehner M., Szyndler J., Taracha E., Skorzewska A., Bidzinski A., Plaznik A.)
artykuł: Avian pallial primordia compared to mammalian ones in the light of molecular markers (Puelles L., Fernan J. L., Sandoval J., Garcia-Calero E., de-la-Torre M.)
artykuł: Caffeine, adenosine A2A receptors, and neuroprotection in PD Schwarzschiid M.A. Massacusetts General Hospital, Boston, USA (Schwarzschiid M. A.)
artykuł: The high resolution morphological study of MMP-9 and its mRNA in the rat hippocampus (Konopacki F. A., Wilczynski G. M., Lasiecka Z., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Effects of new, originai serotonin (5-HT)2A receptor antagonists on amphetamine diserimination in rats:a comparison between typical and atypical antypsychoties (Golda A., Filip M., Nowak E., Byrtus H., Obinska J., Pawlowski M.)
artykuł: Differential involvement of the central amygdala in appetitive versus aversive learning (Knapska E., Walasek G., Nikolaev E., Neuhaeusser-Wespy F., Lipp H. P., Kaczmarek L., Werka T.)
artykuł: Expansion of row B whiskers cortical representation after sensory deprivation of the remaining barrel field:2-deoxyglucose study on rats (Jablonka A., Zakrzewska R., Kossut M.)
artykuł: Development of dopaminergic neurons in the midbrain structures of FGFR1 transgenic mice (Klejbor L., Ludkiewicz B., Dziewiatkowski J., Stachowiak M. K., Morys J.)
artykuł: Apoptosis of astrocytes induced by glutamate can be inhibited by FK506 (Szydlowska K., Zawadzka M., Kaminska B.)
artykuł: Inducible gene expression in rat neurons (Konopka W., Duniec K., Owczarek D., Wawrzyniak M., Mioduszewska B., Maleszewski M., Kaczamrek L.)
artykuł: Neuron-specific eGFP expression from lentivectors in rat brain (Duniec K., Mioduszewska B., Serre A., Kaczmarek L., Mallet J.)
artykuł: Intracortical inhibition in learning-dependent plasticity (Kossut M.!, SiucinskaE.1, Urban-Ciecko J.1, Tokarski K.% Hess G.u M., Siucinska E., Urban-Ciecko J., Tokarski K., Hess G.)
artykuł: Different effects of repeated and continuous chronic restraint stress on NK cytotoxic actiivity in pigs (Borman A., Ciepielewski Z., Stojek W., Tokarski J.)
artykuł: Expression of opioid genes in neuropathie and inflammatory pain (Korostynski M., Kaminska D., Rodriguez Parkitna J. M., Obara I., Makuch W., Przewlocka B., Przewlocki R.)
artykuł: c-fos expression in rats hyper- and hyporesponsive to novelty in basal conditions and after chronic electric stimulation of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) (Krzyzak A., Ledochowski P., Jerzemowska G., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: Glutamate excitotoxicity in pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (Sulkowski G., Struzynska L., Dabrowska-Bouta B., Kwiatkowska-Pozer B., Rafalowska U.)
artykuł: NAAG and mGluR3 receptor in naturopathic pain and schizophrenia animal models (Wroblewska B., Olszewski R. T., Bukhari N., Bzdega T., Neale J. H., Kozlowski A. P., Zhou J.)
artykuł: Application of proteomic approaches in psychiatrie disorders (Ekman R.)
artykuł: Immunohistochemical and electrophysiological studies of CRF in the frontal cortex of rat brain (Zieba B., Tokarski K., Wieronska J. M., Grzegorzewska M., Hess G., Smialowska M.)
artykuł: Cyclodextrin affects the GABAergic currents in cultured rat hippocampal neurons (Mozrzymas J. W., Pytel M., Mercik K.)
artykuł: What kind of attention is impaired in negleet? (Marzi C. A.)
artykuł: Validating the success and failure of neural deveIopment by stem cells in vitro (Przyborski S., Horrocks G., Christie V., Croft A.)
artykuł: IGL-like neuronal oscillations in the rat pretectum, similarities and discrepancies (Szkudlarek H. J., Lewandowski M. H.)
artykuł: Molecular determinants of presynaptic specialization in two structurally and functionally divergent neuromuscular junctions (Juranek J., Mukherjee K., Rickmann M., Jahn R.)
artykuł: Influence of C-terminal fragment of CART peptide on behavioral actions of morphine (Dylag T., Kotlinska J., Rafalski P., Grzebisz A., Silberring J.)
artykuł: Neurochemical alterations after 8-OHDPAT and WAY-100635 administration into the dorsal raphe nucleus in rats (Koprowska M., Krotewicz M., Stzrelczuk M.)
artykuł: Brain plasticity in stroke rehabilitation (Johansson B. B.)
artykuł: Hemispheric infrormation processing-slow ultradian and asymmetric rhythms (Iskra-Golec I.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological properties of the suprachiasmatic nucleus and its responsiveness to light (Meijer J. H.)
artykuł: Cortical plasticity contributing to child development, adult learning, and neurorehabilitation (Merzenich M.)
artykuł: Effect of the biogenic amines octopamine, tyramine and dopamine on behaviour of ants reunited after a period of social isolation (Korczynska J., Szczuka A., Kieruzel M., Majczynski H., Khvorostova N., Godzinska E. J.)
artykuł: Interhemisheric asymmetry of the N20o subcomponent latency:new parameter of median nerve sotnatosensory evoked potentials assessment in healthy adults (Kinalski R., Pietrzak D., Jemiolkowski J., Pogorzelski G., Domian K.)
artykuł: Prion protein gene polymorphisms are not a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease (Zekanowski C., Gacia M., Religa D., Safranow K., Jakubowska K., Barcikowska M., Kuznicki J.)
artykuł: The role of amygdala galanin in coping with psychological stress (Lioudyno V., Tsikunov S., Klimenko V.)
artykuł: Nicotine potentiates the effect of imipramine related to its antidepressant-Iike action through activation of noradrenergic system (Michaluk J., Romanska I., Krawczyk M., Kos T., Antkiewicz-Michalak L.)
artykuł: Modulation of the expression of opioid inducible genes using RNA interference (Ligeza A., Wawrzczak-Bargiela A., Kaminska D., Korostynski M., Przewlocki M.)
artykuł: The hippocampal piramidal cell synapses simulator (Gorzelanczyk E. J., Huflejt M., Kniat J., Murakowski J., Wozniak P.)
artykuł: D1 receptor is involved in socio-sexual learning (Bialy M., Kalata U., Nikolaev A., Golebiowska A., Nikolaev E.)
artykuł: AM281 alters recognition memory in rats (Bialuk J., Kosiorek P., Hryniewicz A., Zabucki R., Kalinowska A., Winnicka M. M.)
artykuł: NGF administration affects MHC class I and PDGFRalpha expression in brain progenitor cells of EAE rats (Bacia A., Triaca V., Aloe L.)
artykuł: Individual differences in sensitization effect of repeated amphetamine administration on NK-related cytotoxic activity (Glac W., Leszkowicz E., Tokarski J.)
artykuł: Animal models of schizophrenia as a neurodeve!opmental disorder (Van Ree J. M.)
artykuł: Low expression levels of NR1 N598R NMDA receptors after functional and structural properties of the dentate gyrus impair spatial learning (Schoepfer R.)
artykuł: Effects of lipopolysaccharide, interleukin-1 beta and chronic mild stress on nociception in mice (Sadowski B., Wolak P. M., Juszczak G. R., Sliwa A., Tymosiak-Zielinska A., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Role of 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase in the synthesis of sulfane sulfur-containing compounds in cultured astrocytes (Jurkowska H., Uchacz T., Dulinska-Litewska J., Wrobel M.)
artykuł: Effects of direct and indirect dopamine receptor agonists on the cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist CP 55,940-induced discrimination (Frankowska M., Filip M., Przegalinski E.)
artykuł: Age and gender influence on astrocyte activation in model of Parkinson's disease (PD) (Ciesielska A., Joniec L., Przybylkowski A., Kurkowska-Jastrzebska I., Czlonkowska A., Czlonkowski A.)
artykuł: Brain zif-268 espression under immunization in rats (Myslinska D., Tokarski I., Cecot T., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: Temperamental traits postulated by the Regulative Theory of Temperament and the dopamine D4 receptor (DRD4), serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and dopamine trans¬porter (DAT!) gene polymorphisms. (Dragan W. L., Oniszczenko W. O.)
artykuł: Effect of chronic mild stress (CMS) on behavior of mice selected for high and Iow stress-induced analgesia (Juszczak G. R., Sliwa A., Wolak P. M., Tymosiak-Zielinska A., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Inhibition of neuronal activity in the rat intergeniculate leaflet by serotonergic projection from the dorsal raphe nucleus (Siejka S., Blasiak T., Raison S., Pevet P., Lewandowski M. H.)
artykuł: Effects of immune stimulation on avoidance responses in mice (Wolak P. M., Werka T., Juszczak G. R., Sliwa A., Tymosiak-Zielinska A., Sadowski B., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Immunomodulatory effect of antidepressant drugs in animal models of depression (Kubera M., Basta-Kaim A., Budziszewska B., Jaworska-Feil E., Roman A., Leskiewicz M., Telich M., Korzeniak B., Lason W.)
artykuł: Inflammation related apoptosis can be prevented by inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis (Czapski G. A., Cakala M., Gajkowska B., Strosznajder J. B.)
artykuł: Reorganization of human motor eortex by weak direet current stimulation (Nitsche M. A.)
artykuł: Using stem cells to repair the Parkinsonian brain:will it work? (Barker R. A.)
artykuł: Prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle in mice selected for magnitude of swim analgesia (Blaszczyk J. W., Sadowski B.)
artykuł: Piasticity of thalamo-cortical connections in adult mouse slices (Boratynski P., Bekisz M., Kasicki S.)
artykuł: Cu/Zn-SOD overexpression impairs regeneration and aggravates neuropathic pain after sciatic nerve injury (Lewin-Kowalik J., Kotulska K., London J., LePecheur M., Paly E., Golka B., Larysz-Brysz M.)
artykuł: Different effects of Riluzole treatment on survival of motor units of fast and slow muscles (Cabaj A., Lapinska I., Majczynski H., Slawinska U.)
artykuł: An endogenous neuroprotective compound-lMeTTQ-prevents the cocaine addiction in self-administration model in rat:neurochemical correlates (Antkiewicz-Michaluk L., Romanska R., Filip M., Michaluk J.)
artykuł: Andrzej Romaniuk (1931-2005) (Wieczorek M.)
artykuł: Bafilomycin blocks vesicular histamine transport in Drosophila (Borycz J. A., Borycz J., Lu Z., Pyza E., Meinertzhagen I. A.)
artykuł: Influence of adenosine A2A receptor stimulation on proenkephalin (PENK) and prodynorphin (PDYN) mRNAs expression in rat brain (Wardas J., Lenda T., Kuter K.)
artykuł: Entorhinal cortex of the opossum Monodelphis dornestica: Cytoarchitecture and connectivity (Olkowicz S., Turlejski K.)
artykuł: One-compartment neuron models of LGN and PGN cells in the primary visual pathway of the cat (Baszczak M., Kasicki S.)
artykuł: Brain c-fos expression after unilateral electrolytic lesion and contralateral electrical stimulation of the ventral tegniental area in rats (Prabucka I., Jerzemowska G., Cecot T., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: Slowly progressing degeneration of dopaminergic nigrostriatal neurons induced by a herbicide-paraquat (PQ) administration in rodents (Ossowska K.)
artykuł: Calcium channel antagonists attenuate the expression of mecamylamine-precipitated nicotine withdrawal in mice (Biala G., Budzynska B.)
artykuł: A genomie approach in human mood disorders (Deakin B.)
artykuł: Effects of lipopolysacharide, interleukin-l and lactoferrin on intake of sweet sołutions by mice (Sliwa A., Wolak P. M., Juszczak G. R., Tymosiak-Zielinska A., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Group I metabotropic giutamate receptors and ischemic preconditioning (Duszczyk M., Gadomski R., Ziembowicz A., Lazarewicz J. W.)
artykuł: Effect of unilateral lesion of the nudeus accumbens on behaviour evoked by stimulation of the A10 neuronal group in the contralateral hemisphere (Plucinska K., Jankowska B., Jankowski M., Prabucka I., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: Deterioration of locomotor movements following initial improvement after spinał cord hemisection in rats (Majczynski H., Kurowski P., Lapinska I., Nosecka E., Gorska T., Stawinska U.)
artykuł: Adult solutions for adult problems? (Joannides D., Hunt D., Chandran S. D.)
artykuł: Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on activity, ankiety and learning in young adult Wistar rats (Jakubowska-Dogra E., Dursun I., Uzbaj T.)
artykuł: Neuropsychological evaluation of memory deflicits in Parkinson’s disease (Gorzelanczyk E. J., Gryz J., Harat M., Laskowska L., Litwinowicz A., Michalak M., Olzak M., Rolinska P., Zukiewicz K.)
artykuł: Inhibitory effect of neurosteroids on gluicocorticoid receptor-mediated gene transcription:an involvement of protein kinases and interaction with psychotropie drugs (Leskiewicz M., Basta-Kaim A., Budziszewska B., Tetich M., Otczyk M., Lason W.)
artykuł: Effects of zinc and cadmium on morphology and plasticity of neurons in the visual system of Musca domestica (Borowska J., Pyza E.)
artykuł: Opioid system in the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPN) suppresses cholinergic component of the hippocampal theta rhythm in urethane-anesthetized rats (Leszkowicz E., Matulewicz P., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: Effects of ageing on the regulation of force in the rat medial gastrocnemius motor units (Lochynski D., Krutki P., Celichowski J.)
artykuł: Information processing accuracy-alternation of shal- low and deep strategies (Iskra-Golec I.)
artykuł: The effects of contingent and non-contingent cocaine administration on the expression of proenkephaiin, prodynorphin and dopamine D2 receptor in the rat brain (Ziolkowska B., Stefanski R., Mierzejewski P., Kostowski W., Przewlocki R.)
artykuł: Visualisation of the extent of damage in a rat spinal cord injury model using MR Microscopy of the water diffusion tensor (Krzyzak A. T., Jasinski A., Weglarz W. P., Adamek D., Sagnowski P., Baj M.)
artykuł: Role of metabotropic glutamate receptor 1 in neuronal apoptosis (Pshenichkin S., Dolinska M., Klauzinska M., Lachenko V., Grajkowska E., Wroblewski J. T.)
artykuł: The effect of opioid receptor blockade on nicotine-induced antinociception and dependence in mice (Biala G., Budzynska B.)
artykuł: Astroglia in lead toxicity-neuroprotective or neuro-toxic? (Struzynska L., Sulkowski G., Chalimoniuk M., Lenkiewicz A.)
artykuł: The role of satiation and smell of the food reward in performance and extinction of the instrumental response in rats with limited early taste experience (Stasiak M., Domagalska D., Walasek G.)
artykuł: The influence of acute and chronic paraquat administration on catecholaminergic systems in rat frontal cortex (Kuter K., Nowak P., Wieronska J. M., Zieba R., Dabrowska J., Bortel A., Kwiecinski A., Smialowska M.)
artykuł: Mu opioid receptor regulation by internalization and transcription (Hollt V.)
artykuł: The influence of magnesium on the action of the anti-depressant drugs in swim test in mice (Poleszak E., Kedzerska E., Wlaz P., Nowak G., Fidecka S., Pilc A.)
artykuł: Intracortical transmission in mouse barrel cortex after behavioral training (Urban-Ciecko J., Kossut M., Hess G.)
artykuł: Chronic thioacetamide-induced liver failure affects idiothetic but not allothetic memory in rats (Wesierska M., Klimowska H., Fresko L., Albrecht J.)
artykuł: The neuroprotective effect of MTEP, a potent and highly selective mGluRS antagonist, on excitotoxic neuronal death (Domin H., Kajta M., Palucha A., Smialowska M.)
artykuł: Force-frequency relationship of rat and cat motor units in the medial gastrocnemius muscle (Mrowczynski W., Celichowski J., Krutki P.)
artykuł: Neural correlates of long-term memory encoding in young adults, eiderly adults and AD patients (Binder M., Urbanik A. S., Sobiecka B., Kozub J.)
artykuł: Elevated expression of HSP72 mRNA in the prefrontal cortex of rats nonresponding to imipramine treatment in the chronic mild stress model of depression (Bielawski A., Papp M., Nalepa I.)
artykuł: Effect of introduction of ICER (inducible cAMP early repressor) on neuronal death in hippocampal organotypic culture (Mioduszewska B., Jaworski J., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Effect of oral administration of octopamine on the expression of predatory behaviour in workers of the ant Formica polyctena (Szczuka A., Godzinska E. J.)
artykuł: Postural stabiiity assessment in patients with Parkinson's disease (Orawiec R., Blaszczyk J. W., Klodowska-Duda G., Opala G., Jasinska-Myga B.)
artykuł: Neurons and glia npregulate FIk1 following various cortical injuries (Sulejczak D., Nosecka E., Macias M., Skup M., Czarkowska-Bauch J., Walski M., Frontczak-Baniewicz M.)
artykuł: Multipotent character of NG2 positive głial cells activated in neurodegenerative conditions (Fiedorowicz A., Figiel I., Dzwonek K., Zaremba M., Oderfeld-Nowak B.)
artykuł: Differentation of glial cells from human umbilical cord blood-derived neural stem cell line:a potent role of growth factors and neuromorphogenes (Sypecka J., Buzanska L., Winiarska H., Domanska-Janik K.)
artykuł: Operant cocaine self-administration in rats is abolished by the neonatal 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine treatment (Wyszogrodzka E., Kolomanska P., Rok P., Krzascik P., Stefanski R., Kostowski W.)
artykuł: Brain VMAT2 unchanged in portocavally shunted rats (Fogel W. A., Michelsen K., Lewinski A., Panula P., Maksymowicz M., Stasiak A.)
artykuł: The effect of gap junction blocker, carbenoxolone, on theta rhythm in anesthetized rats (Matulewicz P., Konopacki J., Jurkowlaniec E.)
artykuł: Recovery of carbachol-induced theta in hippocampal slices after i.p. administration of carbenoxolone-in vivo/in vitro approach (Kowalczyk T., Golebiewski H., Konopacki I.)
artykuł: Neurite outgrowth inhibitors at nodes of Ranvier (Xiao Z. C.)
artykuł: Prenatal exposure to lead influences tbe synthesis rate and level of the biogenic amines in the striatum and prefrontal cortex after amphetamine and/or 7-nitroindazo!e challenge in adult rats (Nowak P., Szczerbak G., Bortel A., Dabrowska J. B., Brus R.)
artykuł: Ca2plus-binding calmyrin is a monomeric protein highly expressed in motoneurons of rat spinał cord (Blazejczyk M., Sobczak A., Piszczek G., Kreutz M. R., Kuznicki J., Wojda U.)
artykuł: Transcription factor Yin Yang 1 regulates in vivo MMP-9 expression in the rat hippocampusRylski (Rylski M., Bielinska B., Saganek R., Konopacki F. A., Wilczynski G. M., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: NG2 expressing cells survive neurotoxic insult in vitro and retain the ability to divide (Dzwonek K., Figiel I.)
artykuł: Sex-dependent differences in the iNOS protein expression in a murine model of Parkinson’s disease (Joniec I., Ciesielska A., Przybylkowski A., Kurkowska-Jastrzebska I., Czlonkowska A., Czlonkowski A.)
artykuł: P300-related cotical inhibition can not be demonstrated with more complex stimuli (Milner R., Giertych E., Michalski A.)
artykuł: Alleviation by Hypericum perforatum of the stress-induced impairment of spatial working memory in rats (Trofimiuk E., Walesiuk A., Braszko J. J.)
artykuł: Behavioral alterations after 8-OHDPAT and WAY-100635 administration into the dorsal raphe nucleus in rats (Stzrelczuk M., Koprowska M., Krotewicz M.)
artykuł: Age-dependent hyperphosphorylation changes cellular compartmentalization of tau protein in cholinergic neurons (Baksalerska-Pazera M., Niewiadomska G.)
artykuł: Insect models of heavy metal neurotoxicity (Pyza E.)
artykuł: Ethanol-and saccharin-induced changes in proenkephalin and prodynorphin expression in the mouse brain (Gieryk A., Korkosz A., Rzymska I., Ziolkowska B., Bienkowski P., Kostowski W., Przewlocki R.)
artykuł: The influence of endurance training on contractile properties of motor units in the rat medial gastrocnemius muscle (Pogrzebna M., Celichowski J.)
artykuł: Presenillin 1 overexpression in bacterial systems-looking for the source of recombinant membrane protein for structural studies (Lewandowicz A., Kuznicki J.)
artykuł: Sighs of relief in rats (Soltysik S., Jelen P.)
artykuł: Glutamate receptors and synaptic plasticity (Bashir Z. J.)
artykuł: Effect of MK-801 and lipopolysaccharide on acoustic startle refiex in mice selected for high and Iow stress-induced analgesia (Juszczak G., Blaszczyk J. W., Sliwa A., Wolak P. M., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Synaptic transmission in somatosensory cortical sliees of genetic epileptic WAG/Rij rats (Pitra P., Grzegorzewska M., Hess G.)
artykuł: Functional brain asymmetry of motor function in left-and right-handers (Gut M., Grabowska A., Urbanik A., Forsberg L., Binder M., Sobiecka B., Kozub J.)
artykuł: Citalopram attenuates the enhancement of morphine dependence in rats subjected to chronic mild stress model of depression (Gruca P., Mrowiec S., Lason M., Litwa E., Papp M.)
artykuł: Somatosensory cortex activation during classical conditioning training in mice (Cybulska-Klosowicz A., Zakrzewska R., Kossut M.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological properties of the intergeniculate leaflet-the element of nonphotic entrainment pathway (Blasiak T.)
artykuł: Unilateral photothrombotic stroke in the frontal cerebral cortex causes biiateral impairment of skilled movements of the rat forelimb (Sulejczak D., Skup M., Stzralkowski R., Macias M., Czarkowska-Bauch J.)
artykuł: Effeet of BU 224 on convulsive threshold in epilepsy model in mice (Aricioglu F., Salanturogiu G., Buldanlioglu U., Hudson A. L.)
artykuł: Age differences in the subjective accentuation task (Kolodziejczyk L., Szelag E.)
artykuł: Anatomical contribution to tbe hippocampal theta amplitude and frequency in freely behaving cats (Bocian R., Golebiewski H., Eckersdorf B., Konopacki J.)
artykuł: Injections of substance P and its analog, DPDPDT, into the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus suppresses hippocampal theta rhythm in urethane-anesthetized rats (Leszkowicz E., Trojniar W.)
artykuł: The study of the instrumental responses reinforced by sexual or exploratory behaviour in male rats (Beck J., Kostowski W.)
artykuł: Proteome of the central nervous system in drug dependence (Silberring J., Noga M., Suder P., Bodzon-Kulakowska A.)
artykuł: Mechanism of adult neurogenesis in mice lacking cyclin D2 (Kowalczyk A., Wielkopolska E., Filipkowski R. K., Rylski M., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Inhibitory effect of alpha-synuclein and non-amyloid beta component of Alzheimer's disease amyloid on dopamine transporter function in rat striatal synaptosoines:relationship to oxidative stress (Adamczyk A., Kazmierczak A., Cakala M., Strosznajder J. B.)
artykuł: Reconstitution of brain mitochondria inner membrane into planar lipid bilayer (Kulawiak B., Bednarczyk P.)
artykuł: Wavelet mapping of sleep spindles (Latka M., Jernajczyk J., Kozik A., Jernajczyk W., West B. J.)
artykuł: Reconfiguring cellular ensembles within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (Schwartz W. J.)
artykuł: Anxiolytic activity of metabotropic glutamate receptor group II and III ligands in rat hippocampus:the putative role of neuropeptide Y (Smialowska M., Wieronska J. M., Domin H., Zieba B., Obuchowicz E.)
artykuł: Effect of tiime of prenatal mild or severe hypoxia on deve!opment of rat brain (Tjulkova E. L., Vataeva L. A.)
artykuł: TNF-alpha receptor type 1 upregulation in neuronal-glial cultures of hippocampal dentate gyrus following neurotoxic insult (Figiel I., Dzwonek K.)
artykuł: Binocular deprivation alters the stratification pattern and the morphology of the axons of large ganglion cells in cat retina (Burnat K., Waleszczyk W. J., Van der Gucht E., Arckens L.)
artykuł: Is oxidative stress in Parkinson's disease mediated by a change in the ferritin structure? (Friedman A.)
artykuł: Central noradrenergic system lesion by DSP-4 prevent qninpirole ontogenically sensitization to quinpirole-induced yawning in rats (Nowak P., Labus L., Kostrzewa R. M., Brus R.)
artykuł: The neuronal structure of the striatum in the common shrew (Sorex araneus):Golgi and Nissl studies (Wasilewska B., Najdzion J., Robak A., Sztejn S.)
artykuł: Caspase 3 and homocysteine-induced excitotoxicity (Zieminska E., Stafej A., Kozlowska H., Lazarewicz J. W.)
artykuł: Effect of desipramine on depression- and anxiety-like behavior in mice selected for high and Iow stress-indueed analgesia (Juszczak G. R., Sliwa A., Wolak P. M., Tymosiak-Zielinska A., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Electrophysiological correlates of memory (Nowicka A.)
artykuł: Hippocampal theta rhythm after strychnine microinjection into the rostral part of nucleus reticularis pontis oralis in rats (Kroplewski M., Jurkowlaniec E.)
artykuł: Neuroproteomics of retinas regenerating ganglion ceil axons in vitro (Koenig S., Rose K., Thanos S.)
artykuł: Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inhibitor S24994 aboiishes LTP in CA1 field of rat's hippocampus (Okulski P., Konopacki F., Balcerzyk M., Wilczynski G. M., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Alterations in dopamine beta-hydroxylase (DBH) activity, TAS (Total Antioxidative Status), Mg and Zn contents in human serum after Zn supplementation (Grabowska M., Schlegel-Zawadzka M., Walkowiak J., Przyslawski J.)
artykuł: Reduction of size in mammalian evolution:influence on brain size and neurocortical division (Turlejski K., Djavadian R.)
artykuł: Involvement of rimonabant, a cannabinoid ch1 receptor antagonist, in the behavioral effects of cocaine (Zaniewska M., McCreary A. C., Wydra K., Nowak E., Filip M., Przegalinski E.)
artykuł: Operant self-administration of ethanol in Warsaw alcohol-preferring rats (Dyr W., Rok-Bujko P., Kostowski W.)
artykuł: Functional impairment of nerve regeneration in trkBplus/minus mice (Lewin-Kowalik J., Kotulska K., Marcol W., Larysz-Brysz M., Malinowska-Kolodziej L., Golka B.)
artykuł: Patterning of the cerebral cortex area map (Grove E. A.)
artykuł: The role of neurogenesis in learning:studies of cyclin D2 knock-out mice (Filipkowski N. P., Kiryk A., Knapska E., Jaholkowski P., Kowalczyk A., Piechal A., Blecharz-Klin K., Widy-Tyszkiewicz E., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Increase in prosaposin mRNA expression in the rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy (Lukasiuk K., Kontula L., Pitkanen A.)
artykuł: Human cord blood-derived neural stem/progenitors:the state of play (Domanska-Janik K.)
artykuł: Estrogen interaction with apoptotic effects of tetra-chlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in primary neuronal cell cultures (Kajta M., Jantas-Skotniczna D., Lason W.)
artykuł: Imaging genomics. MRI morphometry reveals the pathoanatomic basis of SCA17 (Lasek K., Wolters A., Klein C. A., Hagenah W. U., Walter U., Zuehlke C., Nitschke M., Rolfs A., Binkofski F.)
artykuł: Morphine suppresses of immunity (Moroz V., Lelevich V., Shejbak V.)
artykuł: Behaviorai effects of repeated treatment with amitriptyline and citalopram in the olfactory buibectomy model of depression in C57BL/6J mice (Legutko B., Dudys D., Ciszek M., Wieronska J., Palucha A., Branski P., Pilc A.)
artykuł: fMeTIQ an endogenous neuroprotective compound prevents morphine addiction:comparison with neurotoxie analog, 1BnTIQ (Wasik A., Romanska L., Patsenka A., Antkiewicz-Michaluk L.)
artykuł: Individual fear reaction to aversive context (Lehner M., Skorzewska A., Taracha E., Maciejak P., Wislowska-Stanek A., Zienowicz M., Turzynska D., Sobolewska A., Plaznik A.)
artykuł: The multiple effects of mood stabilizers and antidepressants on neuroprotection:translating basic findings into clinical practice (Young L. T.)
artykuł: Circadian rhythm of Aquaporin-4 water channel protein expression in the mouse retina (Romek M., Musialik M., Karasinski J., Pyza E., Semik D.)
artykuł: Introduction to behavioral genetics:nature or nurture (Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Hyperactvity of rats with the ventral hippocampal lesion is reversed by chronic cocaine self-administration (Kolomanska P., Wyszogrodzka E., Wierzba-Bobrowicz T., Kostowski B., Stefanski R.)
artykuł: Effects of acute restraint on intake of palatable food by mice (Tymosiak-Zielinska A., Sliwa A., Swiergiel A. H.)
artykuł: Inhibitory effect of antipsychotic drugs on the human corticotropin-releasing-hormone gene promoter activity oper-ate through a PI3-K/AKT mediated pathway (Basta-Kain A., Budziszewska B., Jaworska-Feil L., Tetich M., Lason w.)
artykuł: The size of neurons in the nuclei of the mammalian amygdala:the comparative morphometric study (Rowniak M., Robak A., Szteyn S.)
artykuł: Chronic co-administration of iinipramine and amantadine induces liippocampal BDNF gene expression in rats (Rogoz Z., Skuza G., Legutko B.)
artykuł: The ascidian larva:the neurobiology of model chordate and the evolutionary origins of the vertebrate brain (Meinertzhagen L. A.)
artykuł: Neurobiological basis of insect social behaviour (Godzinska E. J.)
artykuł: Locus of function in the circadian visual system (Morin L. P.)
artykuł: Activity of ligands of mGIuRs in water maze in rats after hypoxia (Wisniewska R. J., Car H.)
artykuł: Pain, learning and brain plasticity (Flor H.)
artykuł: L--DOPA-induced free radicals generation in rat striatum (Golembiowska K., Kowalska M., Dziubina A.)
artykuł: The effect of gap junction blockage on hippocampal theta activity (Golebiewski H., Eckersdorf B., Konopacki J.)
artykuł: Extracellular proteolitic signalling in neuronal plasticity (Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Ginkgo biloba abolishes stress-induced impairment of retrieval of passive but not acquisition of active avoidance bahaviour in rats (Walesiuk A., Trofimiuk E., Braszko J. J.)
artykuł: Dopamine and adenosine receptor interaetion as basis for the treatment of Parkinson's disease (Morelli M., Carla A. M., Simola A., Tronci E., Pontis S., Pinna A.)
artykuł: Cellular basis of neurometabolic coupling and its relevance for functional brain imaging (Magistretti P. J.)
artykuł: The dentate gyrus is important for segregating relevant and irrelevant associations (Malinowska M., Sadowska J., Wesierska M.)
artykuł: Antidepressant and anxiolytic-like effects of the antagonists of group I mGluRs after hypoxia (Car H., Nadlewska A., Wisniewska R. J.)
artykuł: The effects of peripheral nerve estracts versus BDNF on retinal ganglion cells survival following injury (Golka B., Swiech-Sabuda E., Larysz-Brysz M., Gorka D., Golka D., Marcol W., Lewin-Kowalik J.)
artykuł: Activity-dependent control of rapid presynaptic Ca2plus signalling at individual central synapses (Rusakov D. A.)
artykuł: Structural basis of hippocainpal plasticity following stress and learning:electron microscopical studies (Stewart M. G.)
artykuł: The involvement of giycogen synthase and cyclin dependent kinases in morphine analgesia in rats (Obara I., Wawrzczak-Bargiela A., Rodriguez Parkitna J. M., Makuch W., Przewlocki R., Przewlocka B.)
artykuł: Functional differences between distinct regions of rat somatosensory thalamus revealed with principal component analysis (Swiejkowski D. A., Kublik E., Wrobel A.)
artykuł: Molecular mechanism of morphine tolerance:the role of glycogen synthase kinase 3 and cyclin dependent kinases (Rodriguez Parkitna J. M.)
artykuł: Cocaine-acute and repeated differentially influences the expression of PSA-NCAM-positive neurons in rat hip-pocampus (Wedzony K., Mackowiak M., Markowicz-KUla K., Fijal K.)
artykuł: Phenotypic and differentiation properties of normal and tumor human neural stem cells (Vescovi A. L.)
artykuł: The neural correlates of behavior control (Regard M.)
artykuł: Nitric oxide and prostaglandins in the lipopolysaccharide-indiuced pituitary-adrenal response during stress (Gadek-Michalska A., Spyrka J., Bugajski J.)
artykuł: The role of Abl in regulation of AP-1 transcription factor in neuroplasticity (Detka D., Kaczmarek L.)
artykuł: Differences between małe and female motor unit properties of the medial gastocnemius muscle in rat (Drzymala H., Celichowski J.)
artykuł: Simvastatin did not protect dopaminergic neurons from damage caused by MPTP (Kurkowska-Jastrzebska I., Joniec I., Balkowiec-Iskra E., Czlonkowski A., Czlonkowska A.)
artykuł: Sensory learning-induced enhancement of inhibitory synaptie transmission in mice barrel cortex (Tokarski K., Urban-Ciecko J., Kossut M., Hess G.)
artykuł: Is sleep disturbed by absence seizures (van Luijtelaar E., Bikbaev A.)
artykuł: Distracting effects in length matching (Bulatov A., Bertuli A.)
artykuł: Neonatal cerebral hypoxia-ischemia:involvement of FAK-dependent pathway (Ziemka-Nalecz M., Makarewicz D., Zalewska T.)
artykuł: Participation of D2 dopamine receptors in the memory improvement caused by angiotensin IV (Ang IV) and Ang II(3- 7) pentapeptide (Braszko J. J.)
artykuł: Neuroprotective potential of imethylnicotinamide in homocysteine-induced neurotoxicity in vitro (Slomka M., Zieminska E., Lazarewicz J. W.)
artykuł: Selection for body weight induces differences in exploratory behavior and learning in mice (Wirth-Dzieciolowska E., Lipska A., Wesierska M.)
artykuł: Are there any differences in the actiyity of 5-HT cells of the rat MRN depending on the zeitgeber time? (Werhun K., Lewandowski M. H.)
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