Warianty tytułu
Języki publikacji
Opis fizyczny
- Institute of Urban Development, Krakow, Poland
- Institute of Urban Development, Krakow, Poland
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- Falleth E:I., Saglie I.L., Strand A., Tennøy, 2005, Forms of governance in urban development: From participation as a plus factor in government to participation as a strategy in governance, NIBR.
- Hansen M.A, 1995, Environmental assesent of certain plans and programs. A contextual evaluation of a direct proposed by the EU Commission in a Norwegian setting NIBR Report 1995:5.
- Harvold K., Hanssen M.A., Strand A., 2004, Rikspoliske retningslinjer for jordvernet? NIBR Rapport 24.
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- Miljøverndepartmentet, 2005, Regulation on Environmental Impact Assesments of 1 April 2005.
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- Ministerstwo Transportu i Budownictwa, 2006, Planowanie przestrzenne w gminach, informacja o wynikach badania statystycznego.
- Naustdalslid, J., Tombre E (ed.), 1997, Compedium of Spatial Planning Systems and Polices, Norway, NIBR Report 24.
- Niewiadomski Z., 2003, Planowanie przestrzenne. Zarys systemu, Warszawa, Wydawnictwo Prawnicze LexisNexis.
- Nordahl B., 2006, Deciding on Development. Collaboration between markets and local governments, Doctoral thesis, TrondheimNTNU.
- Næss P., Saglie I.L., Głowacki W., Dunin-Woyseth H., 1997, Environmental consideration in physical planning in Norway and Poland,NIBR Report 6.
- Planning and Building Act, Act No. 77 of 14 June 1985 with latter amendments.
- Statistical Yearbook of Norway, 2005, Statistic sentralbyrå.
- Statistical Yearbook of Poland, 2005, Central Statistic Office.
- The Norwegian Ministry of Local Government and Labour Housing and Building Department, 1996, From Reconstruction to Environmental Challenges, Norway’s National Report to the UN Conference on Human Settlements, Habitat II, Oslo.
- Ustawa z dnia 27 kwietnia 2001 Prawo ochrony środowiska, (Environment Protection and Management Act, 27th April 2001 with later ammendments).
- Ustawa z dnia 16 kwietnia 2004 o Ochronie przyrody, (Nature Conservation Act, 16th April 2004).
- Ustawa z dnia 27 marca 2003 o planowaniu i zagospodarowaniu przestrzennym (Spatial Planning and Spatial Managment Act, 27th March 2003).
- Vibeke J., Klausen J.E., Røe P.G., 1996, An evaluation of the use of national policy guidelines for planning, NIBR Repot 1996:9.
- Źróbek S., Zachaś M., 2005, The analysis of conflicts concerning urban area use: a case of Olsztyn (Poland), International Journal of Strategic Property Management, 233-246.
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