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A study on the possibility of application of grasspea wholemeal for the modifi cation of the chemical composition, physical properties and sensory features of traditional white bread was performed. It was demonstrated that an increase in the share of the pulse material from 1.5% to 12% caused an increase in bread yield (130.7–136.3%). An improvement was also noted in the baking loss, from 15.01% to 9.11%, and in the total baking loss - from 16.56 to 12.23%. Increase in the level of the pulse component caused a decrease in bread volume from 100 g of fl our (from 505 to 359 cm3), and a decrease in bread crumb porosity (from 81 to 61%). Admixture of the pulse component caused only a slight decrease in the point score of the bread as compared to traditional wheat bread. The replacement of wheat fl our with grasspea wholemeal had a highly favourable effect on the chemical composition of the bread; the experimental bread produced with 12% of grasspea was characterised by protein content of 14.51% d.m. and total dietary fi bre content at the level of 8.75% d.m.
Opis fizyczny
- Department of Engineering and Cereals Technology, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Skromna 8, 20-704 Lublin, Poland
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