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The polymorphism of prion protein (PrP) amino acids in codons 136 (A/V), 154 (R/H); and 171 (Q/R/H) was established. Reproductive performance of mother sheep was evaluated analysing the fertility coefficient and litter size, i.e. the number of born and reared lambs. The studies included mothers of synthetic lines BCP - 111 sheep and SCP - 104 sheep born in 2001-2007. In the examined ovine PRNP gene, the following four alleles were identified: ARR, AHQ, ARQ, and VRQ, with the absence of the ARH allele. The highest frequency was determined for the ARR (49.8%) and ARQ (45.8%) alleles. In the studied sheep population, the occurrence of seven different genotypes was reported. It was found that 71.6% of the animals had the genotypes ARR/ARR, ARR/ARQ, and ARR/AHQ, which are regarded as the most resistant to scrapie, while 7.9% of the population had ARR/VRQ-bearing genotypes (low resistance) or ARQ/VRQ ones (high susceptibility to scrapie). The analysis of the obtained results indicates that the PRNP genotype does not affect reproduction efficiency of mothers, or their offspring growth. It was concluded that flock elimination of ewes of genotypes with high and very high susceptibility to scrapie will not reduce the reproduction parameters of ewes or growth of their lambs.
Słowa kluczowe
Opis fizyczny
- Department of Small Ruminants Breeding and Agriculture Advisory, Faculty of Biology and Animal Breeding, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
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