3 suppl.
Zawartość wolumenu
3 suppl.
artykuł: Fluctuactions in the last-step of the ethylene biosynthesis during the growth and dewelopment of the fertilized ovary of Prunus insititia (Damons plum) (Dios P., Matilla A. J., Gallardo M.)
artykuł: Morphology and ultrastructure of kiwifruits resulting from artifical pollination (Abreu I., Oliveira M., Veloso A.)
artykuł: Flow cytometric study of nuclei during loss of desiccation tolerance in seeds (Alekseichuk H. N., Bergervoet J. H. W., Groot S. P. C.)
artykuł: The role of jasmonic acid and blue light regulation of morphogenesis of Arabidopsis thaliana (Golovackaya I. F., Karnachuk R. A., Efimowa M. V., Bolshakova M. A., Machackova I.)
artykuł: Plant protoplast technology: current status (Davey M. R., Anthony P., Lowe K. C., Power J. B.)
artykuł: Seed tuber storage conditions affecting size of tubers in field production of three potato cultivars (Pruski K., Prange R., Daniels-Lake B.)
artykuł: Selenium effects on potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) (Turakainen M., Hartikainen H., Vaananen T., Anttila K., Ollilainen V., Seppanen M. M.)
artykuł: Analysis of phenolic compounds in plants by liquid chromatography/single-quadropole mass spectrometry (Gruz J., Novak O., Ayaz F. A., Strand M.)
artykuł: Low root temperature affects water uptake differently in cucumber and figleaf gourd (Lee S. H., Chung G. C., Steudle E.)
artykuł: Fatty acid analysis in leaves of Solanum species treated with elicitor from Phytophthora infestans (Polkowska-Kowalczyk L., Maciejewska U., Wielgat B., Montillet J. L., Agnel J. P., Triantaphylides C.)
artykuł: Etioplast membrane can deregulate the protochlorophyll synthesis and affect the nuclear LHCB gene expression in leaves of dark - grown Ginkgo biloba (La Rocca N., De Faveri S., Barbarotto K., Rascio N.)
artykuł: Farnesylated, nuclear localized proteins with heavy metal binding domain: new regulators of stress and senescence in plants? (Zschiesche W., Barth O., Humbeck K.)
artykuł: The sequencing and analysis of cucumber chloroplast genome (Plader W., Yukawa Y., Sugiura M., Malepszy S.)
artykuł: Ultrastructure of the Polypodium vulgare L. rhizome cells (Bagniewska-Zadworna A., Zenkteler E.)
artykuł: Nocleoside diphosphate kinase - localization and interacting partners at contact points of plant mitochondria (Johansson M., Knorpp C.)
artykuł: Influence of spermidine on wheat (Triticum aestivum) cell suspension culture treated with cadmium (Markowska E., Gil D.)
artykuł: Dormancy release in apple by application of rest breaking agents. Evaluation of cell alteration in flower buds (Maia M. I., Medeira M. C., Barba N. G.)
artykuł: Uptake and translocation of 54Mn in Douglas fir seedlings (Pseudotsuga menzesii) (Ducic T., Lehmann G., Kopka B., Polle A.)
artykuł: Leaf water potential variation in European plane tree seedlings (Djukic M., Djunisijevic D., Obratov-Petkovic D., Skocajic D.)
artykuł: Screening for variation in root distibution in ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) (Crush J. R., Easton H. S.)
artykuł: Effect of mechanical stress and ph on cortical microtubules orientation in isolated epidermis of sunflower hypocotyl (Burian A., Hejnowicz Z.)
artykuł: Responses of chloroplast thylakoid composition to low temperature and high light stress in callus cultures and in leaves of sugar beet (Lehnhardt L., Pufe H., Baumann I., Baumann G.)
artykuł: A new class of mads-box genes may regulate pollen tube growth in Arabidopsis thaliana (Verelst W., Saedler H., Munster T.)
artykuł: Genetic analysis of procambial development in Arabidopsis root (Tahtiharju S., Bonke M., Carlsbecker A., Lindgren O., Mahonen A. P., Nieminen K., Helariutta Y.)
artykuł: The investigation of effects of gamma-irradiation and fractured entering of cadmium salt on the plant radiocapacity (Pchelovska S. A., Koltsova E. Y.)
artykuł: Role of protein phosphorylation in polar auxin transport in Arabidopsis (Paciorek M., Xiong Y., Weijers D., Offringa R., Friml J.)
artykuł: Pharmacological studies of the effect of cAMP level modifications on cell proliferation and DNA endoreplication in plants (Domanska A., Aniol P., Godlewski M.)
artykuł: Oxidative stress induced by long-term PPV infection in apricot (Hernadez J. A., Diaz-Vivancos P., Rubio M., Dicenta F., Martinez-Gomez P.)
artykuł: Alteration of plasma membrane and tonoplast proton pumps in cucumber roots stressed with heavy metals (Klobus G., Burzynski M., Janicka-Russak M., Kabala K., Reda M.)
artykuł: Cadmium concetration and accumulation in different organs of Zea mays L. and Helianthus tuberosus L. plants (Zima M.)
artykuł: Photosynthetic and respiratory activities in leaves of plants growing in subpolar Ural mantaines are controlled by nitrogen content (Golovko T.)
artykuł: Forcing stock plants of deciduous rhododendron cultivars to improve root and shoot development of stem cuttings (Apine I., Kondratovics U.)
artykuł: Cloning and analysis of genes related to the early form of general defence response of plants against bacteria by subtractive hybridisation and quantitative PCR (Szatmari A., Bozso Z., Besenyei E., Varga J. G., Ott P. G., Czelleng A., Klement Z.)
artykuł: Cyto-differentiation to tracheary elements in Zinnia culture and influence of galactoglucomannan oligosaccharides (Benova A., Digonnet C., Liskova D., Goffner D.)
artykuł: Metabolic cross-talk and flux rates in plant isoprenoid biosynthesis (Hemmerlin A., Gerber E., Hoeffler J.-F., Tritsch D., Rohmer M., Bach T. J.)
artykuł: Structure and expression of the chloroplast genome: mechanism of RNA editing (Sugiura M.)
artykuł: Rna editing and conservation of a 5'extension of the Atp6 gene from the pea (Pisum sativum) (Gibala M., Szczesny B., Janska H.)
artykuł: Effect of Gibberellin A 4/7/9 application and the levels of endogenous plant hormones on flowering in the red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) seed orchard (Seref S., Topcuoglu S. F., Ozturk H., Keskin S.)
artykuł: Glutatione system during adaptation of sunflowerseedlings to lead (Pastula O., Demkiv O.)
artykuł: Enzyme activity od antioxidative system in plants with different tolerance under hypoxia and CO2-media (Ershova A., Popova N.)
artykuł: Purification, properties and specifity of a strong endonuclease from Agropyron elongatum seedlings (Yupsanis T., Symeonidis L., Kalemi T., Moustaka H., Yupsani A.)
artykuł: Alleviation of termoinhibition in tomato seeds (Kepczynska E., Piekna-Grochala J., Kepczynski J.)
artykuł: Enhancers of luminidependens define a role for brassinosteroids in floral promotion (Domagalska M., Schomburg F. M., Millar A. J., Amasino R. M., Viersta R. M., Nagy F., Davis S. J.)
artykuł: Effect of okadaic acid on nitrate reductase activity in cucumber cotyledons under different light treatments (Bergareche C., Nogales A., Simon E.)
artykuł: Chromatin in plant development (Jerzmanowski A.)
artykuł: Interaction of rust fungi and the rust hyperparasite Sphaerellopsis filum (Zaspel I., Liesebach M.)
artykuł: Bacillus Spp. strains used as biocontrol agents of plant pathogens and plant growth promoting bacteria (Mateescu R., Ciuca M., Cornea C. P., Grebenisan I., Sieran O., Babeanu N.)
artykuł: Influence of drought on abscisic acid in common leucaena [Leuceaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit.] (Bilgen M., Ulger S., Toker C.)
artykuł: Anatomical structure of In vitro plants as effected by carbohydrates (Parezova M., Lipavska H.)
artykuł: Production of hydrogen peroxide in the cocultures of wheat calluses and bunt pathogen under influence of chitooligosaccharides (Maksimov I. V., Troshina N. B., Yarullina L. G., Surina O. B., Cherepanova E. A.)
artykuł: Regulation of nitrate reductase activity (Lea U. S., Meyer C., Lillo C.)
artykuł: Oxidative stress in barley callus under influence of different elicitors (Plazek A., Hura K., Chudy A.)
artykuł: Differences in the ultrastructure of pollen grains in the flowers of common lilac collected from forced and unforced shrubs (Jedrzejuk A., Szlachetka W.)
artykuł: Arabidopsis lines overexpressing thylakoidal ascorbate peroxidase show increased resistance to paraquat-induced photooxidative stress and to nitric oxide induced cell death (Murgia I., Tarantino D., Vannini C., Bracale M., Soave C.)
artykuł: Cadmium stimulate accumulation of salicylic acid and ortho-coumaric acid in maize (Pal M., Horvath E., Janda T., Paldi E., Szalai G.)
artykuł: Expression of hn protein of newcastle disease virus in transgenic tobacco (Hahn B. S., Kim J. B., Park J. S., Ahn I. P., Lee Y. J., Sung H. W., Kim Y. H.)
artykuł: Transpiration and water supply of shoot under changing level of illumination (Timergalina L., Vysotskaya L., Kudoyarova G., Jones H.)
artykuł: Phenotypic plasticity in aerial-aquatic plants under the changes in water supplying (Kozeko L., Chernyshov D., Kordyum E.)
artykuł: Late blight infection of potato: transcriptomics approaches (Evers D., Gigliotti S., Nicot N., Solinhac L., Herrera C., Bartolini I., del Rosario Herrera M., Hausman J. F., Hoffmann L., Ghislain M.)
artykuł: Chlorophyll A fluorescence analysis and xanthophyll cycle pigments in ethylene insensitive tomato mutant Never Ripe as affected by ozone exposure (Castagne A., Degl'Innocenti E., Guidi L., Mensuali Sodi A., Ranieri A.)
artykuł: Antioxidative response of the ascorbate-glutahione pathway in lupine roots durnig post-hypoxia (Garnczarska M.)
artykuł: Electrophoretic analysis of cytoplasmic and mitochonrial proteins of isogene lines of the sunflowers (Glijin A., Port A.)
artykuł: A model based on root-supplied resources alone explains branching pattern in trifolium repens (Thomas R. G., Hay M. J. M., Tilbrook J. C.)
artykuł: Identification of master genes controlling xylem cell differentiation by means of transcriptome analyses of Zinnia and Arabidopsis cells (Fukuda H., Kubo M., Demura T.)
artykuł: Identification and characterisation of new transcriptional factors involved in plant secondary metabolism using A.Thaliana activation tagged ilnes (Gigolashvili T., Schneider A., Berger B., Mock H. P., Fluegge U. I.)
artykuł: Egg cell maturation and stigma-to-ovary signalling puzzle in maize (Mol R., Filek M., Machackova I., Matthys-Rochon E.)
artykuł: Ontogenesis of flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) somatic embryos in vitro: variation in linolenic content and the development of photosynthetic capacity (Calatroia M., Fernandes-Ferreira M., Cunha A.)
artykuł: Fenotype and genotype variation in kalanchoe sp. kalanchoe affected by sodium azide (Krupa M., Rzepka-Plevnes D., Kuklinska A.)
artykuł: Interaction of bicarbonate and anaerobiosis with the responses to Fe-deficiency in dicotyledonous plants (Romera F. J., Morales M., Lucena C., Alcantara E., Perez-Vicente R.)
artykuł: Cytokinins in rhodococcus fascians - HPLC-MS analysis (Blahousek O., Novak O., Temmerman W., Goethals K., Strand M.)
artykuł: Leaf growth and development involves a chromatin remodeling complex in Arabidopsis (Lijsebettens M. V., Nelissen H., Herve-Fleury D., Bruno L.)
artykuł: A few lessons from the analysis of plant genomes (Delseny M.)
artykuł: Expression of HSP70 isoforms in Lemna minor exposed to cadmum and salinity (Tkalec M., Balen B., Fulgosi H., Vidakovic-Cifrek Z., Regula I.)
artykuł: Different control of the PSII light harvesting function in green algae and diatoms (Goss R., Lepetit B., Schmidt N., Wilhelm C.)
artykuł: Transformation of Salvia przewalskii maxim (Skala E., Kuracki S., Wysokinska H.)
artykuł: Effect of rootstock on leaf gas exchange, photochemical efficiency of PSII and biochemical traits of cherry trees (Prunus avium L.) (Goncalves B., Moutinho-Pereira J., Silva A. P., Bacelar E., Correia C., Rosa E., Torres-Pereira J.)
artykuł: Interaction between sucrose and ga3 during growth and development of herbaceous peony propagated In vitro (Gabryszewska E.)
artykuł: Est sequencing and microarray profiling of a salt tolerant Populus euphratica (Kangasjarvi J., Brosche M.)
artykuł: The level of nitrogen nutrition modifies the retardant effect on photosynthesis and assimilate partitioning in source-sink system of sugar beet (Kiriziy D., Ryzhikova P.)
artykuł: Interaction between metabolism of carbon and metabolism of nitrogen in woody plants (Camanes G., Cerezo M., Garcia-Agustin P.)
artykuł: Water transport across the exodermal casparian bands of young rice roots (Ranathunge K., Steudle E., Lafitte R.)
artykuł: Gus and gfp analysis in hairy roots of several plant species (Koyuncu N., Karimi M., Gheysen G.)
artykuł: Level of phlorizdin and activity of peroxidases and polyphenol oxidase in m7 apple rootstock during roots formation In vitro (Kromer K., Bakiewicz J., Olejniczak T.)
artykuł: Vitreoscilla haemoglobin gene (VHB) and pathogen resistance of hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x tremuloides) (Jokipii S., Kasanen R., Kallio P. T., Haggman H.)
artykuł: Comparison of the callus originated from tomato cotyledons growing in different culture condition during first stage of its development (Rzepka-Plevnes D., Kowalczyk K., Grabiec M.)
artykuł: Does the higher carbohydrate diversity in olive more specific stress response ? (Rejskova A., Lipavska H.)
artykuł: Stress-induced cam in Mesembryanthemum crystallinum: turning it on and off (Kholodova V. P., Kuznetsov V. V.)
artykuł: Influence of external (environmental stress) and internal (Leaf ageing) factors on tocopherol and xanthophyll cycle (VAZ) pools in common box (Buxus sempervirens L.) leaves (Hormaetxe K., Hernandez A., Becerril J. M., Garcia-Plazaola J. I.)
artykuł: Impact of the soil drought on changes of spectrofluorescenceparameters in maize hybrids differing in drought tolerance (Grzesiak M. T., Skoczkowsi A.)
artykuł: Methyl jasmonate induces gum and inhibits stem growth promoted by auxin in uncooled tulip bulbs (Saniewski M., Ueda J., Miyamoto K., Okubo H., Puchalski J.)
artykuł: Stable genetic transformation of embryogenic cultures of Abies nordmaniana (nordmanns fir) and regeneration of transgenic plants (Find J., Charity J., Grace L., Kristensen M., Krogstrup P., Walter C.)
artykuł: Myo-inositol biosynthesis is involved in adaptation to salinity induced by haloconditioning (Parra M., Martinez-Andujar C., Albacete A., Bolarin M. C., Perez-Alfocea F.)
artykuł: The functioning of mitochondrial oxidation pathways of calendula family plants under stress conditions (Fedyaev V. V., Rakhmankulova Z. F., Abdulina O. A., Usmanov I. Y.)
artykuł: Activation of phospholipase D and ROS generation are an early response to copper excess (Navari F., Cavallini A., Natali L., Quartacci M. F.)
artykuł: Protective role of plant growth regulators in adaptation of maize to toxic influence of heavy metals and termal shock (Holovach O., Terek K., Terek O.)
artykuł: Effects of salinity on photosynthetic parameters of wheat (Guseinova I. M., Suleimanov S. Y., Ismailov M. A., Aliyev J. A.)
artykuł: An unusual feature of the coat protein of maize dwarf mosaic virus isolated in Hungary (Tobias I., Palkovics L.)
artykuł: Infuence of clinostating on the activity of photochemical reactions in the thylakoids of baryl plants (Volovyk O., Polyshchuk G.)
artykuł: Storage proteins as a tool for investigation of genetic structure of ukrainian winter common wheat varieties (Zlatska A., Lisnevich L.)
artykuł: Comparison of responses to biotic stress caused by infections of various tobamoviruses in different green pepper cultivars (Boka K., Almasi A., Sarvari E., Gaborjanyi R.)
artykuł: How does respiration participate in plant adaptation to the mineral nutrition level and cadmium excess under different temperatures? (Garmash E.)
artykuł: Enzymes involved in biosynthesis in Zea mays seedlings (Golda A., Kozik A., Rapala-Kozik M.)
artykuł: A lack in de-epoxidation activity does not prevent an increase of the xanthophyll-cycle pool size: a comparison of two chlorophycean algae (Flieger K., Goss R., Wilhelm C.)
artykuł: Heat-stable proteins of recalcitrant horse chestnut seeds during dormancy and early germination (Azarkovich M. I., Gumilevskaya N. A.)
artykuł: Androgenesis in isolated microspores of triticale (Xtriticossecale Wittm.) induced by stress treatments (Zur I., Dubas E., Golemiec E., Wedzony M.)
artykuł: Drought tolerance mediated by trehalose-6-phosphate synthase in transgenic potato plants (Stiller I., Kondrak M., Banfalvi Z.)
artykuł: Stomatal behaviour in Tradescantia virginiana grown at high relative air humidity (Rezaei Nejad A., van Meeteren U.)
artykuł: Seasonal changes in the photosynthetic performance of mediterranen evergreen woody species under adverse field conditions (Baquedano F. J., Castillo F. J.)
artykuł: Effect of hormonal application on sink activity and quality parameters in tomato fruit growing under salinity (Albacete A., Perez-Garrido L., Sanchez-Bravo J., Martinez-Andujar C., Bolarin M. C., Perez-Alfocea F.)
artykuł: Functional characterization and localization of mtp1, a popular cdf zinc transporter (Chalot M., Blaudez D., Martin F., Sanders D.)
artykuł: Regulatory mutants of photosynthetic glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Sparla F., Zaffagnini M., Pupillo P., Trost P.)
artykuł: Organ specific expression and genetic mapping of osmotic stress induced genes of oak (Porth I., Berenyi M., Koch M., Kremer A., Heberle-Bors E., Burg K.)
artykuł: The role of plasmodesmata in the inhibition of photosynthesis and export of assimilates in chilling-treated maize seedlings (Bilska A., Sowinski P.)
artykuł: The effect of N fertilization on winterwheat seed germination (Lykova N. A., Gusakova L. P., Velikanov L. P., Arhipov M. V.)
artykuł: Iron acquisition and chlorosis susceptibility in different fedeprived quince and pear rootstocks (Donnini S., Zocchi G., Sensale L., Cinelli F., Muleo R., Ranieri A.)
artykuł: Experimental approach to estimate in vivo the balance of the mechnisms for performance of light reactions, dark reactions, energetic cooperativity, non-QA- and non-QB-reductingand non-oxygen-evolving PSII centers (Strasser R. J., Tsimilli-Michael M.)
artykuł: Immunomodulation of polyamine biosynthesis in tobacco plants has a significant impact on polyamine levels and generates a dwarf phenotype (Nolke G., Schneider B., Fischer R., Schillberg S.)
artykuł: Learning photosynthesis. Two different methods in comaprision (Benzinger A., Wonisch A., Guttenberger H.)
artykuł: Role of actin binding proteins in remodeling of actin cytoskeleton during SI response in Papaver rhoeas pollen tubes (Shevchenko G., de Graaf B., Franklin-Tong V.)
artykuł: Distribution of photosynthetic pigments in the stems of the herbaceous and the lignified plants (Pilarski J., Tokarz K., Kocurek M., Zareba M.)
artykuł: Role of root and shoot signals in the inhibition of root suckering of populus tremuloides (Wan X.-C., Landhausser S. M., Zwiazek J. J., Lieffers V. J.)
artykuł: TTC test functionality in evaluation of surviving of Gentiana pem after cryopreervation (Mikula A., Niedzielski M., Fiuk A., Zielinska M., Rybczynski J. J.)
artykuł: Matriochka (LED40), a key regulator in the genetic control of ovule and fruit development (Sicard A., Verdier J., Mouras A., Chevalier C., Hernould M.)
artykuł: Adaptation of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to the determination of brassinosteroids in plant tissues (Swaczynova J., Kohout L., Strand M.)
artykuł: The role of polyamines during the short-term light adaptation of the photosynthetic apparatus in dark grown Scenedesmus cultures (Ioannidis N., Kotzabasis K.)
artykuł: Regulation of Medicago sativa L. somatic embryogenesis by plant growth inhibitors (Kepczynska E., Rudus I., Kepczynski J.)
artykuł: Hormones in the control of photoperperiodic flower induction of Pharbitis nil (Kesy J., Maciejewska B. D., Zelinska M., Juniewicz P., Kopcewicz J.)
artykuł: Influence of thermal stress on cell suspension of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (Gil D., Pilipowicz M., Marcinska I.)
artykuł: Chlorophyll fluorescence signatures and their applications (Buschmann C.)
artykuł: Soil respiration and species composition of mediterranean grasslands under different management opitions (Nogueira C., Caldeira M. C., Abrantes M., Cerasoli S., Pereira J. S.)
artykuł: Post-harvest treatments to improve storability of strawberry (Fragaria x Ananassa Duch.) fruit (Lara I., Garcia P., Vendrell M.)
artykuł: DNase I hypersensitivity sites within the intergenic spacer of rRNA genes Cucurbita pepo L. (Zucchini) after hormone treatment (Abdulova G., Ananiev E. D.)
artykuł: Determination of nitrite nitrogen during the growth of Aspergillus giganteus Mut. Alba (Fiema J., Piskorz-Binczycka B.)
artykuł: Screening of hydroxylated cytokinins in induction of shoot organogenesis on tobacco leaf segments (Prokesova Z., Klems M., Pajurkova K., Prochazka S.)
artykuł: The Populus genome: are there discernable difference between the genomes of perennial woody plants and herbaceous annuals? (Tuscan G., Bohlmann J., Douglas C., DiFazio S., Gunter L., Larimer F., Wullschleger S., Yin T., Elli B., Rokshar D., Frazier M., Dalhman R., Gilbert D., Grigoriev I., Putnam N., Jansson S., Jansson S., Karlsson J., Rouze P., Rounbauts S., van der Peer Y., Ralph S., Schein J.)
artykuł: Properties of salicylicaldehyde synthase from tobacco (Malinowski J., Krzymowska M., Henning J., Podstolski A.)
artykuł: Cultivars of german chamomile (Chamomilla recutita (L.) rausch.) and their resistance to water stress (Baczek-Kwinta R., Seidler-Lozykowska K.)
artykuł: Using cDNA microarrays as a tool for gene expression profiling in drought-stressed sweet potato (Jankowicz J., Burg K., Berenyi M., Kruk J.)
artykuł: Effect of salicylic acid on resistance of germinating pea seeds and pea plants on early stages of ontogenesis ageinst hypoxia, low temperature and solt stress (Spitsyn A. A.)
artykuł: Proton signalling system-reality or myth? (Tarchevsky I. A., Gordon L. C., Minibayeva F. V.)
artykuł: Somatic embryogenesis in Norway spruce (Picea abies): developmental pattern of storage compounds metabolism (Grigova M., Konradova H., Rezanka T., Hudec L., Lipavska H.)
artykuł: Reactive oxygen species and antioxidants status during dehardening of Norway spruce provenances (Kaminska-Rozek E., Pukacki P. M.)
artykuł: Antioxidant defence in C3 and C4 plants under salinity (Stepien P., Klobus G.)
artykuł: The effect of meta-topolin on photosynthetic pigment composition in wheat leaves during artificial senescence on continuous light or in the dark (Kotabova E., Vlckova A., Novak O., Spundova M., Ilik P.)
artykuł: Expression patterns of new cor-genes and changes in chlorophyll fluorescence images of barley leaves during combination of cold and light stress (Drzewiecki C., Barth O., Phillipps G., Zschiesche W., Humbeck K.)
artykuł: Teaching students - how should we do it? (Schnarrenberger C.)
artykuł: Transcriptional response of Arabidopsis thaliana cell culture to an alkylating agent (Libus J., Storchova H.)
artykuł: Testing the substarte specificity of AUX1, an auxin uptake carrier (Napier R.)
artykuł: Photosynthesis, heavy metal content and anatomical characteristics of Carpinus betulus L. leaves from air polluted urban area (Tomasevic M. R., Gajic G., Atanackovic V., Drazic G., Mitrovic M., Stevanovic B.)
artykuł: Spectral analysis of circumnutation activity in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (Buda A., Zawadzki T., Krupa M., Stolarz M.)
artykuł: Cysteine endoproteinases in wheat leaves upon water deficit (Grudkowska M., Zagdanska B.)
artykuł: Polyamine-controlled lhcii size influences the photosynthetic apparatus sensitivity to uv-b radiation (Sfichi L., Kotzabasis K.)
artykuł: Changes of peroxidase activity in leaves on rhododedron cuttings during adventitious root formation (Megre D., Kondratovics U.)
artykuł: Light activated antimicrobial properties of plants produced under stress (Matos O. C., Hipolito M., Carmona A.)
artykuł: Role of phospholipases D in the mechanism of cytokinin action (Kravets V. S., Kretynin S. V., Kolesnikov Y. V., Machackova I., Romanov G. A., Martinec J.)
artykuł: Changes of plastids in the two zones of Norway spruce embryonic shoot during spring activation (Guzicka M., Wozny A.)
artykuł: Flower bud failure in olive and the involvement of amoeboid bionts (Medeira M. C., Maia M. I., Carvalho M. T.)
artykuł: Changes in PSII and PSI activity in bean plants subjected to different temperature, light intensity and CO2 concetration (Lambreva M., Stefanov D., Slavov C., Tsonev T.)
artykuł: Characterization of the In vitro organogenesis of apricot (Keul A. L., Cheregi O., Deliu C.)
artykuł: Over-expression of a maize beta-glicosidase disrupts cytokinin metabolism in transgenetic tobacco (Kiran N. S., Rekova A., Valkova M., Malbeck J., Brzobohaty B.)
artykuł: Photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence in stressed plants (Szigeti Z.)
artykuł: The proteomics of plant mitochondria - finding new functions (Moller M., Kristensen B. K.)
artykuł: Photosystem II adaptation to changing light conditions as a process leading to optimality/stability: a theoretical approachand a model using different types of conformational/state changes (Tsimilli-Michael M., Strasser R. J.)
artykuł: Analyses of silicon and carbon cell quota of diatoms studied with FTIR-spectroscopy (Stehfest K., Wilhelm C.)
artykuł: Repression of AtRAD51 intransgenic Arabidopsis shows abnormalities and sensitivity to methyl methanesulphonate (Jang M. Y., Kim S. G., Kim J. S.)
artykuł: Physiological response of Vigna radiata to cadmium treatment (Simonova E., Henselova M., Masarovicova E.)
artykuł: Persistence of recombinant bacillus beta-propeller phytase derived from transgenic tobacco in soils (Leung M. F., Lim B. L.)
artykuł: Room temperature oxidation of the peripheral chlorophyll of photosystem II reaction centre (Litvin R., Vacha F.)
artykuł: New approaches to plant hormone analyses (Strand M., Novak O., Dolezal K., Tarkowski P., Lenobel R., Hradecka V.)
artykuł: Plasma membrane aquaporins and regulation of the membrane osmotic water permeability (Chaumont F., Van Wilder Z., Zelazny E., Olinevich O., Moshelion M.)
artykuł: System biology of the plant cell cycle (Inze D.)
artykuł: Use of rapid and SSR for the identification of polimorphism among ecotypes of Salvia officinalis and Salvia triloba grown in Albania (Bacu A., Kongjika E., Mullaj A.)
artykuł: Characterization and localization of 11S-type storage proteins during olive seed development and germination (Jimenez J. C., Alche J. D., Wang W., Rodriguez-Garcia M. I.)
artykuł: Identification of aluminium resistant genotypes among madeiran regional wheats (dos Santos T. M., Slaski J. J., Pinheiro de Carvalho M. A., Gananca F. T.)
artykuł: Cyanide - induced ethylene biosynthesis in dormant apple embryos (Bogatek R., Sykala A., Krysiak C.)
artykuł: Dynamism and localization of H2O2 production in elicited plant cells (Orban N., Boka K.)
artykuł: GABA synthesis during cold acclimation and freezing in barley and wheat (Mazzucotelli E., Tartari, Cattivelli L., Forlani G.)
artykuł: Analysis of proteins? Polymorphysm in different sunflower genotypes (Capatana A.)
artykuł: Screening for PGR in the rhizosphere of Nicotina glauca in southestern Spain (Gutierrez-Manero F. J., Pereyra de laIglesia M. T., Domenech J., Lucas-Garcia J. A., Probanza A., Barriuso J., Ramos B.)
artykuł: Interplay of metabolite signals and gene expression in redox regulation of photosynthesis in Arabodopsis thaliana (Wormuth D., Baier M., Kandlbinder A., Dietz K. J.)
artykuł: Induced mutagenesis and mutants screening in plant somatic cell culture (Karanova S. L.)
artykuł: Activation and perception of calcium oscillations during nod factor signalling (Oldroyd G. E. D.)
artykuł: Overexpression of knap1, a knotted1-like homebox gene, may induce altered tree growth and development in transgenic apple (Malus domestica L. borkh) lines (Wattilon B., Druart P., Magein H., Kettmann R.)
artykuł: Determination of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase activity in crude plant extracts using 2,6-dichloroindophenol or phenazine methosulfate sensitized radioisotope assay (Solcova B., Hoyerova K., Dobrev P. I., Kaminek M., Motyka V.)
artykuł: Increased shoot lead accumulation accompanied by higher level of Ca-depandent Pb-tolerance in themutant of tomato (Lycopersicon aesculentum Var, Radek) (Antosiewicz D. M., Draniak M.)
artykuł: Thermoluminescence from frozen leaves: variations on a theme (Janda T., Szalai G., Ducruet J.-M., Paldi E.)
artykuł: Two xyloglucan endotrans glucosylase/hydrolase related gnes (Cs-XTH1 and Cs-XTH3) expressed during cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) somatic embryogenesis are also regulated by wounding and mechanical stimuli (Malinowski R., Filipecki M., Noyszewski A., Malepszy S.)
artykuł: Guard cell protoplasts of sugar beet: an improved protocol for isolation and regeneration (Wisniewska E., Domachowski A., Majewska-Sawka A.)
artykuł: Acclimation of barley and its Chlorina f2 mutant to the high irradiance based on responses of photosynthetic activity and pigment composition (Vrabl D., Kuldova K., Stroch M., Kalina J.)
artykuł: Use of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) growing in hydroponic colture and in contaminated soil with zinc salts (Cuirli A., Balzano G., Alpi A.)
artykuł: Quantitave detection of a transcipt of trans-zeatin O-glucosyl transferase gene (ZOG1) from Phaseolus in transgenic tobacco (Storchova H., Vankova R.)
artykuł: Snow removal reduces the growth of bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) early in the growing season (Tahkokorpi M., Taulavuori E., Taulavuori K., Laine K.)
artykuł: The rate of the absorption of radioactive sucrose by generative organs of field beans (Vicia faba L.) at various phases of their development (Czyczylo-Mysza I., Dubert F.)
artykuł: Rapd markers for polymorphism identification in the parasitic weed Orobanche cumana Wallr (Ciuca M., Pacureanu M., Iuoras M.)
artykuł: Capillary electrophoresis as a method for measuring self - incompatibility of Brassica oleracea Var. Capinata L. (Walogorski P., Tobola K., Klein M., Dubert F.)
artykuł: Relation of quantum yield of photosystem II to oxygen evolution rate in a lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici (Vaczi P., Bartak M.)
artykuł: Multiple phospholipase d are involved in regulation of polar growth in tobacco pollen tubes (Potocky M., Bezvoda R., Valentova O., Zarsky V.)
artykuł: Qtl analysis of drought-related traits in vegetative maize plants (Conde-Martinez V., Pekic S., Steed A., Smith P., Boyd L., Quarrie S.)
artykuł: Differential metabolic correlation networks in plant physiology (Weckewerth W.)
artykuł: Phytohormones and pollen-pistil interactions in Petunia hybrida L. (Kovaleva L., Zakharova E., Timofeeva G., Rakitin V.)
artykuł: Ultraviolet-B: ethylene as a component of the damage resisting system (Borisova T. A., Rakitin V. Y., Kuznetsov V. V.)
artykuł: The effect of salinity on some physiological parameters in soybean cultivars (Cicek N., Cakirlar H., Bozcuk S.)
artykuł: Influence of sugars on phototropin 2 action (Banas A. K., Gabrys H.)
artykuł: Biotic and abiotic stress resistance correlates with tolerance to necrotization induced by reactive oxygens and nitric oxide (Barna B., Harrach B. D., Pogany M.)
artykuł: QTLs governing ozone impacts on wheat yield (Kaminska A., Gillespie C., Dodmani M., Bilsborrow P., Quarrie S., Barnes J.)
artykuł: Cell wall enzyme activities involved in the regulation of the elongation growth of maize leaves and roots (Vuletic M., Hadzi-Taskovic Sukalovic V., Zivanovic B., Dakovic T.)
artykuł: The role of phytohormones in rhizosphere processes in may (Zea mays L.) (Wittenmayer L., Merbach W.)
artykuł: Genetic enginieering for tolerance to drought an salinity, with special reference to the role of plant heat-shock protein/molecular chaperons (Altman A.)
artykuł: Role of auxin transcription factors in the regulation of fruit developmentand ripening (Pech J. C., Latche A., Bouzayen M., Wang H., Jones B.)
artykuł: Variability of gas exchange, hydraulic conductance and leaf-to-sapwood area ratio within crowns of European larch trees (Kupper P.)
artykuł: Recent advances in using microarray technology to study the role of hormonal control in plant responses to abiotic stress (Amtmann A., Armengaud P., Breitling R., Herzyk P.)
artykuł: Can the metabolic activity of hardened grasses be related to their resistance to snow mould? (Pociecha E., Plazek A.)
artykuł: Organelle DNA analyses in interspecific somatic hybrids of potato (Antonova O., Thieme R., Szczerbakowa A., Fedorina J., Wielgat B., Gavrilenko T.)
artykuł: Ornithine decarboxylase is highly expressed in secondary roots and spermidine synthase in shoot vascular tissues (Paschalidis K. A., Roubelakis-Angelakis K. A.)
artykuł: Effects of heavy metals on Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) zopf exposed in urban site and in vitro (Aprile G., Basile A., Leone A., Sorbo S., Di Salvatore M., Castaldo Cobianchi R.)
artykuł: Teaching plant biology in a time of change: providing scientific information in relation to demands (Lawlor D. W.)
artykuł: Mutants for photosystem I subunit D of Arabidopsis thaliana (Ihnatowicz A., Pesaresi P., Richly E., Salamini F., Leister D.)
artykuł: Substitution of low temperatures with GA3 treatment for flower induction of narcissus pseudonarcissus L. "Fortune" cv. (Zapartan M.)
artykuł: The effect of phytohormones, cycloheximide and sodium fluoride on chlorophyllide esterification, shibata shift and regeneration of protochlorophyllide650 in flash-irradiated etiolated barley leaves (Rassadina V., Domanskii V., Averina N., Schoch S., Rudiger W.)
artykuł: Changes in root water flow properties of Populus tremuloides seedlings under different intensities of water-deficit stress (Siemens J. A., Zwiazek J. J.)
artykuł: Biotechnological model system for plant via tissue cultures (El-Kazzaz A. A.)
artykuł: Morphological changes of plant cells in regulation to auxin accumulation (Seifertova D., Petrasek J., Zazimalova E.)
artykuł: The regerating potential of plant protoplast is triggered by putrescine and is prevented by spermine (Papadakis A. K., Roubelakis-Angelakis K. A.)
artykuł: Gametogenesis of Asplenium cuneifolium cultured In vitro (Kempinska K., Kromer K.)
artykuł: Determinants of polar localization of PIN proteins in Arabidopsis (Wisniewska J., Seifertova D., Benkova E., Vieten A., Mravec J., Palme K., Rouquie D., Friml J.)
artykuł: Aba role in morphogenetic center formation in wheat callus tissue In vitro (Zainutdinova E. M.)
artykuł: Variability in drought response and water use efficiency of barley varieties (Slaski J. J., Archambault D. J., Anyia A. O.)
artykuł: Changes of cGMP concentration in Pharbitis nil exposed to various light conditions (Szmidt-Jaworska A., Jaworski K., Kopcewicz J.)
artykuł: The role of nitric oxide in plants treated with heavy metals (Kopyra M., Gwozdz E. A., Bialczak E.)
artykuł: oles of boron and B-Ca relationship inbiological nirogen fixations (Bonilla I., Bolanos L.)
artykuł: Metabolic engineering of essential oil yield in spike lavender (Munoz-Bertomeu J., Ros R., Arrillaga I., Segura J.)
artykuł: Comparison of the photosynthetic performance of the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum in two different light climates (Jakob T., Wagner H., Wilhelm C.)
artykuł: The change of peroxidase activity in the cocultures of wheat calluses and bunt pathogens under the influence of chitooligosaccharides (Cherepanova E. A., Maksimov I. V., Surina O. B., Jusupova Z. R.)
artykuł: Effect of sucrose and light on ion uptake, growth and rooting in jojoba raised in vitro (Benzioni A., Mills D.)
artykuł: Immunization of tobacco with hydrogen peroxide to oxidative stress caused by viral, bacterial and fungal infections (Hafez Y. M., Kiraly L., Fodor J., Kiraly Z.)
artykuł: Micropropagation of socotran fig, Dorstenia gigas - a threatened species, endemic to the island of socotra, yemen (Krogstrup P., Find J. I., Kristensen M. M. H.)
artykuł: Copper stress induced genesis in birch isolated by suppression subtractive hybridization (Keinanen S. I., Hassinen V. H., Tervahauta A. I., Karenlampi S. O.)
artykuł: Overexpression of Tas14 gene in transgenic tomato plants improves drought and salt stress tolerance (Munoz-Mayor A., Ruiz-Baguena A., Pineda B., Garcia-Sogo B., Pintor-Toro J. A., Estan M. T., Moreno V., Bolarin M. C.)
artykuł: Fingerprinting of common wheat cultivars with Alw441 based AFLP method (Tyrka M., Hinostroza-Lekeu A. M., Lekeu J. P.)
artykuł: Functional genomics: from transcriptome to metabolome profiling (Willmitzer L.)
artykuł: Whole lake primary production assessment by bio-opitacalmodelling - lake auensee 2002 (Langner U., Jakob T., Toepel J., Wilhelm C.)
artykuł: Does nitric oxide induce PAL activity in the dark? (Arasimowicz M., Floryszak-Wieczorek J., Milczarek G., Ciszewski A.)
artykuł: Orchard factors affecting fruit storage quality and prediction of harvest date of apples (Tomala K.)
artykuł: Is the physiological role of GDH in grapevine hidden in the regulatory elements of te Vvgdha promoter? (Skopelitis D. S., Roubelakis-Angelakis K. A.)
artykuł: Optimization of Agrobacterium mediated transient expression in Nicotiana species (Sindarovska Y., Sheludko Y., Gerasymenko I., Kuchuk N.)
artykuł: Phenolic and transcript profiling of lignin transgenics (Boerjan W., Morreel K., Rohde A., Christensen J., Kim H., Lu F., Goeminne G., Van Doorsselaere J., Ralph S., Goeman J., Van der Eycken J., Herdewijn P., Busson R., Storme V., Andersson S., Sundberg B., Ralph J., Messens E.)
artykuł: Toxin of scotch pine pathogen Heterobasidion annosum (FR.) bref (Krawiarz K., Pawlowski T.)
artykuł: Embryonic dormancy presists in the calli derived from apple embryo (Maciejewska B., Lewak S.)
artykuł: Effect of sucrose on phenylpropanoid metabolism in yellow lupine embryo axes infected with fusarium oxysporum schlecht f.sp. lupini (Morkunas I., Stobiecki M., Stachowiak J.)
artykuł: Chelate-assisted phytoextraction of Cd by Brassica juncea: the role of phenolic acids in metal tolerance (Irtelli B., Quartacci M. F., Navari F.)
artykuł: Possible involvement of plant phenolics in catalytic reaction of cytokinin dehydrogenase (Frebort I., Galuszka P., Frebortova J., Popelkova H., Drabek J., Bilyeu K. D.)
artykuł: Evolution of a rapidly spreading satellite homologous to intergenic 26-18S RDNA spacer in naturaland synthetic Nicotiana species (Skalicka K., Lim K. Y., Koukalova B., Volkov R. A., Matyasek R., Hemleben V., Leitch A. R., Kovarik A.)
artykuł: Plant aquaporins - posttranslational regulation, substrate specificity and structure (Kiellbom P., Fotiadis D., Larsson C., Engel A., Johanson U., Fraysse L., Gustavsson S., Sjovall S., Alexandersson E., Fellert M.)
artykuł: Modifications of cell wall mechanical properties in phenylpropanoid-deficient winter rape plants exposed to low temerature treatments (Solecka D., Zebrowski J., Kacperska A.)
artykuł: Different response of inbred and hybrid maize to chilling periods of various duration (Hola D., Kocova M., Rothova O., Benesova M., Bartakova J., Wilhelmowa N.)
artykuł: Use of therminal imaging techniques and xanthophylls content for determination of stress in cork oak (Quercus suber L.) (Tronina L., Grant O. M., Ramalho J. C., Chaves M. M.)
artykuł: Light-induced reorganization of gfb-labeled actin filaments in transgenic tobacco leaves (Anielska-Mazur A., Dobrucki J., Timmers A., Gabrys H.)
artykuł: Sensitivity of non-dormant beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seeds to storage conditions (Pukacka S., Ratajczak E., Hoffmann S. K., Goslar J.)
artykuł: Thermoinduced light emission as a new tool in plant breeding for the evaluation of stress tolerance (Gilbert M., Weingart I., Skotnica J., Wilhelm C., Pors Y., Grimm B., Langebartels C., Seidlitz H., Bahnweg G.)
artykuł: Identification of protein complexes associated witz cytoskeleton in dividing plant cells (Coutuer S., Van Damme D., Van Poucke K., Vanstraelen M., Inze D., Geelen D.)
artykuł: In vivo study of the intracellular localisation and mobility of auxin eflux carriers in tobacco cells (Cerna A., Petrasek J., Zazimalova E.)
artykuł: Nitric oxide initiates lipid peroxidation in the plants (Kurchii B. A.)
artykuł: Changes of some phenolic acids in carrot roots slices during three days storage (Stodolak B., Swiderski A., Leja M., Mareczek A.)
artykuł: Effects of melatonin on circadian rhythms and photoperiodic flower induction in higher plants (Kolar J., Johnson C. H., Machackova I.)
artykuł: Searching for biochemical markers of somatic embryo maturity in pinus pinaster (Tereso S., Miguel C., Zoglauer K., Milhinhos A., Oliveira M. M.)
artykuł: Regulation of root water transport by aquaporins under anoxic and salt stresses (Luu D. T., Tournaire-Roux C., Boursiac Y., Chen S., Javot H., Bligny R., Santoni V., Maurel C.)
artykuł: Changes en the ethylene biosynthetic pathway in olive calli in response to ethrel treatments (Rosales R., Ramos J. M., Garcia-Ayllon S., Garrido D.)
artykuł: The effect of olomucine on polyamine content and mitosis in the root tips of Allium cepa (Tufekci M. A., Unal M., Palavan-Unsal N.)
artykuł: Gating of aquaporins in Chara by high cancentration and hydroxyl radicals (Ye Q., Muhr J., Henzler T., Steudle E.)
artykuł: A comparative study on protoplast regeneration from hypocotyls of Helianthus annuus L. (Vesa Ghenescu S., Rakosy Tican L., Alibert G.)
artykuł: Influence of soil type on pedunculed oak (Quercus robur L.) (Seletkovic I., Potocic N.)
artykuł: The effect of growth regulators on stomatal aperture in senescing cut leaves of Zantedeschia and Hosta (Skutnik E., Rabiza-Swider J., Wachowicz M.)
artykuł: The activity of chlorophyllase isolated from fraxinus excelsior (Bojko M., Pienkos K., Wieckowski S., Fiedor L.)
artykuł: Microcalorimetry as a tool in early detection of wild oat (Avena fatua L.) resistance to fenoxaprop-P-ethyl (Stoklosa A., Skoczowski A., Janeczko A., Kiec J.)
artykuł: Role of ethylene in the control of flower abscission in zucchini squash (Cucurbita pepo) (Gomez P., Penaranda A., Garrido D., Garcia S., Rosales R., Jamilena M.)
artykuł: Protein, phosphatase and peroxidase responses of oleander (Nerium oleander L.) plants during cold hardening conditions (Syros T., Yupsanis T., Petkos D., Economou A. S.)
artykuł: Differential AOS production of Hypericum perforatum cells under elicitation with Colletotrichum gloeosporides (Ribeiro C. L., Dias A. C. P.)
artykuł: Physiological and biochemical analysis of plant plasma membrane PDR-type ABC transporters (Trombik T., Crouzet J., Ducos E., Stukkens Y., Bultreys A., Boutry M.)
artykuł: Molecular markers associated to flowering period in kiwifruit male plants (Novo M., Romo S., Rey M., Gonzalez M. V.)
artykuł: An investigation of putative cytokinin receptors in potato (Solanum tuberosum Cv. Majestic) solon tips (Warnes B., Hanke D. E.)
artykuł: Identification of avirulence factors in the Xanthomonas populi-populus interaction (Pairraud A., Metraux J. P.)
artykuł: Callus induction and plant regeneration of elite triticale cultivars (X triticosecale wittmack, cv. rtanj and goranac) (Mitic N., Nikolic R., Dodig D.)
artykuł: Identification of regulatory elements in the promoter of barley beta-expansin gene by comparative genome analysis (Kwasniewski M., Mizeracka J., Szarejko I.)
artykuł: The "switching on" of lipoxygenase signaling system by brassinosteroid (24-epibrassinolide) in pea leaves (Fedina E. O., Tarchevsky I. A., Chechetkin I. R., Karimova F. G.)
artykuł: Express-estimation of functional activity of microalgae and methods of its receiving (Musienko M. M., Parshikova T. V.)
artykuł: Abscisic acid induced changes in polysome stability and cytodkeleton-bound polysomes paricipation in embryonic tissue during pea seeds germination (Weinder S., Fraczek E., Romanowska M.)
artykuł: Induction of systemic resistance on Arabidopsis thaliana by three plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (Ramos B., Barriuso J., Pereyra M. T., Domenech J., Garcia-Villaraco A., Gutierez-Manero F. J.)
artykuł: Light-induced stress in 'Chlorella' saccharophila (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) from the antelao glacier (Venetian dolomites) (Baldan B., Di Piazza L., La Rocca N., Moro I., Andreoli C.)
artykuł: Serine protease (s) and aminopeptidases are involved in the response to water deficit of homoiohydric and poikilohydric plants (Kidric M., Ugrinovic K., Hieng B., Sustar-Vozlic J., Stevanovic B.)
artykuł: Zinc and lead resistance of lichen populations inhabiting environments of different metal contents (Pawlik-Skowronska B., Skowronski T., Wojciak H.)
artykuł: Expression and characterization of Bacillus phytase in transgenic Arabidopsis (Chan W. L., Lim B. L.)
artykuł: Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase response towards abscisic acid application exhibits certain variaty - and tissue specificity in two Pisum sativum cultivars (Vaseva-Gemisheva I., Todorova D., Karanov E.)
artykuł: Relation between spectral and non-spectral characteristics of radiation incident on the assimilatory apparatus (Navratil M., Spunda V.)
artykuł: Actin-driven endosomes in root hairs (Hlavacka A., Voigt B., Menzel D., Volkmann D., Avramova Z., Baluska F.)
artykuł: Plant protein tyrosine phosphorilation induced by H2O2 and salicylic acid (Petrova N., Zakharova O., Karimova F.)
artykuł: The search of differences in album spectres of generative tissues of the two lines of Helianthus annuus L. linked with CMS-Rf system (Policarpova J. V.)
artykuł: Influence of water deficit on phenolics activity in triticale leaves (Hura T., Grzesiak M.)
artykuł: Plant regeneration and transient GUS reporter gene expression in cumin (Cuminium cyminnium) embryos following particle bombardment and agrobacterium-mediated transformation: roles of plant growth regulators combinations of inoculation and bombardment medium (Ebrahimie E., Dehcheshmeh M. M., Taleie A., Gannadha M. R., Habashi A. A.)
artykuł: Phosphatidylglycerol is an indispensable component of photosynthetic membranes (Domonkos I., Malec P., Sallai A., Kovacs L., Strzalka K., Wada H., Itoh S., Farkas T., Gombos Z.)
artykuł: A specific function for arabinogalactan proteins during tension wood formation ? (Pilate G., Dejardin A., Lesage-Descauses M. C., Laurans F., Lafarguette F., Costa G., Leple J. C.)
artykuł: RNA editing sites in rice and pea chloroplast transcripts: comparison of editing sites among angiosperms (Tsudzuki J., Tsudzuki T., Sasaki T., Inada M., Yukawa M., Sugiura M.)
artykuł: In endocytosis involved in tolerance responses to saline and osmotic stress? (Bahaji A., Aniento F., Cornejo M. J.)
artykuł: Buckwheat as new model crop plant for molecular biology (Pavlova I., Kojima M.)
artykuł: Two stage, large scale, in vitro selection procedure of strawberry plants with increased tolerance to salinity (Dziadczyk P.)
artykuł: Interactions between iron and nickel in uptake and translokation processes in selected vegetable species (Szymanska M., Matraszek R.)
artykuł: Paclitaxel and baccatin III production in different types of Taxus baccata calluses (Cusido R., Bonfill M., Palazon J., Moyano E., Pinol M. T.)
artykuł: Acclimation of mature shade leaves of tropical tree seedlings to high sunlight and uv radiation (Krause G. H., Grube E., Koroleva O. Y., Barth C., Winter K.)
artykuł: Identification of the Polish strains of Chalara ovoidea using RADP molecular markers (Kraj W., Kowalski T.)
artykuł: Diurnal dynamics of photoynthetic parameters of norway spruce (Picea abies) cultivated underelevated CO2. -I Inhibition of CO2 assimilation during summer day (Spunda V., Kalina J., Urban O., Marek M. V., Luis Diaz V.)
artykuł: Is lower-canopy foliage hydraulically moreconstrained than upper-canopy foliage? A case study in silver birch (Sellin A.)
artykuł: Are lipids necessary for violaxanthin de-epoxidation in vitro? (Grzyb J., Latowski D., Strzalka K.)
artykuł: First evaluation of somatic embryogenesis for clonal propagation of nordmann fir (caucasian fir, Abies nordmanniana) (Kristensen M. M. H., Krogstrup P., Find J. I.)
artykuł: Molecular merkers RAPD and SSR associated to a resistant gene inthe particular parasitic system Heliantus annuus L. / Orobanche cumana Wallr (Iuoras M., Pacureanu M., Ciuca M.)
artykuł: Photodamage and photoprotection of PS II reaction centres in the F2 barley mutant (Krol M., Ivanov A. G., Rosso D., Mattoo A. K., Booij-James I. S., Huner N. P. A.)
artykuł: Endogenous polyamine content in winter rape callus subjected to cold hardening (Markowska-Kozak E., Sarjala T.)
artykuł: Participation of Ca2+ ions in early stages of cytokinin action (Medvedev S. S., Markova I. V., Krylova E. A., Kuznetsova Y. N., Getman I. A., Schmulling T., Romanov G. A.)
artykuł: Gateway vectors for high throughput anatysis of plant genomes (Karimi M., Vanderhaegen R., Van Poucke K., Hilson P.)
artykuł: The regulation of the mycorrhiza inducible phosphate transporter StPT3 in poplar plants (Orsini E., Amrhein N., Bucher M.)
artykuł: Photosynthetic efficiency in Populus nigra and Viburnum lantana in open-top chambers (Bussotti F., Strasser R. J., Novak K., Schaub M., Cascio C.)
artykuł: Characterization of Hungarian grapevine cultivars using molecular markers (Kocsis M., Jaromi L., Kozma P., Borhidi A.)
artykuł: Reaction of soybean on the term action of chill (Borowski E., Michalek S., Wawron M.)
artykuł: Gibberellin and daylength control of potato tuberization (Espinosa A., Iglesias J. M., Bou J., Prat S.)
artykuł: Use of dna markers for the differentiation of norway spruce somatic embryo clones and determination of their stability in long-term cultures (Hanacek P., Prochazka S.)
artykuł: Molecular linkage mapping in Cupressus sempervirens L. based on rapd, scar and morphological markers (Aravanopoulos F. A., Manescu C., Maios C., Hamamouch N., Harfouche A., Ghosn D., Doulis A.)
artykuł: Identification and characterization of chromium induced genes from barley leaves (Hordeum vulgare L.) (Ouelhadj A., Humbeck K.)
artykuł: Micropropagation of prosopis koelziana burkart (Farzami Sepehr M., Ghorbanli M.)
artykuł: Proteomic study of plant mitochondrial complexes involved in cytochrome c maturation (Rurek M., Giege P., Grienenberger J. M., Bonnard G.)
artykuł: Rearrangements of mitochondrial genome in cucumber induce higher alternative oxidase expression and symptoms of oxidative stress (Szal B., Bartoszewski G., Ziolkowska A., Malepszy S., Rychter A. M.)
artykuł: Photosynthetic response to heat shock treatment of two tomto cultivars with different thermotolaerance (Camejo D., Nicolas E., Alarcon J. J.)
artykuł: The role of sucrose in regulation of trunk tissue development in woody plants (Novitskaya L., Kushnir F., Nikolaeva N.)
artykuł: Effect of calcium channel brocker verapamil and antioxidant ambiol on growth rate of plants studied by laser interference auxanometry (Budagovskaya N. V., Guliaev V. I.)
artykuł: A case study to test cytometric quantification of In situ hybridisation signals (Martinez-Ballesta M. C., Toepel J., Wilhelm C.)
artykuł: Plant under environmental stress (Kuznetsov V. V.)
artykuł: Root to shoot communication and the suppression of foliar dehydration in flooded plants (Jackson M. B., Jankowiak F., Else M. A.)
artykuł: The spatially selective inhibition of maize root growth during water deficit is temporarily reversed by acidification and correlates with changes in proton flux profiles and wall pH in epidermal cells (Neumann P. M.)
artykuł: Cold tolerance research on Chicorium intybus L. (industrial chicory) (Lootens P., Van Waes J., Carlier L.)
artykuł: Adenine nucleotides and energy charge during dormancy breaking in acer platanoides and Fagus sylvatica seeds (Krawiarz K., Szczotka Z.)
artykuł: The molecular mechanism of RNA polyadenylation in the chloroplast (Schuster G.)
artykuł: The analysis of some trees species leaves growing in polluted environmental conditions (Busuioc G., Stihi C.)
artykuł: The senescene associated nuclear protein HvS40 may function as a cell death suppressor (Kilbienski I., Mulisch M., Dahnhardt D., Schafer A., Lorz H., Krupinska K.)
artykuł: Recovery of photosynthetic apparatus from drought or waterlogging different in inbred and hybrid maize (Kocova M., Hola D., Rothova O., Zdanska H., Kholova J.)
artykuł: Effect of excess copper on enzyme activities of lupin plants (Martins L. L., Silva A. C., Campos-Andrada M. P., Mourato M. P.)
artykuł: Comparison of vital and nonvital Norway spruce populations (Picea abies Karst.) throught seed quality in association with the origin of mother trees by genetic markers (Pucko M., Grebenc T., Konnert M., Kraigher H.)
artykuł: Effects of bas and soil drought on maize respiration energetic efficiency (Krivova L., Vorontsov V., Balaur N., Chintea P.)
artykuł: Do exocyst subunits in plants form a complex? (Zarsky V., Elias M., Drdova E., Synek L., Quentin M., Kakesova H., Ziak D., Hala M., Soukupova H.)
artykuł: Chlorophyll fluorescence and antioxidative enzyme activity of Crinum leaves exposed to winter stress (Oh S. J., Koh S. C.)
artykuł: Orthophosphate uptake in proteoid roots of naturally occurring Hakea sericea Schrad. (Sousa M. F., Silva P., Facanha A. R., Tavares R. M., Lino-Neto T., Geros H.)
artykuł: Photosynthetic activity of in vitro cultured Gentiana kurroo on medium with different sucrose concentrations (Rybczynski J. J., Fiuk A., Borkowska B., Gawronska H., Bernat W., Mikula A.)
artykuł: Does the protochlorophyllide photoreduction induce any changes in molecular dynamics of prolamellar body membranes? (Mysliwa-Kurdziel B., Strzalka K.)
artykuł: Assessing the potential for cadmium phytoremediation with sorghum (Pinto A. P., Pinto F. C., Varennes A., Mota A. M.)
artykuł: Changes in peroxisomal metabolism during Z. aethiopica spathe senescene and regreening: differential expression of two catalase genes (Barbeta C., Pais M. S., Tavares R. M., Lino-Neto T.)
artykuł: Flavonoid pattern in flower parts of Hypericum maculatum Cr. (Martonfi P., Repcak M., Martonfiova L.)
artykuł: Absorbance changes accompanying the fluorescence induction in whole cells of purple bacteria (Bina D., Vacha F.)
artykuł: Global expression profiling applied to plant development (Hochholdinger F.)
artykuł: Free radical precesses in tissue of plants in extreme conditions (Kasumov N., Gambarova N., Aliyeva N.)
artykuł: Biochemical approaches to phytoaccumulation of VOC (Patalakh I., Baidyuk N.)
artykuł: Auxin binding by ABP1 (Napier R.)
artykuł: Somatic embryonesis in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): the influence of saccharide application (Kubes M., Lipavska H.)
artykuł: Cloning and expression of cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylase in potato, a gene related to after-cooking darkening (Wang-Pruski G., Cantal S. E.)
artykuł: Tolerance of Pinus pinaster Ait. to salt: responses to oxidative stress (Azevedo H., Lino-Neto T., Tavares R. M.)
artykuł: Investigating the role of plant hormones in drough stress response using rice deletion mutants (Cairns J., Kathiresan A., Lafitte H. R.)
artykuł: Boron deficiency stress in Medicago sativa L. (Alfalfa) (Cetin E.)
artykuł: Room temperature chlorophyll fluorescence recorded at different spectral region of excitation and detection (Stroch M., Podolinska J., Cajanek M., Spunda V.)
artykuł: Effect of inoculation with putative pgprs isolated from Pinus sp. on Pinus pinea growth and mycorrhization with Lactarius deliciosus (Barriuso J., Gutierrez Manero F. J., Pereyra M. T., Daza A., Camacho M., Santamaria C., Ramos B.)
artykuł: Chromosome 5A of wheat affects abiotic stress-induced changes in glutathione levels (Kocsy G., Szalai G., Szilagyi V., Galiba G.)
artykuł: Comparison of the effects of Cd toxicity with iron and manganese deficiency on thylakoid development in poplar (Sarvari E., Gaspar L., Kropfl K., Fodor F., Cseh E.)
artykuł: The influenceof plant-producing phenols on the microcystin production by Mirocystis aeruginosa (Bialczyk J., Dziga D., Lechowski Z.)
artykuł: The proton gradient (deltapH) dependent thermoluminescence quenching in thylakoids and implications for NPQ (Wagner H., Gilbert M., Goss R., Wilhelm C.)
artykuł: Tobacco cells transformed with fission yeast CDC25 gene display characteristics evocable by cytokinin application (Suchomelova P., Uchytilova L., Lipavska H.)
artykuł: Elucidation of methyl jasmonate inducible signalling pathways leading to the production of secondary metabolites in plant cells (De Sutter V., Hakkinen S., Vanderhaeghen R., Oksman-Caldentey K. M., Hilson P., Inze D., Goossens A.)
artykuł: Exploiting thermoluminescence signals from plants for plant ecology and plant physiology (Wilhelm C., Gilbert M., Weingart I., Wagner H.)
artykuł: Comparison of Agrobacterium tumefaciens - mediated transformation with bombardment transformation in Vitis vinifera L. (Cardoso H., Figueiredo A., Blade A., Pais M. S.)
artykuł: The balance between light energy conservation and dissipation allows optimal adaptation to stress (Schmidt L., Tsimilli-Michael M., Strasser R. J.)
artykuł: Plant regeneration in culture In vitro of chrysanthemum inflorescence explants (Kulpa D., Rzepka-Plevnes D., Siemaszko M.)
artykuł: Molecularbreeding TM directed molecular evolution in the development of second generation biotechnology crops (Muller M. L.)
artykuł: Trichoderma asperellum and plant induced resistance (Shoresh M., Viterbo A., Chet I.)
artykuł: Effects of potassium status and ABA on the water uptake in sunflower plants (Fournier J. M., Roldan A., Sanchez C., Benlloch M.)
artykuł: Bioinformatics of maize genome (Karlowski W. M., Gundlach H., Bharti A. K., Kim R. H., Yu Y., Wei F., Fuks G., Soderlund C., Wing R. A., Messing J., Mayer K. F. X.)
artykuł: Aquaporin homologues in plants transport ammonia with high capaity (Jahn T. P., Moller A. L. B., Zeuthen T., Holm L. M., Klaerke D. A., Mohsin B., Kuhlbrandt W., Schjoerring J. K.)
artykuł: Role of calcium dependent protein kinase (CDPK) in growth and development of Pharbitis nil seedlings (Jaworski K., Szmidt-Jaworska A., Kopcewicz J.)
artykuł: Reoxidation of photosystem II acceptor side measured on intact needles of winter-adapted scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) at subzero temperatures (Durchan M., Siffel P.)
artykuł: Fluctuactions in the last-step of the ethylene biosynthesis during the growth and dewelopment of the fertilized ovary of Prunus insititia (Damons plum) (Dios P., Matilla A. J., Gallardo M.)
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