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Background. Vegetable by-products are considered as good sources of dietary fibre and other biologically important compounds. Moreover, they are inexpensive and are available in large quantities. The objective of this study was to determine chemical composition and hydration properties of dietary fibre rich carrot pomace powder. The impact supplementation of carrot pomace at different levels (replacing of fine wheat flour with 1, 3, 5 and 10% of carrot pomace) on farinographic properties of wheat dough and qualitative and sensory characteristics of wheat rolls were also evaluated. Material and methods. Chemical analyses included determination of moisture, ash, fat, proteins and total dietary fibre. Hydration properties such as water holding, water retention and swelling capacity were also determined. Rheological parameters of carrot pomace powder incorporated wheat doughs were determined by farinograph. Wheat rolls were evaluated for their qualitative (yolume, cambering) and sensory characteristics. Results. Carrot pomace powder was found as good source of total dietary fibre and showed high values of hydration properties. Incorporation of this by-product to wheat dough influences farinographic characteristics (increasing of water absorption, dough development time and dough stability, decreasing of mixing tolerance index) of dough and qualitative parameters of final products (decreasing of loaf volume and cambering). From the sensory evaluation resulted that loaves incorporated with carrot pomace powder up to 3% were the most acceptable for assessors. Conclusions. Carrot pomace powder can be considered as suitable functional ingredient for wheat rolls. Enrichment wheat flour with Iow concentrations of carrot pomace powder (1 and 3%) not only increases nutrition value of products but also did not have significant impact on their quality and sensory acceptability.
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Opis fizyczny
- Department of Food Science and Technology, Insitute of Biotechnology and Food Science, Slovak University of Technology, Radlinskeho 9, SK - 812 37 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
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