Zawartość wolumenu
artykuł: The influence of powdered rosemary on the quality of fish oil during storage (Glowacz A., Wielesik B., Kolodziejska I.)
artykuł: Separation of dehydrogenated and decarboxylated betanins by high-speed countercurrent chromatography in processed red beet root (Beta vulgaris L.) extracts
artykuł: The inhibitory activity of long-chain free fatty acids on lactic acid bacteria, yeast and mould (Mutlu T. K.)
artykuł: Antioxidant capacity of rapeseed and its products (Szydlowska-Czerniak A.)
artykuł: Phenolic compounds profile and antioxidant activity of Persea americana Mill. peel and seed extracts (Kosinska A., Karamac M., Estrella I., Hernandez T., Amarowicz R.)
artykuł: Investigation of the systematic availability of the cyanotoxin cylindrospermopsin in Brassicaceae (Kittler K., Maul R., Kopf A., Koch M., Nehls I.)
artykuł: A comparative study of Raman lasers suitability (785 vs. 514 nm) for the characterization of green and red tomatoes composition (Trebolazabala J., Maguregui M., de Diego A., Madariaga J. M.)
artykuł: Effects of different drying processes and pretreatments on quality properties and nutrients of Lentinus edodes (shiitake) mushroom (Suna S., Ozturk A., Tamer C. E., Copur O. U.)
artykuł: Novel processing techniques and their effects on glucosinolates and membrane associated myrosinases in broccoli (Frandsen H. B., Sorensen H., Sorensen J. C.)
artykuł: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in honey from Switzerland (Kast C., Kilchenmann V., Dubecke A., Gallmann P., Beckh G., Lullmann C.)
artykuł: Phytochemical characterization of licuri (Syagrus coronata (Martius) Beccari) seeds: phenolic composition and antioxidant capacity (Belviso S., Ghirardello D., Giordano M., Ribeiro G. S., Parodi S., Risso S., Zeppa G.)
artykuł: Comparison of acrylamide content in ginger cakes with different kinds of spices (Markova L., Ciesarova Z., Kukurova K., Przygodzka M., Zielinski H., Bednarikova A.)
artykuł: Storage stability of lipid fraction in blackcurrant seeds (Pacholek B., Rydjan K.)
artykuł: A pseudo-cereal: buckwheat (Yildiz G., Uylaser V.)
artykuł: Optimizing method for the measurement of insoluble antioxidants in foods (Cejpek K., Banacka E., Konecny M., Velisek J.)
artykuł: Antioxidants in nutrition: what are they needed for and what can they do? (Grune T.)
artykuł: Comparative study of microelement accumulating characteristics of microalgae (Molnar S., Milinki E., Kiss A.)
artykuł: Spices as natural antioxidants in foods (Akuneca I., Podjava A., Jakobsone I.)
artykuł: Evaluation of selected fruits extracts from Rutheacae and Punicaceae family influence on tea Camellia sinensis extracts antioxidant potential (Jezierska M., Gramza-Michalowska A., Sidor A.)
artykuł: Investigation of acrylamide formation in vanillin-asparagine model system (Hamzahoglu A., Gokmen V.)
artykuł: Effects of red wine drinking on total polyphenol content and antiradical activity of oral fluids (Varoni E., Vitalini S., Gardana C., Simonetti P., Lodi G., Iriti M.)
artykuł: Antioxidant activity of the peptide fraction from Parmigiano-Reggiano cheeses at different ageing times (Bottesini C., Paolella S., Lambertini F., Galaverna G., Dossena A., Marchelli R., Sforza S.)
artykuł: Mechanistic insights into furan formation in Maillard model systems (Adams A., Van Lancker F., Owczarek-Fendor A., De Meulenaer B., De Kimpe N.)
artykuł: Variability of macro- and trace elements content in winter savory (Muller I. D., Kremer D., Vujic L., Cepo D. V.)
artykuł: Study on intrinsic composition of purple corn as natural antioxidant resource and development of novel, anthocyanin rich functional foodstuff (Kiss A., Forgo P.)
artykuł: Food components targeting the epigenome (Gerhauser C.)
artykuł: Emulsion-based meat products as a tool for functional food (Sante-Lhoutellier V., Benet M., Anton M., Castellani O., Astruc T.)
artykuł: Influence of the buckwheat bread formulation on the viability of E. coli and P. aeruginosa (Martinez-Rodriguez A. J., Szawara-Nowa D., Wiczkowski W., Zielinski H., del Castillo M. D.)
artykuł: Mitigation of acrylamide formation in biscuits by different baking applications (Kocadagli T., Gokmen V.)
artykuł: The contribution affects of the some ingredients in making Hosmerim (Savas E.)
artykuł: Evaluation of polyphenols and antioxidative activity of cocoa and chocolate products (Kroyer G., Molnar T.)
artykuł: The effect of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) sprouts and groats addition to high fat diet on biochemical and antioxidant parameters of plasma in rats (Chlopicka J., Francik R., Berkoz M., Krosniak M., Krason M., Kryczyk J.)
artykuł: Roasting affects quality and safety of hazelnuts: acrylamide, HMF and computer vision image analysis for their monitoring (Arlorio M., Coisson J. D., Travaglia F., Rinaldi M., Fiore A., Ferracane R., Fogliano V.)
artykuł: Physicochemical properties of pomegranate pestil (fruit leather) (Yildiz B., Tamer C. E., Copur U.)
artykuł: Determining antioxidant distributions between the oil, water, and interfacial regions of model food emulsions: a pseudophase kinetic approach (Bravo-Diaz C., Losada-Barreiro S., Paz V. S.)
artykuł: Application of high performance liquid chromatography with UV and tandem MS detection for analysis of beta-carotene in food supplement based on conifer needle extract (Rjabova J., Bartkevics V., Drille M., Rubens J.)
artykuł: Phenolic content extracts Algerian dates (Phoenix dactylifera L.) and evaluation in vitro of their biological activity (Alloui-Lombarkia O., Daas-Amiour S.)
artykuł: Antioxidant activity, phenol and flavonoid contents of Portuguese shrub: Erica australis (Carvalho I. S., Nunes R. S.)
artykuł: Effects of microwave and hot-air popper methods on some characteristics of popcorn (Dogan I. S., Yildiz O., Javidipour I.)
artykuł: Anti-nutritive and anti-allergic properties of green tea extract depend on catechins concentration and processing (Velickovic T. C., Tantoush Z., Kravic B., Mihajlovic L., Apostolovic D., Atanaskovic-Markovic M., Stanic-Vucinic D.)
artykuł: Antimicrobiological effects of extracts from Cornelian-cherry (Cornus mas L.) is related to the flavonoids contents and blood antioxidant properties (Krosniak M., Francik R., Krzysciak W., Berkoz M., Krzysciak P., Bystrowska B., Ochonska D., Kryczyk J.)
artykuł: Innovative honey based food products (Swiderski F., Czerwonka M., Waszkiewicz-Robak B.)
artykuł: Antioxidant capacity of pancreatic hydrolysates of lentil meal proteins (Karamac M., Kosinska A., Rybarczyk A., Urbalewicz A., Penkacik K.)
artykuł: HPLC analysis of catechins from Camelia spp. (Sempruch C., Stefaniuk A., Chrzanowski G., Leszczynski B.)
artykuł: Isolation of heart healthy peptides derived from Palmaria palmata and incorporation of these peptides in bread (Fitzgerald C., Gallagher E., Tasdemir D., Hayes M.)
artykuł: Diet and redox equilibrium of the organism (Bartosz G.)
artykuł: The relative importance of food chemistry for health (van Dokkum W.)
artykuł: Treatment and prevention of disease with dietary fatty acids (Richter W. O.)
artykuł: Mitochondrial function of human preadipocytes may be modulated by antioxidants quercetin and beta carotene, and exogenous free fatty acids (Sliwa A., Goralska J., Awsiuk M., Czech U., Gruca A., Kiec-Wilk B., Knapp A., Dembinska-Kiec A.)
artykuł: The contents of selected carbohydrates in common cattail (Typha latifolia) (Kurzawska A., Gorecka D., Szwengiel A.)
artykuł: Sauerkraut juice is excellent source of glucobrassicin degradation products - potential anticancerogenic agents (Ciska E., Honke J.)
artykuł: The effects of the process parameters on iodine value and trans isomer formation during electrochemical hydrogenation of rapeseed oil (Gilewicz-Lukasik B., Koter S., Karlovits G.)
artykuł: How does affect thermal processing to functional properties of bean flours? (Aguilera Y., Esteban R. M., Benitez V., Sarmento T., Molla E., Lopez-Andreu F. J., Martin-Cabrejas M. A.)
artykuł: Effect of frying process on antioxidant capacity of vegetable oils, meat and potatoes (Szydlowska-Czerniak A., Kilanowska A., Szlyk E.)
artykuł: Degradation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural during yeast fermentation (Gul Akillioglu H., Atac Mogol B., Gokmen V.)
artykuł: Antioxidant activity of phenolic extracts of Sari Ulak Tarsus olives grown in Turkey (Keceli Mutlu T., Turan Demirtas E.)
artykuł: Chemists in the food industry - much more than a bare need! (Bockisch M.)
artykuł: New enzyme-resistant dextrins from corn starch - from structure to functionality and health (Kapusniak J., Jane J., Jochym K., Slizewska K.)
artykuł: Procedure of determination of multiresidue pesticides in honey based on acetonitrile extraction and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (Barganska Z., Slebioda M., Namiesnik J.)
artykuł: Plant-microbes interactions: possible outlook (Suslova O., Samojlenko T.)
artykuł: The effects of the exraction methods on Turkish olive phenols (Savas E., Arslan O.)
artykuł: Are antioxidants multifunctional food ingredient that can impact both health and food quality (Decker E. A.)
artykuł: Influence of microencapsulation parameters on the stability of the rosemary aroma during storage (Janiszewska E., Witrowa-Rajchert D.)
artykuł: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in European honeys and honeys from overseas (Dubecke A., Beckh G., Lullmann C.)
artykuł: Biological activity of dietary glucosinolates and opportunities for their use in functional foods (Mithen R.)
artykuł: Vitamins B1, B2, B6 in raw and processed buckwheat sprouts (Ornatowska A., Penas E., Frias J., Vidal-Valverde C., Piskula M. K.)
artykuł: Effects of different peeling methods on quality of canned peppers (Incedayi B., Tamer C. E., Copur O. U.)
artykuł: Fluorescence of Maillard reaction compounds and FAST index in breads (Przygodzka M., Zielinski H., Piskula M. K.)
artykuł: Determination of antioxidant values of hawthorn and cranberry fruits growing in Turkey and its products such as marmelade and sauces (Batu A., Kaplan O.)
artykuł: Application of SPME-GC-FID technique for the detection of meat-accumulated organic solvent residues originated from animal feed produced from oil-extracted and recycled plant parts (Virag D., Kiss A.)
artykuł: Determination of acidity regulators and preservatives in drinks using ion chromatography (Yusenko E., Kalyakina O., Polyntseva E., Kalyakin S.)
artykuł: Radical scavenging capacity of cocoa polyphenols triggers anti-inflammatory properties in human monocytes and allows protective effects on H9c2 cardiomyoblast exposed to oxidative stress (Arlorio M., Coisson J. D., Travaglia F., Locatelli M., Bordiga M., Zamperone A., Pietronave S., Brunelleschi S., Prat M.)
artykuł: Effects of far infrared treatment on soybean proteins (Basman A., Yalcin S.)
artykuł: Reactions of isothiocyanates may affect flavour and colour of foods (Cejpek K.)
artykuł: Cuisine, chemistry and music; What they have in common? (Rachon J.)
artykuł: NMR as a method for screening of fatty acids composition in edible oils (Castejon D., Mateos-Aparicio I., Herrera A., Cambero M. I.)
artykuł: Validating allergen coding genes (Cor a 1, Cor a 8, Cor a 14) as target sequences for hazelnut detection via real-time PCR (Recupero M., Garino C., D'Andrea M., Locatelli M., Cereti E., Coisson J. D., Arlorio M.)
artykuł: Determining polyphenolic antioxidant distributions between the oil, water and interfacial regions of model food emulsions (Bravo-Diaz C., Losada-Barreiro S., Paz V. S., Pavia-Martins F.)
artykuł: Influence of the microenvironment of thiol groups in low molecular mass thiols and protein on the reaction with methylglyoxal (Acimovic J. M., Stanimirovic B. D., Todorovic N., Jovanovic V. B., Mandic L. M.)
artykuł: Application of response surface methodology (RSM) in the optimization of infrared treatment conditions for pasting properties of rice (Basman A., Yalcin S.)
artykuł: Intact glucosinolates as bioactive food components (Sorensen S., Blok Frandsen H., Sorensen H., Sorensen J. C.)
artykuł: Screening of the antioxidant capacity of selected spices by updated analytical strategies (Przygodzka M., Zielinska D., Ciesarova Z., Zielinski H.)
artykuł: The influence of microwave drying parameters on biologically active components content in selected herbs (Nowacka M., Witrowa-Rajchert D., Luczywek K.)
artykuł: Preparative separation of phenolic compounds from Lactuca sativa L. (Olszowka K., Perucka I.)
artykuł: Antioxidant activity of extract of shea nut meal and its fractions (Janiak M., Penkacik K., Urbalewicz A., Amarowicz R.)
artykuł: Spectrophotometric study on betanin degradation under the influence of metal cations (Wybraniec S., Sporna A., Stalica P., Mitka K., Kowalski P., Surylo P., Michalowski T.)
artykuł: Study on specific bioactive components and antioxidant activity of selected fruits and vegetables (Forgo P., Kiss A., Muranyi Z.)
artykuł: Effect of starch and maltodextrin on physical properties of soy protein isolate-based edible films (Galus S., Lenart A., Mathieu H., Debeaufort F.)
artykuł: Current status of nutrition and health claims in Europe (Verhagen H.)
artykuł: Peptides derived from simulated gastrointestinal digestion of the prolamin fractions extracted from different wheat varieties: implications for the celiac disease (Prandi B., Bencivenni M., Galaverna G., Sforza S., Marchelli R.)
artykuł: U-HPLC-MS/MS analysis to quantify the antioxidant content of tomatoes subjected to different cultivation conditions (Van Meulebroek L., Vanhaecke L., De Swaef T., Steppe K., De Brabander H.)
artykuł: Effects of NaCl, heat and protease modifications on solubility properties of protein concentrate isolated from whole grain hull-less barley flour (Yalcin E.)
artykuł: The influence of sterilization with EnbioJet microwave flow pasteurizer on composition and bioactivity of blueberry honeysuckle juice (Kusznierewicz B., Piekarska A., Paszowska M., Matusik O., Poleska-Muchlado Z., Bartoszek A.)
artykuł: Analytical methods to determine antioxidant capacities of food samples (Pyrzynska K.)
artykuł: Food metabolomics in the post-genomic era: specific fingerprint and biomarkers for vegetable oils and fruit juices (Socaciu C., Parloc R., Leopold L., Ranga F., Fetea F.)
artykuł: Effects of gamma irradiation on sugars, fatty acids and tocopherols of chestnuts (Castanea sativa Miller) (Barros L., Antonio A. L., Barreira J. C. M., Fernandes A., Bento A., Botelho M. L., Ferreira I. C. F. R.)
artykuł: Chemical profiles of wines produced by industrial yeast hybrids (Kunicka-Styczynska A.)
artykuł: Sterols and carboxylic acid-5-hydroxytryptamides in selected tree nuts (Zahm A., Axel C., Speer K.)
artykuł: Effects of far infrared treatment on lipoxygenase activity and antinutritional factors of soybean samples (Basman A., Yalcin S.)
artykuł: Antioxidant activity of isochromans derived from hydroxytyrosol (Sanchez J. L. E., Pereira-Caro G., Mojarro A. M., Clemente L. B., Briz R. M.)
artykuł: The application of in vitro and in vivo transgenic approaches for evaluating the harmful or beneficial effects of foods (Wolf C. R., Henderson C., Scheer N.)
artykuł: Optimization of glucosinolate bioconversion into isothiocyanates using response surface methodology (Alvarez Jubete L., Valverde J., Smyth T., Barry Ryan C.)
artykuł: Bioactivity of Bowman Birk inhibitors in thermally processed orange juice (del Castillo M. D., Amigo-Benavent M., Bravo L.)
artykuł: The study of the correlation between concentration of carotenoids separated from spinach leaves and their antioxidant activity (Ligor M., Buszewski B.)
artykuł: Berry seed oils as a source of bioactive compounds in functional foods (Martysiak-Zurowska D.)
artykuł: Linear discriminant analysis as a tool to assess the effects of irradiation treatment and storage time on antioxidant activity of Castanea sativa Miller skins and fruits (Barreira J. C. M., Antonio A. L., Fernandes A., Bento A., Quintana B., Ferreira I. C. F. R.)
artykuł: Total antioxidant capacity and total polyphenol content of the selected plant products measured by DPPH, ABTS and Folin-Ciocalteu methods (Czlapka-Matyasik M., Gramza-Michałowska A., Fejfer M., Jeszka J.)
artykuł: Effect of nanoencapsulation on the reactivity of omega fatty acids under thermal processing conditions (Mogol B. A., Gokmen V., Lumaga R. B., Fogliano V., Shimoni E.)
artykuł: Oxidative stress and redox signalling: an update (Sies H.)
artykuł: Reduction of milk allergenicity using new synthesized Cu(II) complex as artificial protease (Divsalar A., Saboury A. A., Mansouri-Torshizi H.)
artykuł: Meat products as functional foods. A paradox? (Pegg R. B.)
artykuł: High pressure-modified starches as carriers for phenolic compounds (Gorecki A. R., Blaszczak W., Hernandez T., Estrella I., Bartolome B., Garrido L.)
artykuł: Foodomics: new omics for new foods (Ibanez E., Herrero M., Garcia-Canas V., Simo C., Cifuentes A.)
artykuł: Fenugreek as a source of plant sterols (Rudzinska M., Przybylski R., Ciftci O. N.)
artykuł: Effect of color, season, tissue position on contents of glucosinolates in cabbage (Brassica oleracea) (An G., Ko J.)
artykuł: Comparison of antioxidant properties and polyphenol composition of special purpose coffees roasted in Poland (Pilipczuk T., Kusznierewicz B., Zielinska D., Bartoszek A.)
artykuł: Characterization of chemical composition of dried acid-whey preparations obtained by various membrane separation processes (Jadacka M., Soral-Smietana M., Wronkowska M., Zander L., Dajnowiec F., Banaszczyk P.)
artykuł: The bioactive components and antioxidant activity of olive leaves (Keceli Mutlu T., Harp F.)
artykuł: Brassicaceae derived food and feed responsible for low level thiouracil residues (Kiebooms J. A. L., Vanden Bussche J., De Brabander H. F., Vanhaecke L.)
artykuł: Nutritional profiling of wheat germ oil for the value added baked products; correlation with lipid profile management
artykuł: Antioxidant capacity of rapeseed and oils from different technological stages (Szydlowska-Czerniak A., Trokowski K., Szlyk E.)
artykuł: Eicosapentaenoic acid as mitochondria protective agent in endothelial cells exposed to stress (Goralska J., Sliwa A., Zapala B., Gruca A., Czech U., Awsiuk M., Dembinska-Kiec A.)
artykuł: Bioavailability of anthocyanins from red cabbage products (Wiczkowski W., Topolska J., Szawara-Nowak D., Ornatowska A., Piskula M. K.)
artykuł: Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Ronczka S., Speer K.)
artykuł: Investigation of functional food components and parameters affecting their stability (Virag D., Kiss A.)
artykuł: Reduction of biogenic amines in cheese using selected lactic acid bacterial strains and high hydrostatic pressure (Pasztor-Huszar K., Simon P., Dalmadi I., Kisko G., Simon-Sarkadi L.)
artykuł: Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) buds: a potential functional food (Galletti S., Branca F., Bagatta M., Argento S., Iori R.)
artykuł: Assessment of the antioxidant properties of corn foodstuffs (del Castillo M. D., Ullate M., Rodriguez-Valenciano M., Blanch G. P.)
artykuł: Antioxidant activity of melanoidin-like polycondensation products, isolated from model reactions of amino acids, lipid oxidation-derived aldehydes and carbohydrates (Kitryte V., Adams A., Venskutonis P. R., De Kimpe N.)
artykuł: The antioxidant capacity of the selected fruits and their preserves - pilot comparative study (Czlapka-Matyasik M., Gramza-Michalowska A., Fejfer M., Zielinski H.)
artykuł: Comparative determination of radical scavenging capacities of different honeys measured by various tests
artykuł: The fatty acids SFA and UFA of cold-pressed vegetable oils (Kondratowicz-Pietruszka E.)
artykuł: Determination of partial baking time for cake (Yildiz O., Dogan I. S.)
artykuł: Influence of temperature and equilibration time on the quantification of aroma impact compounds in coffee brews (Sanchez-Ayaso L., Ludwig I. A., Paz De Pena M., Cid C.)
artykuł: Composition and antioxidative activities of supercritical CO2-extracted oils from seeds and soft parts of northern berries (Yang B., Ahotupa M., Maatta P., Kallio H.)
artykuł: Changes of cholesterol in deep-fat fried meat products with addition of natural antioxidants during storage (Kmiecik D., Hes M., Rudzinska M., Gramza-Michalowska)
artykuł: Use of white grape pomace as a source of dietary fibre and polyphenols in biscuits (Mildner-Szkudlarz S., Bajerska J., Zawirska-Wojtasiak R.)
artykuł: The influence of powdered rosemary on the quality of fish oil during storage (Glowacz A., Wielesik B., Kolodziejska I.)
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