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If aging were simply a matter of wearing out, we would expect all centenarians to be in poor health, trapped in bodies with many deteriorated working parts. Actually, standards of health are high among numerous centenarians. Those who study centenarians been taken aback by their strong attachment to freedom and independence. Even though biological aging in humans fall into two categories (Programmed or adaptive and Non- programmed or non-adaptive theories) in our Meta – analysis we predominantly focused our attention on Non-programmed theories of aging. We selected some factors that play significant role in secondary aging, namely self-discipline, to have meaning and purpose in life, maintaining a steady weight through life, eating more quality than quantity of food, be physically active, have social ties be practical rather than idealistic also assertive but at the same time flexible to new challenges in life. Also have more wisdom than intelligence. Above mentioned indicators are greatly influenced by way we think. We believe that by apply positive psychology’s principles to our existence we can enhance biological, psychological and social homeostasis consequently enhances overall health and longevity.
Słowa kluczowe
- Department of Physical Education and Sport, University P.J Safarika, Kosice, Slovakia
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