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The first finding of the Alpine shrew Sorex alpinus in the Magurski National Park (Beskid Niski Mts, SE Poland))
Języki publikacji
Opisano nowe stanowisko ryjówki górskiej Sorex alpinus (Schinz, 1837) w Beskidzie Niskim. Ryjówkę stwierdzono na terenie Magurskiego Parku Narodowego, gdzie gatunek ten nie był dotychczas notowany. Miejsce odłowu zlokalizowane było w południowo-wschodniej części Parku, koło miejscowości Huta Krempska (49°29´6˝ N, 21°30´24˝E), na wysokości 470 m n.p.m. Ryjówkę złowiono w strefie przybrzeżnej potoku górskiego w sierpniu 2009 roku. Stwierdzenie nowego stanowiska wypełnia lukę w rozmieszczeniu tego gatunku na granicy Karpat Wschodnich i Zachodnich
The Alpine shrew Sorex alpinus is a small insectivore mammal of the Soricidae family. It is an endemic species in Europe, occurring in mountainous regions: in the Alps, the Dinaric Alps, the Carpathians and the Sudetes Mts. The distribution range of this species is fairly wide but fragmented, which increases its isolation and the extinction risk. In the IUCN red list it is assessed as near threatened (NT category), and in the Carpathian List of Endangered Species as a vulnerable species (VU category). In Poland, S. alpinus is distributed in the Sudetes and the Carpathians. It is one of the rarest shrews among Soricidae occurring in Poland. At present, the least number of occurrence sites of this species is known from the Low Beskids. A new location of S. alpinus in this region was found in the Magurski National Park, and it was also the first finding of this species in the Park. The shrew was captured in August 2009 in the south-eastern part of the Park by a mountain stream at the altitude of 470 m. The information on the new location of S. alpinus completed the data about the distribution of this species along the southern boundary of Poland. The authors formulate the hypothesis that the low number of alpine shrew occurrence sites in the Low Beskids results from the intermediate character of a mountainous habitat in this region located between the western and eastern Carpathians
Opis fizyczny
- Katedra Ekologii Stosowanej, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II, ul.Kontantynów 1h/204, 20-718 Lublin
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